Jack Toft
Years ago

2014 GF Series - Game 3

I've said it before that epic grand final series deserve to go 3 games and good things come in threes. The 3 musketeers, the 3 amigos, 3 little pigs, 3 Macbeth Witches, 3 Stooges, 3 primary colours, 3 Chappel Brothers, and 3 Hanson Brothers.

NBL Championships just don’t grow on trees. You have to earn them. The sweat that is poured on Sunday isn’t just the sweat of that day. It is the sweat of the players since they started playing in U8. Every shoot they take is the culmination of the thousands of shots taken since then, the thousands of kilometres driven by parents to courts scattered around the place and the millions of ball dribbles (especially those around the house driving their parents bonkers)

I expect the refs will be read the riot act and could result in either extreme situation of a lot of non-calls, or a lot of overcalls. Perth have a lot more "superstars" than Adelaide, but really only go 7 deep. Jervis is just there to give Knight time to duck off for a quick wee during the quarter, U’U gets 6 mins/game, and I believe my favourite Cat Erik is disrespected with his 5 min/game. (surely we can squeeze him into the Sixers lineup?) Because they are shallow in their roster, their play style is more predictable. You know who is going to spin move, which way they spin, who will toss a successful three and who won’t. It’s pretty obvious who is going to flop and who is going to do those sneaky little fouls.

Adelaide on the other hand are a lot deeper making it easier for Joey to have options and harder for Trevor Gee to work out a plan. The minutes are more evenly spread and when one player is down, anyone can lift at any time to fill a gap. Adelaide work more as a team and I think that stands out. Adelaide look VERY sharp when they stick to the basics and forget about the showtime ball. Whenever they start taking too many risks to impress fans, the efficiency drops off. Don’t worry about impressing us, we know you’re good.

This game will be tighter than a pair of budgie smugglers on a fat Bavarian businessman at a hotel swimming pool. If you are not at the game, invite your mates around to watch it on the big screen and turn the surround sound on.

Momentum is with the Sixers while the Cats are too worried about playing the man and not the ball. You all know who I want to win and who I think will win. No matter who does win, this grand final series is a fitting end for the two teams who were the best all year and whose fans are right behind them. The only thing certain on Sunday afternoon is that Perth Arena will need some new nets for next season. I would like to see Gibbo hold those nets up high. Go Sixers!

Topic #34232 | Report this topic

Years ago

great write-ups, should get a gig on nbl.com.au, the writers on there are so bland

Reply #469392 | Report this post

Years ago

Jack always knows a colourful way to put things.

Reply #469396 | Report this post

Years ago

I always wanted to go to Bavaria,... but not any more.
Good write-up Jack!

Reply #469445 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

Always aim to please

Reply #469465 | Report this post

Years ago

Great write up Jack. Been extremely close all year in 6 games played it's now 3-3 with Perth holding a +1 differential.
Its a home game and I know im biased but Perth by 5.

Reply #469469 | Report this post

Years ago

Adlaide have foud their swagger and belief now, expecting 6ers by 10. Hindsight, much better to be able to win after Perth hit the front, and instead of cracking and folding they found the extra gear and still got the must win result! Perth although rattled couldnt play much better than game 2, the foul count and way it was officiated really evened things up like it shouldve been in game 1. Another sell out, another great thing for NBL, and just like the Tigers celebrated in Perth all those years ago, expect Gibbo to hold up the trophy in a big upset. Side note 6ers at $4/1 WOW!

Reply #469485 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

Perth with plenty to worry about overnight in order to get the W in front of a demanding home crowd. Plenty of pressure on them to succeed whereas the Sixers go in with the confidence of a teenager dating a cougar. Wildcats have lost the last 2 grand final series in a row, been knocked out in the SF series the season before so I would imagine the Perth fans would be toey as after 3 seasons of what some would see as failure to convert. They would be feeling like the ultimate wingmen if the Sixers won tomorrow.

What is their defensive plan tough? Their arsenal need to be a little more than:
* flopping when someone is driving to the hoop
* sneaky little holds and pushes
* relying on Damien Martin to get a steal in the backcourt
* locking arms with the opposition to make it look like a hold

Offensively? How will they match the score?
* getting it to a cutting Ennis for a tomahawk jam/alley oop
* creating a mismatch on Knight in the paint for the put in
* launching 3's
* hoping for Ennis to crash over the top of the defence for the OR
* hoping for a Knight OR so they can kick it out and chuck up another 3

From the stats:
Wildcats average: 19.4 PF, 22.5 3PA, 46.2 2PA, 20.2 FT, 36.5 RB
Sixers average: 20.8 PF, 17.9 3PA, 54.7 2PA, 24.0 FT, 40.5 RB

Trevor G and his band of merry assistants with plenty of stuff to think about during a sleepless night in Perth.

Reply #469499 | Report this post

Years ago

Jack toft you are a one eyed Adelaide moron. Please be available tomorrow afternoon around 2pm to eat humble pie and complain about the refs.

Reply #469500 | Report this post

Big Ads  
Years ago

Poor Kev, just proved Jack's point about Cat fans being toey. Meanwhile, Adelaide fans still in a state of bliss from making it to Game 3 of Grand Final series.

Reply #469504 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

Kev, Every Club has a Golden Era. A small window that all sporting clubs have when everything is going right for them and the best time for a premiership. Perth is in it's Golden Era right now. New Zealand's Golden Era has finished (arguably), yet during their Golden Era they were able to better convert their success than Perth with Perth being their whipping boy in the last 3 finals campaigns. It's no good being good if you can't translate that into silverware, just ask Geelong Football Club.

Perth have been very good in the previous 3 seasons, but what do they have to show for it? If they do not win tomorrow, that will be four unsuccessful campaigns in a row during this golden age, which will come to an end at some point. As I Perth fan how do you feel about being unable to convert these opportunities?

Reply #469506 | Report this post

The Situation  
Years ago

Perth couldn't play much better than game 2? Interesting...they were far from their best.

Reply #469507 | Report this post

Years ago

Let the record show Kev's views towards Jack don't represent all Perth fans.
Jack is passionate about his club, can't begrudge that. 12 years is a long time between drinks hey Jack :)
One of the best grand finals series in a long time great for both clubs and the league.

Reply #469508 | Report this post

The Situation  
Years ago

I wouldn't call Jack a moron. One eyed, sure. Filled with wishful thinking, absolutely. But a moron! Ok maybe a little.... ;-)

Reply #469509 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

Let me put it this way. The NBL Finals is like a night club. The last few years the Sixers haven't been let in by the bouncers, but Perth have been the kings of the dance floor and have been dirty dancing with the hottest girl in the night club.

Except that come closing time instead of that hot girl getting in the taxi back to the Perth Pad, some lanky Kiwi has cut your lunch during the last dance and you guys go back to the Pad by yourself.

Perth doesn't deserve to go back to the pad empty handed, but could Adelaide cut your lunch just one more time?

Reply #469511 | Report this post

Years ago

Interesting analogy Jack.
It does feel a bit that way. Bad enough losing to the kiwis but sure don't want the croweaters winning on our turf.

Reply #469513 | Report this post

Big Ads  
Years ago

So given the history between the two clubs which one would be the older brother in this analogy. I would have thought Adelaide.

Reply #469518 | Report this post

Cats 4 life  
Years ago

Think u guy's forget, perth played without martin and no import and lost both times. We had another import and martin fit we could of got 1 out of the two. If adelaide win good on them, but like we have said don't want the refs to decide the game.

Reply #469524 | Report this post

Years ago

How many Wildcat players were at their best last night? Not many I'd say.

Reply #469531 | Report this post

Years ago

I cannot believe we are playing a grand final decider at 11am.

Hopefully that will allow the u/10s enough time to finish their game so they can watch.

Reply #469532 | Report this post

Fill Smythe  
Years ago

Kev has suddenly gone vewy, vewy qwiet!

Reply #469540 | Report this post

Years ago

I hate being honest and frank but the best team all year has been Perth. Adelaide have done very well so, if Perth win it, then as they finished top, for sure....you deserve it.
If 36ers get the W, then it caps off a remarkable year from cellar dwellers when no one said they would make top 2. I felt maybe 4th or 5th but 2nd?
Whatever happens, im happy with where we are right now, 1-1 with one game left.

Reply #469549 | Report this post

Years ago

"Think u guy's forget, perth played without martin and no import and lost both times."
Martin only missed last year's series, Kevin Lisch never missed a grand final.

Try again.

Reply #469563 | Report this post

Years ago

Jack is a very funny dude. Great posts

Reply #469571 | Report this post

cats 4 life  
Years ago

In a moon boot before game 3

Reply #469580 | Report this post

Years ago

He can be in a moon boot all he likes (although I don't recall hearing anything of the sort), he still played. As did Lisch.

Reply #469582 | Report this post

Years ago

lol at an 11am local tipoff, really?

Ten insisted on a 1pm EST start, even though for most of the season the slot was at 2pm and moved to 1pm later and it's not like their afternoons are back to back live programming so why be so rigid

Reply #469584 | Report this post

Years ago

NZ >>> Perth

Reply #469585 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

Game day baby and I'm more excited that Steve Carfino with an invite to Stevie Weigh's birthday party.

Looking forward to a Sixers win, but won't be too disappointed if Perth win as like I said above Perth fans must be anxious about being so close for the last 3 years without any result.

Either way, whenever the Sixers return to Adelaide airport, there will be 16 virgins waiting for them spreading rose pedals at their feet.

Reply #469604 | Report this post

The Situation  
Years ago

I accidentally celebrated early last night and my head hurts like a mofo. 14,000 screaming fans is not what I am looking for right about now.

Reply #469607 | Report this post

Years ago

could go either way

perth have the advantage with home crowd and the fact the refs dont often call them on the crap they like to pull. but the sixers cannot allow perth to out hustle them. if that happens perth will win the game. the first 5-10 minutes adelaide must come out and out-hustle perth hard-core and then we are in with a chance. i think ervin will be relishing the big stage and will want to try to take the game over. if he is hot he will go off big-time and bury perth if he isnt he will burn adelaides chances.

Reply #469608 | Report this post

Years ago

Nothing a few $10 beers won't fix!

Reply #469610 | Report this post

Cats 4 life  
Years ago

Had 6 pak 4 breaki, on our way, if i am a bit abusive, don't take it personal! Every team trains and plays hard to have a chance at the prize. So gd luck to both teams! Every one sit back and enjoy!

Reply #469614 | Report this post

Years ago

I think he meant that they only had one import on their team - they still had room for one more import in their team..

Reply #469615 | Report this post

Years ago

Hopefully game 3 is a worthy finale to a great finals series and NBL season. Was a brilliant season for a variety of reasons. Fingers crossed the two teams come out and play hard....and shoot the lights out.

My prediction, Perth by single digits.

PS: Joey needs to keep the rotations and match ups solid. No loading up the floor with guards....LS, DJ and Petrie need to own the glass if Adelaide are any chance.

Reply #469617 | Report this post

Years ago

Just remember what Adelaide produced in their last play-off series decider.

I'm sure the Tigers haven't forgotten

Reply #469623 | Report this post

Gordon Liddy  
Years ago


Reply #469626 | Report this post

Years ago

Ever since becoming the Wildcats coach Trevor Gleeson has said all the right things and acted in the way the fans wanted of him and he has got us here!

I can't see the crowd turn on him but he would be sweating bullets more than anyone not affected up in Queensland.

Good luck to both teams and I hope triple figures can be reached by both teams

Go Perth

Reply #469627 | Report this post

Years ago

Reply #469633 | Report this post

Years ago

Perth getting home calls already...

Reply #469634 | Report this post

Statsheet Stuffer  
Years ago

So that's how it's gonna be eh refs?

Reply #469635 | Report this post

Years ago

This is already a bit of a joke. Even Carfino thinks they are making bad calls already.

Reply #469636 | Report this post

Statsheet Stuffer  
Years ago

We really need to show hard and double off that ball screen like last week, especially with the corner pick and roll.

Reply #469637 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

Does Redhage know how to set a pick without moving his arms?

Reply #469638 | Report this post

Years ago

Doesn't need to, the refs no calls means it's legal...

Reply #469639 | Report this post

Years ago

This Adelaide team is amazing when you consider how poor they all shoot it from deep.

You'd think people would just be able to pack the paint and render them ineffective but they find a way to score still.

Reply #469641 | Report this post

Years ago

The calls have settled down a but though. Can't complain about the first quarter. Someone get Schenscher a free throw coach!

Reply #469642 | Report this post

Years ago

Someone get Schenscher a "0 foot bunny off an offensive rebound" coach...

Reply #469644 | Report this post

Years ago

And maybe a strength coach as well

Reply #469645 | Report this post

Years ago

Big Red airball 12 foot open jumper. Ouch. Missed by at least a foot too.

Reply #469647 | Report this post

Years ago

Adelaide foul the Perth player right under the Adelaide basket while Perth are in the bonus LOL

Reply #469648 | Report this post

arthur deigh  
Years ago

What did Carter do??

Reply #469649 | Report this post

Years ago

Talk about home court call....

Reply #469650 | Report this post

Years ago

Carter jumped on him! Carcinoma said redhage flopped ! Bullshit

Reply #469651 | Report this post

Carcus Mamby  
Years ago

How the fuck does redhage always get he's way

Reply #469652 | Report this post

arthur deigh  
Years ago

Did Mayberry then ask Redhage if he was OK???


Reply #469653 | Report this post

Years ago

He stood there while redhage flopped and then stood there some more and got called for a foul

Reply #469654 | Report this post

Years ago

Carfino that is

Reply #469656 | Report this post

Years ago

Does Redhage train with the Perth Glory on off days?

Reply #469657 | Report this post

Carcus Mamby  
Years ago

Career jumped on him? How about redhage not move and hold when setting picks

Reply #469658 | Report this post

Years ago

He stood there and jabbed him in the guts

Reply #469659 | Report this post

Carcus Mamby  
Years ago


Reply #469660 | Report this post

Years ago

Why do the sixers players sag off and drop there hands as soon as there players catches the ball on the three shot?

Reply #469661 | Report this post

Years ago

What a load of crock!
A flop by Redhage then a tech on Carter?
Every NBL player you get to speak to absolutely hate this guy and the way he plays.
He's why other team supporters support their's and anyone who plays Perth.
Just the way it is.....

Reply #469662 | Report this post

Years ago

100bucks to whoever can punch that smug flopper in the face.

Reply #469663 | Report this post

Years ago

Adelaide fans smoking already and resorting physical violence.. Typical

Reply #469664 | Report this post

kings fan  
Years ago

Lets be realistic, the only time Adelaide has looked better then pert was that 1st half in game 2. Perth has looked better for majority of this series. The better team is wining

Reply #469665 | Report this post

Statsheet Stuffer  
Years ago

Christ Ronaldson haha, he cracks me up.

Reply #469666 | Report this post

Years ago

No smoking here. And I wasn't saying I would punch him in the face. Just suggested someone else may want too.

Reply #469667 | Report this post

kings fan  
Years ago

he plucks his eyebrows

Reply #469668 | Report this post

Years ago

Simple thing though, Adelaide needs to hit some shots!

Reply #469669 | Report this post

Years ago

Simple thing though, Adelaide needs to hit some shots!

Reply #469670 | Report this post

arthur deigh  
Years ago

The Mr Floppy drinking game:

Every time Redhage runs into someone and waves his arms around, you have a sip.

If he gets a foul called on the other player you take 2 sips.

If he gets a tech called, you finish the bottle.


Reply #469672 | Report this post

kings fan  
Years ago

slammin I bet you wouldn't punch a 6'7 foot 103 kilogram guy if you saw him face to face!

Reply #469673 | Report this post

Years ago

Gonna be a long way back but we can do it. Really need to fix the offensive side of the ball and get stops.

Reply #469674 | Report this post

Years ago

LOL - shithouse Adelaide outfit. Move on.

The real interest here is in how BAD Ronaldson can possible get. OMG that dude has nothing to offer.

Reply #469675 | Report this post

Wilson Sting  
Years ago

I don't know why Joey puts Cadee and Creek on the floor at the same time. In fact, I don't really know why there are on the floor at all. Is anyone in foul trouble yet?

Reply #469676 | Report this post

Years ago

Perth are playing defense like the hawks game 2 series.I predicted it if they play like that, no one can come close to them. no onw!

Reply #469677 | Report this post

Years ago

Redhage may have flopped but he is killing the 36ers all over the court. Sucked Carter in beautifully.

Reply #469678 | Report this post

Wilson Sting  
Years ago

Great play to finish the half, left the Adl defense looking pretty stupid.

Reply #469679 | Report this post

Years ago

I wouldn't punch anyone in the face to be honest, but not because he is 6 kegs heavier then me and 3 inches taller. Simply because think punching in the face is wrong. Wouldn't stop me from accidentally clocking him with an elbow on a rebound though...

Reply #469680 | Report this post

Years ago

"I don't know why Joey puts Cadee and Creek on the floor at the same time. In fact, I don't really know why there are on the floor at all. Is anyone in foul trouble yet?"

^^^^ THIS

I've said it a million times. Adelaide needs to NEVER EVER put all the little league guards on the floor together. Cadee, Creek, Gibson, Ervin, Teys.....must muscle Perth, must win boards, must intimidate. Get the bigs on FFS!!

Reply #469681 | Report this post

Years ago

Fact is we are getting outplayed by a better overall team.

Reply #469682 | Report this post

Years ago

Creek is dumb as an oak. he has no basketball awareness. He is a dumb jock.

Reply #469683 | Report this post

Years ago

Sit Schenscher, post up DJ, make sure Petrie runs in for every board as soon as the shot goes up. Oh and keep your fucking hands up on D

Reply #469684 | Report this post

Years ago

Adelaide just doesn't adjust when things aren't going there way.

Reply #469685 | Report this post

Years ago

Now Knight is flopping!

Reply #469686 | Report this post

Years ago

Carfino can get fucked keeps accusing cats of flopping. Knight on dj was legit you cunt

Reply #469687 | Report this post

Years ago

Congratulations Perth!

I just wish my 6ers dished up something than the bloody rubbish they have and made it a game!

Reply #469688 | Report this post

Years ago

Another flop...

Reply #469689 | Report this post

Years ago

Petrie looks like the only guy in blue who wants it.

Reply #469690 | Report this post

Years ago

Yeah home team was always gonna win

Perth are a disgrace the way they constantly flop though.

Redhage is the biggest dck in the NBL flops and is dirty.

Reply #469691 | Report this post

Years ago

Cats are the flop kings overall.
I don't blame 'em for trying when they get away with it.
Kev, clean it up, kids on this site.

Reply #469692 | Report this post

Years ago

Knight can just push off DJ but then gets the call going to the basket....seriously?!

Reply #469693 | Report this post

Years ago

Agreed, Perth always gonna win it.
Good to see lots of extra cash going somewhere as there is a game 3. Peach is a rugby basketballer, shows plenty of tuff.

Reply #469694 | Report this post

Years ago

Wow. Just wow...

Reply #469695 | Report this post

Years ago

Gleason is a dck too blames the refs (what coach uses them as an excuse) yet he's on his knees pleading for calls right next to the ref. Much classier Gleeson.

Reply #469696 | Report this post

Years ago

How is that a charge on Schenscher when Flophage is in the semi-circle...?

Reply #469697 | Report this post

Years ago

Will Ennis crack a tantrum when Beal wins the GF MVP?

Reply #469698 | Report this post

Years ago

Wow kev you're a disgrace. What sort of language is that on a forum that kids who love basketball read.

You should be banned!

Reply #469699 | Report this post

Years ago

Flophage is a disgrace to the league. As Carfino said that is why I don't watch soccer

Reply #469700 | Report this post

Years ago

This redhage shit is getting a bit ridiculous. I am not a fan of either team (so its not coming from an adelaide fanboy perspective), but he is making this game unwatchable. It's not his fault: he's just trying to get an edge. It's all on the officials.

Reply #469701 | Report this post

Years ago

Beal has been better over three games.

As for Ennis, doubt he'll be an NBA player.

Reply #469702 | Report this post

Years ago

Bowtie, if kids are on here, then set a good example and commend the players and for playing fair and having sportsmanship yourself

Reply #469703 | Report this post

Years ago

Adel have to deal with Perths recent GF failures

Reply #469704 | Report this post

Years ago

Should be some flop fines come from this game.
Perth have had 3 extras on the court but they are in black n grey

Reply #469705 | Report this post

Years ago

Have to be the worse officiated three game grand final ever. Surely these guys won't get it next year.

Appears they just want to keep the home crowds happy'

Reply #469706 | Report this post

Years ago

Players flopping and refs calling them. This is absolute shit basketball.

Someone do a video review of the calls, it's worse than LA vs Sacramento.

A great finish to the season NBL refs. Not.

Reply #469707 | Report this post

Years ago

Hahaha no worries kev. You're talking about setting an example when you've used the most disgraceful language I've seen on here.

Pot kettle black much!

Reply #469708 | Report this post

Years ago

On a different note nice to see the sixers players given new singlets. Looks a lot more pro then the patch over the VIP logo.

Reply #469709 | Report this post

Years ago

Just cut it to 10 by the end of the quarter and your in with a chance

Reply #469710 | Report this post

Years ago

They could cut it to ten by no chance. They haven't played like a team on the road of a grand final decider. Yes the refs have been poor and slightly one sided but sixers didn't come to play like they had talked about leading up to the game. No excuses they didn't deliver.

Oh and I'm a sixers fan.

Reply #469711 | Report this post

Years ago

I can't wait to see a foul count. Anyone have one off the box score?

Reply #469714 | Report this post

Years ago

The refs aren't why they are losing. The fact the sixers haven't adjusted is. The refs and the flopping team in red just makes it a shit game to watch and stupidly frustrating when your team has no chance to make a comeback due to not being able to play there game.

Reply #469715 | Report this post

Years ago

Perth are by far the BEST TEAM IN THE LEAGUE.

Reply #469716 | Report this post

Years ago

These two teams have been dominant at home and chances of one of them losing was low. If Adelaide had home court then they'd probably have the championship but Perth did what they needed to during the season to get that advantage.

They were due and deserved to get one before their "window" closes. Don't think anyone can deny them that.

Reply #469717 | Report this post

Wilson Sting  
Years ago

Creek and Cadee on for Teys and Ervin after about 2 minutes in the third. What is Joey doing?

Reply #469718 | Report this post

Years ago

If 36ers have been playing better, then the refing shouldn't matter. Refing should never have an influence on your game. Different refs have slightly dif interpretations on the rules. Players should adjust so.

Reply #469719 | Report this post

Years ago

They're the best by not by far. Adelaide had a better home record, one less import and beat Perth multiple times. So to say they're that much better is just a stupid comment.

Could say two less imports of you add Redhage to the list. Def don't want to claim him as an Aussie that's for sure!

Reply #469720 | Report this post

Years ago

The first 2 calls of the game set the scene, knight flopped but got the charge call then teys tries to fight through the screen from redflop and got called Perthshire way. Very frustrating game.

Sixers haven't played smart.

Game is ridiculous now with silly fould being called everywhere. Sdefinately not the showpiece game of huge year I was hoping for.

Reply #469721 | Report this post

Years ago

The first 2 calls of the game set the scene, knight flopped but got the charge call then teys tries to fight through the screen from redflop and got called Perthshire way. Very frustrating game.

Sixers haven't played smart.

Game is ridiculous now with silly fould being called everywhere. Sdefinately not the showpiece game of huge year I was hoping for.

Reply #469722 | Report this post

Years ago

Perth as outscored the 6ers in 9 of the last 11 quarters in this series

Reply #469723 | Report this post

Years ago

Has the app stopped working or anyone else? Can't get the live stream back

Reply #469724 | Report this post

Years ago

Is that not a tech for hitting the ball before inbounded?

Reply #469725 | Report this post

Years ago

maybe we should remove charge fouls from the game. we should not be rewarding players for getting in good position on defense. would that make 36ers fans happy! refs have not cost Adelaide this game. they have been outplayed.

Reply #469726 | Report this post

Years ago

im just embarrassed for the sport right now.

perth have been good enough to win this grand final series without the horrible flopping that has blighted the game and the horrible reffing. no denying perth has been the better team but they play embarrassing basketball and i hope to god this is addressed soon. imagine trying to explain to people who dont understand basketball why guys who are 6'10 are falling over at the slightest touch every chance they get. if the refs let them get away with it then perth will keep doing it. start handing out game bans on repeat offenders.

Reply #469727 | Report this post

Years ago

If you cant admit perth are the better team after todays flogging then you are dumb as fuk

Reply #469728 | Report this post

Years ago

Perth the best team all season, deserve to win.
Joey won his Championship when he got them to game 3. Do the players feel a bit of that themselves?
They lack something.
What is the crowd worth to Perth? More than the Adelaide crowd to 36'ers, always have been. No offence, SA.

Reply #469729 | Report this post

Years ago

Good thing for Perth is they are doing this without ennis. He has done nothing.

Reply #469730 | Report this post

Years ago

I can't admit they are a better team. They played better today and Adelaide lost confidence in what they were doing. If there was a game 4 and 5 I would put money on those games being split too.

Reply #469731 | Report this post

Years ago

Read above comment ignorant anonymous poster

Reply #469733 | Report this post

Years ago

Totally agree Phil.
However, when they win Championships doing it and pack biggest crowds, why change?

Reply #469734 | Report this post

Years ago

Play all 12, Gleeson. Let them put a ring on their finger for something.

Reply #469736 | Report this post

Years ago

Pert outplayed Adelaide in game 1. in game 2 Adelaide only outplayed perth in one half and pretty much was outplayed in the second half. in game 3 perth again destroyed Adelaide. PERTH HAS BEEN THE BETTER TEAM WON OVERALL.

Reply #469737 | Report this post

Years ago

Phil hit the nail on the head

Hasn't cost Adelaide the game but has certainly ruined a game three and perths display as impressive some areas are, should also be embarrassed and fined for this display of flopping.

Hahaha yeah no worries fast break. Rewarding good position in d. Typical biased one sided call. If that was my team id own up to it and not make excuses.
Certainly would t say it's great defense.

It's a physical game and the way they're flopping is a joke. It's everything that a lot of people hate about soccer.

Reply #469738 | Report this post

Cats 4 life  
Years ago

Jack toft? Eat the pie hope it was sweet as mine! Nets will look kilkeph 2nyt! U were dreaming! And the bull shit write ups! U got 6 months to think ove better ones! 6 time champs chump!

Reply #469740 | Report this post

Years ago

Perth outplayed adelaide in game one yet adelaide only outplayed Perth for a half in game two????

Stupid comment. Perth won by 7 yet were 34 from the foul line so the refs outplayed the sixers in game one.

Reply #469741 | Report this post

Years ago

Well done to the cats. Bettet team today. Wish it was a bit closer .

Reply #469742 | Report this post

Years ago

Well done to Perth too good this game, really out played us. NBL has real problems with the umpires but we were destroyed today.

Reply #469743 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #469745 | Report this post

Years ago

Well at least that's over now and everyone can settle in and watch Alby Mangels and the Bolt Report replay.

Reply #469747 | Report this post

Years ago

After this 3 game series, I for one would be asking why not a 5 game series?

Nothing to do with who won or who is playing, I would just like to see us go a little NBA and have 3 game series in our semi finals and a 5 game series for the grand final...

Is there a reason we don't consider this, that anyone is aware of?

Reply #469748 | Report this post

Years ago

Dominant win from the wildcats. The NBL needs to look at the way that charging fouls are called and the punishment handed out for flopping. Perth played to the rules as they were being interpreted by the officials on the day so can't really blame them for being dirty. If the NBL truly wants to get there league more recognition and fans then they really need to start with the consistency of the refereeing and the soft calls that are constantly made.

I may be a 36ers fan but I am also a fan of basketball in general and would love for more people to get into the sport. At the moment the top tier league in this country looks and acts like an amateur league. Ticketing issues with game 2, starting a grand final decider at 11am because 10 wanted to have a replay of some 60's show at 3pm or whatever, massive discrepancies between the quality of the "show" between teams, it just doesn't look good to the casual observer.

Reply #469749 | Report this post

Years ago

Perth are easily in great shape to go back 2 back. They have the contacts to go out and get a better import then Ennis and keep Beal.Only worry is marto re-signing.

Reply #469750 | Report this post

Years ago

I read a lot of adelaide supporters on here saying don't blame the refs as sixers were poor (yes some are making excuses), but Perth supporters on here are a disgrace poor winners. Some of the language is a disgrace. Be proud of the win but try doing it with a little class.

This should be a healthy discussion on here not put downs. Two great teams who have been dominant at home. The team that got it done better in the regular season gained the big advantage therefore deserved the win.

Well done to Perth and hard luck to the sixers (my team). Both had a great season.

Reply #469751 | Report this post

Years ago



Reply #469753 | Report this post

Years ago

cry baby!Ervin needs to stop crying.

Reply #469754 | Report this post

Years ago

I can't believe what i'm reading 6ers came from bottom of the ladder to the grand final. Perth came from losing the grand final twice in a row to winning it. Both teams improved on the result they had last year can't we all just get along and celebrate everyone's victories? congratulations to Perth and hopefully 6ers will get the next one.

Reply #469755 | Report this post

Years ago

Surely martin would not leave Perth couldn't imagine him in another jersey.

I'm a sixers fan and id love to have him play here. Am
I silly in saying I think he should be MVP?

Reply #469756 | Report this post

Years ago

Congrats perth. Made plays and got the calls they needed to play their scrappy style.

Chin up sixers, great season, can't wait for next season already.

Perth crowd......
Don't boo players and coaches as they collect the runner up awards, that's just disrespectful.

Reply #469757 | Report this post

Years ago

Not an avid NBL follower but have seen the odd game and read up on here about it.

From what I have seen a big congrats to Perth. They have put on sell out games with a huge supportive fan base, their games look like a lot of fun even on TV you can see the energy. The investment they have made into basketball has obviously been great and it seems that they have a great basketball business model. No wonder they can attract and keep the best players.

All I can say to the other teams is learn from the best and come back fighting.

Reply #469758 | Report this post

Years ago

See since my post , two more negative pathetic pointless posts by Perth supporters.

Reply #469759 | Report this post

Years ago

"Perth crowd......
Don't boo players and coaches as they collect the runner up awards, that's just disrespectful."

Adelaide crowd would boo

Reply #469760 | Report this post

Statsheet Stuffer  
Years ago

Adelaide's 59 today was the lowest total by any team in any Adelaide game all season (2nd was also their total round 18 @Perth).

Perth just played harder than them... cue Mr Cuban saying 'that's a ridiculous statement', but it's true.

Adelaide just played to lose today, well done Wildcats.

The problem of flopping is rooted pretty deep and the league really needs to fix it ASAP. I cannot believe Carter got a tech/unsportsmanlike foul for just standing there. He literally did nothing.

Reply #469761 | Report this post

Years ago

Wow perth were insane in game 3.That defence off the pick and roll and rotations, hustle and just in general intensity was clinical

Reply #469763 | Report this post

Statsheet Stuffer  
Years ago

The booing of opposition when collecting awards is a dog act. Who knows if Adelaide would've done the same, that's wild speculation.

The battle is over, the season is over. No reason to keep giving it to them.

Reply #469764 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Years ago

Congrats to Perth. Was always going to be tough. Was confident we could do it but wasn't overly surprised it got that blown out.

Well done to Joey and the team.

Reply #469765 | Report this post

Statsheet Stuffer  
Years ago

Oh and the call of 'charge' when Matt Knight walked into Carter's path at the start of the game was just inconceivable.

Reply #469769 | Report this post

Years ago

What a flogging!! Ervin a front runner.

Reply #469771 | Report this post

Years ago

Adelaide fans wow just admit the best overall team won. Perth's wins were a total combined of 41, Adelaides was 5!

Reply #469772 | Report this post

Years ago

Unlikely Adelaide's fans would have booed. No reason to & it is plainly disrespectful.

Stupid thing to boo about too seeing as Ennis & Tatalovich weren't saints in the matter either.

Perth had game 1 to get it out of their system & it was fair enough to do it again in game 2, hey whatever works. But after the final siren, it is a pathetic way to celebrate your title & shows that section of Wildcats fans are poor winners.

Shame on them.

Reply #469773 | Report this post

Years ago

Ennis is a tosser but Ervin has him beat in that department!.

Reply #469774 | Report this post

Years ago

Congrats Perth after last two years it's a relief to get the win.
It's a shame there's so much bitching on this thread win or lose some people need to learn sportsmanship.
Adelaide should be proud of your team going from spoon to 2nd is a great effort.

Reply #469775 | Report this post

Years ago

6ers fan boo there own team, but some how that's OK

Reply #469777 | Report this post

Years ago

Ervin 5 points 1 assists on 1-8 shooting. BYE BYE

Reply #469779 | Report this post

Years ago

How many times do we have to explain we were booing marty not the team and we put up with his crap for 2 seasons before we resorted to that.

Reply #469781 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

It was a GF Series that deserved to go to 3 games and it went three games.

Well done to Adelaide who have found their Mojo this season and have made their fans proud.

Well done to Perth who were the dominate team all season and whose championship it was to lose, but were able to secure it.

I'm looking forward to Season 2014/15 !

Cats 4 life, perhaps don't drink and post, or if you do make you post more lucid so we can attempt to understand you. Did you hit your head while you were imitating a Redhage flop?

Reply #469784 | Report this post

Years ago

Perth's biggest worries.


And replace Ennis.

Reply #469789 | Report this post

Years ago

Congrats to Perth, well deserved win. NZ and the Wildcats have been the benchmarks winning the past five titles, both super teams.

It's up to everyone else to get up to that level now, Adelaide made some pretty good steps towards doing so this season, just couldn't pull out a G3 miracle. Maybe they needed Marty Clarke back today to pull out a win in Perth!

Reply #469791 | Report this post

Years ago

Perth with Ennis,Beal and a healty knight and Damob against a breakers with Cedric and Boucher. Would have been a epic series.

Reply #469796 | Report this post

Years ago

Ennis' body language is terrible he is such an arrogant pig

Reply #469801 | Report this post

Years ago

@Jack Toft , two things I like about you
1. You copped the loss on the chin
2. You put cats4life in his place.
I hope we can keep Beal he and Damo the best backcourt pair in the league.

Reply #469802 | Report this post

Years ago

Perth deserved to win they did all the little things. Watching Redhedge & Knight act like the got shot every time someone touched them was terrible. Brett Maher was calling Redhedge out over twitter.
Bring on the next season.

Reply #469804 | Report this post

Statsheet Stuffer  
Years ago

Haha wow Maher went all out.

#dirty #cantstandhisgame

Reply #469809 | Report this post

Years ago

Insipid performance by the Sixers which made Game 3 boring. Ervin not a top tier import, could not do anything. Imagine the current Sixers Aussie contingent with a guard who can shoot to replace Ervin plus another import. Wow. Looking forward to next season.

Reply #469812 | Report this post

Years ago

Some one called Maher an idiot because that's what you call a 2 time champion, Olympian & has a court named after him. Redhedge will have a terrible acting award in a daytime soap at the Logies named after him

Reply #469813 | Report this post

Years ago

Ervin won some games for us but probably helped lose some too. He was out muscled in games 1 and 2.

Reply #469815 | Report this post

Years ago

Unless the Imports from Perth are a huge drop off(highly unlikely) and Marto and Wagstaff bolt(Kings are very interested in both but highly unlikely they will leave)I don't see the Cats not making another GF at the very least.

Reply #469829 | Report this post

36ers pride  
Years ago

At the end of the day well done Wildcats. We played a terrible game, a few calls were disgraceful ( Redhage you soft honky ) but Perths D made it hard from the start. The Perth players deserved the title after 3 consecutive failed finals runs but Perth have some fans fans that don't deserve anything but a bullet. Booing the Sixers as runners up. Get some class you pathetic people.

Also eat a massive dick cats4life. Hope this is the highlight of your pitiful little life you sore winning scum of the earth cu@t

Well done Adelaide you made us proud.

Reply #469836 | Report this post

Years ago

If Sixers sign one MVP calibre import plus another one who is decent and lasts then Adelaide are going back to the GF next season also you would think.

Reply #469838 | Report this post

Years ago

Congrats to the Wildcats, were the best team all season and thoroughly deserved the championship.

The NBL seriously need to look at the standard of their refs during the offseason, Flophage was a borderline disgrace today.

Summed up the guy when the Wildcats players were cutting down the net each player taking one piece then Flophage gets up there and cuts two pieces down!

Surprised the dropkick didn't throw himself backwards off of the ladder too.

Reply #469839 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon #756 - go and find a Razorbacks/spirit team photo from between 2007 and 2009. That'll help you imagine Martin in a different team's singlet. ;-)

paul - re replacing Ennis. The proposed salary cap exclusion (marquee player rule) should make that much easier for Perth, given their available funds.

Well done Perth and Adelaide and congrats to Perth for winning the big one.

It was a pity today's game was such a poor spectacle for spedctators. As I fast forwarded over large chunks after half time, I wondered whether I would have done the same during games 1 and 2 as well, if they had not been close ones?

I don't think the problem is the refereeing or biased calling I just think NBL is impossible to ref consistently because the rules aren't clear on whether it's a contact sport or a non contact sport. It tries to be both at the same time. So you get large variation in what's called within games and between games. That's a recipe for the sorts of accusations that fly over this and other boards all through the season. Most of the time it evens out but it makes some games hard to watch. Today's was one. C'est la vie.

Reply #469846 | Report this post

The Situation  
Years ago

Like I've said repeatedly, cats4life does not speak on behalf of any other wildcats fan.

Or any other human being for that matter.

Reply #469850 | Report this post

Years ago

^^^ LOL

Reply #469852 | Report this post

Bol Bol  
Years ago

Was expecting game 3 to be a lot closer but the better team won like the previous two where the cats were the underdog against nz. Still, being the favourite comes with enormous pressure and they handled it well. Adelaide can feel proud for what they achieved from where they came last season. They have a great coach and core of players if they can add some pieces for next season they will be tough again.
A lot of comments on flopping.. it was a blight on the game. But without re watching i got the feeling most of those charges were correct calls with the forearm pushing off the defender. Is it not still a foul just because the defender makes the contact noticeable to the ref?
The foul on carter for punching redhage in the back was harsh and a retaliation but the problem is in the standard of the reffing. He should be fouling both for engaging in that type of play after warning all players on both teams before it gets to that

Reply #469854 | Report this post

Cats 4 life  
Years ago

6 times baby!

Reply #469856 | Report this post

Marcus Camby  
Years ago

Firstly well done to Perth, they deserved to win being the best team on the day.

Secondly, can we stop calling Adelaide 'Title Town' now? Its disrespectful to those who have more titles, and Gary and Joey are all about Respect right guys?

Also I'd like to thank Marty Clarke and Mark Radford for putting together the core of this team and developed them over the years.

It was a shame Joey couldn't get them over the line but there is always next year, without DJ.

Reply #469857 | Report this post

Years ago

for what I'm talking about above, go to the thread on 'Flopping and the NBL' and read comments like "for plays where there is actually contact but not enough to warrant a charge". So we want contact but not too much..whatever too much is. Okay...now the refs have to make that call the same way every play, every game for a whole season. Oh and that way should be the way we would have called it...every one of us who watch the Youtube slow motion replays twelve times.

The result is what we have. There's a substantial proportion of plays that involve contact and for which fouling is effectively a random outcome. i.e., there's a roughly equal chance of no call, foul on the attacking player, or foul on the defending player. That makes it very hard for new spectators to feel they know what's going on when there's that sort of uncertainty as a fundamental part of the show. Some can just ignore it and watch the game as a pure spectacle, like I watch ice hockey, but others can't. They're the ones who come once or twice and don't come again.

Reply #469858 | Report this post

The Situation  
Years ago

"6 times baby"

The number if times you need to read a cats4life comment before it makes any sense.

Reply #469859 | Report this post

Gordon Liddy  
Years ago

ret row rixers. :(

Reply #469863 | Report this post

Years ago

I thought 6 times was how many attempts he had at year 10.

Reply #469864 | Report this post

Bol Bol  
Years ago

36ers Pride i dont think there were boos directed at the losing team. They were given a couple of good receptions post match. There were some boos toward ervin and wright which is not surprising with recent events. But that is just a small minority of the crowd which would happen in any stadium when there is such a big crowd. Just like on this forum there are some bad winners and bad losers but it does not reflect how the majority respect the game and the oppsosition

Reply #469865 | Report this post

Years ago

Congratulations to Perth

Looking forward to the NBL in the couple seasons with new teams, hopefully a better TV deal..

With the good ratings the finals got maybe TEN could move the 9:30 Friday night ONE game to TEN at 7:30 and make it one of there FEW big sports, see what happens next season....

Reply #469866 | Report this post

Years ago

Redhage haters seriously need to get a life. Don't blame the players, if he was flopping as you say he does, why doesn't he ever get a tech. Brett maher, has more class than making the comments he made today. Tyson demos, he's also made some remarks but he doesn't have much reputation.

Reply #469869 | Report this post

Years ago

"So we want contact but not too much..whatever too much is."

Just because there is contact doesn't mean there should be a charge or block. That's always been the case, the game wouldn't work otherwise.

Reply #469870 | Report this post

Marcus Camby  
Years ago

To the Sizer fans complaining about booing.

The booing was only for Gary and Joey.

I don't need to explain why.

And need I remind that Sixer fans boo'ed Goulding in Game 3 of the SF, and he was the victim of the Ervin knee.

This was from the beginning of the game before his Petrie Flop.

Reply #469871 | Report this post

Years ago

Brett maher was cant talk about flopping. The lived off faking contact and living at the free throw line. How can anyone forget sapwell and dirty Paul reese?.

Reply #469878 | Report this post

Cats 4 life  
Years ago

Haha understand we are 6 time champs! Thats the best u had! Even we wernt that bad when we chocked! Fuk that drink taste gd!

Reply #469880 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #469881 | Report this post

Years ago

Adelaide fan here.
After a couple of hours to cool down, well done to the Wildcats and their fans. Setting the standard for the rest of the league. To be able to get 10k+ to the games week in week out is amazing. Just played like a team who had a chip on their back from losing the last couple to NZ. Damo is probably my favourite player in the league. The way he goes about it is A+
He and Gibbo are my two best skippers in the league.

The flopping today was horrendous. No where near cost Adelaide the game, but it was bad. And that goes on the NBL. Just the other week they were pinging everyone for flopping. So inconsistent all year. Overall was the best officiated game of the series I thought, though.

Again, congrats to the Wildcats today and as an club.

Reply #469882 | Report this post

Years ago

Congrats to the Wildcats on the great season. Definitely the bench mark with some great performances and some great support from their fan base.

Reply #469884 | Report this post

Years ago

Why did Ervin refuse to come back on in the last?

Reply #469885 | Report this post

Years ago

Good point about dirty Reese who loved to throw his pointy elbows and injure people.

Reply #469887 | Report this post

Bol Bol  
Years ago

Cats4Life dont 'chock' on that drink!

Reply #469888 | Report this post

Statsheet Stuffer  
Years ago

Man, I'm watching the Freo Essendon game atm and boos are coming from the crowd as Essendon kicks a goal. THE SCORE IS 82-34 IN FREO'S FAVOUR!

Must be a WA thing.

Reply #469890 | Report this post

Years ago

I think adelaide has the booing down pat - can't believe they're the ones complaining about it given recent events.

Reply #469895 | Report this post

Statsheet Stuffer  
Years ago

I'm impartial, was just going for the Sixers in the GF series.

Reply #469896 | Report this post

Marcus Camby  
Years ago

Drake U'u 8 pts, 2/2 FG in 6:15 mins

Cadee, Ervin, Carter (combined) 8 pts 2/17 FG in 43:30 mins.

Sixers fans blame flopping...well done.

Reply #469899 | Report this post

Years ago

The sixers roster resembles that of a little league team.

Way too many guards and Joey appears keen to run them all at the same time. WTF

For the bigs, DJ is a star, LS might be serviceable, Blow Job Anthony isn't up to it and surely will be cut.

Get 2 more bigger bodies to muscle some boards, cut a few of the guards....Cadee and Ervin is a good start...and I think it's easily a championship team.

Reply #469900 | Report this post

Years ago

6er fans are the biggest cry babies I've seen in a longtime

Reply #469901 | Report this post

Years ago

Alot of comments in regards to Ennis and flopping but curious as to why the poor performances of Ervin and Cadee barely rate a mention.

Reply #469911 | Report this post

Years ago

6ers need someone like Wagstaff who can rebound,shoot and run in Joey's style. e will most likely stay in Perth, but would be an ideal option as a 6th man.

Reply #469913 | Report this post

cats 4 life  
Years ago

Don't care!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are number one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I bet u understand that!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reply #469916 | Report this post

Statsheet Stuffer  
Years ago

Steven, that's your job as a Perth fan.

Reply #469922 | Report this post

Years ago

Game Recap now up on PnR:

Perth Crowned Champions

Reply #469923 | Report this post

Years ago

ADL can take a lot of positives out of this year.

Some slight adjustments roster-wise and they"ll be right in the mix again next year in terms of top 3 teams.

Upon reflection:

- Teys. What a find. Deserves a much bigger role. Kid can play

- Too guard heavy. If Cadee walks its not too big an issue..i always thought imagine the 36ers had Ced instead of Ervin and a floor-spacing shooter like Burdon instead of Cadee.

- Creek. Some tough decisions need to be made. Granted he didn't get the mins he wanted or may have deserved, but even when he did play i didn't see too much. Thought he didn't develop as much as what he could have this year. So a decision is needed on that SF spot -- because right now he is awkwardly / on the verge of being awkwardly in the middle. Potentially taking up too much of the points/salary to come off the bench but not yet ready to star

- Good core group: Gibson, Petrie, Wright.

- Need more outside shooting. Pretty much everyone minus Gibbo could be considered somewhat inconsistent and up and down shooters.

Reply #469924 | Report this post

Years ago

Poker, Adelaide crowd would not. Enjoy the win but don't even suggest that the Adelaide crowd are that tacky. It was very obvious who the superior team was today just by the game they played. Why Redhage has to play so dirty is beyond. All it adds to the game is the knowledge of the wanker he truly is.

Reply #469944 | Report this post

Years ago

Congrats Cats - you didn't just beat us, you humiliated and destroyed us.

Worthy winners - we had nothing when it mattered.

Enjoy the well deserved title.

Reply #469946 | Report this post

Dunkin' Dan  
Years ago

Congrats to the Wildcats and all of their non-Cats4Life fans
Plenty of controversy in the series but after the dust has settled I'm satisfied that the better team won, and that's good enough for me.

Congrats to the 6ers also for being the only team capable of making this a competitive series, just a year after finishing down the bottom. Plenty of talent and plenty to look forward to I'd imagine. Hopefully some of that amazing support from Friday night translates into season-long support next season.

Reply #469950 | Report this post

Years ago


"Alot of comments in regards to Ennis and flopping but curious as to why the poor performances of Ervin and Cadee barely rate a mention"

Perhaps because poor performances can happen to the best of players at any time. It doesn't make you despicable like flopping does.

Reply #469955 | Report this post

Years ago

Cats4life...6 successes from 28 straight trips to the finals smells a lot like underachievement!

Reply #469957 | Report this post

Dunkin' Dan  
Years ago

> 6 successes from 28 straight trips to the finals smells a lot like underachievement!

Smells a lot like par for the course or better to me, once you consider how many of those 28 seasons had 6 teams making the playoffs and how many had 8.

Reply #469958 | Report this post

Years ago

Reply #469959 | Report this post

Years ago

Despicable. That's funny EC

Reply #469961 | Report this post

Years ago

Yes I couldn't see any of the Adelaide fans booing any Wildcats player - I mean just look at the respect afforded here to Redhage.

Joey made some bizarre decisions today - when GE was just jacking up shot after shot while Gibbo looked on from the bench in the 3rd ....I no comprehende.

Games were over called but glad to see most see the better team won.

Reply #469967 | Report this post

Marcus Camby  
Years ago

EC....what about kneeing an opposition player in the groin?

Or punching an opposition coach?

Are such acts on your despicable radar?

Reply #469968 | Report this post

cats 4 life  
Years ago

Steven suck my left one11111 and toft!!!

Reply #469988 | Report this post

Years ago

A 34 point thrashing... Must mean that Adelaide played awesome, it's just all the ref's fault that they lost. yep...

It's simple really, Perth stepped up, played better defense (call it flopping all you want, it's up to the ref's to decide that), and hit their shots. Adelaide just had an off night, we all know they can play better than that, but they simply just didn't gel, knock down shots, and needed their stars to step up.

Reply #469989 | Report this post

Years ago

A 34 point thrashing... Must mean that Adelaide played awesome, it's just all the ref's fault that they lost. yep...

It's simple really, Perth stepped up, played better defense (call it flopping all you want, it's up to the ref's to decide that), and hit their shots. Adelaide just had an off night, we all know they can play better than that, but they simply just didn't gel, knock down shots, and needed their stars to step up.

Reply #469990 | Report this post

Years ago

Suck my left what cats4life you make no sense. I'm not sharing it with Toft. You're an idiot who makes no sense you should get parental permission before posting.

Reply #469992 | Report this post

The Situation  
Years ago

I'm not at all surprised but I think it speaks volumes about the integrity of a few (mainly one) Sixers supporters, who have been shooting their mouths off on Twitter for the best part of the past two months about how good Adelaide is/how bad Perth is, yet they (he) doesn't have the decency to congratulate the winning team. Sad.

Reply #469995 | Report this post

Years ago

"Creek. Some tough decisions need to be made. Granted he didn't get the mins he wanted or may have deserved, but even when he did play i didn't see too much. Thought he didn't develop as much as what he could have this year. So a decision is needed on that SF spot -- because right now he is awkwardly / on the verge of being awkwardly in the middle. Potentially taking up too much of the points/salary to come off the bench but not yet ready to star"

Creek didnt expect to be where he is this year with the injury from last year. I would not write him off since a lot of recovery went into him still.

Reply #470006 | Report this post

Years ago

I havent watched the game so have a few questions about what went wrong.

Schenscher only had 1 foul according to the box score but played only 13 minutes?? 1/5 shooting is bad but when he gets 7 rebounds and has been crucial in the last few games I question wtf.

Johnson played 30 minutes and got 4 REBOUNDS.......what the hell was he doing???? If your not going to do anything other than offence then you damn well better score more than 9 points.

Ervin had only 15 minutes???

As I said I have not watched the game but the rotations seem way off regular games.

Reply #470007 | Report this post

Years ago

No excuses. Perth played to their strengths and the 36ers put up their worst performance of the year when it mattered most.

At least Ennis didn't win either MVP award this season and Beal was a deserving winner of the Grand Final MVP.

Despite the loss I think their fans can be proud of what the 36ers have achieved this year going from bottom to the Grand Final.

Congratulations to Perth. They were the best team all season and deserved their 6th championship.

Reply #470018 | Report this post

Years ago

Was a very interesting game, sadly I couldnt get a ticket (sell out) but was enjoyable to watch. Congrats to Adelaide on their rise up the ladder.

Reply #470118 | Report this post

Big Ads of Perth  
Years ago

Perth just too good yesterday

People need to give Gleeson some credit for the way he managed Greg Hire during the Finals. He was key player in both G1 & G3 after being a bit of a non event during the minor round. I thought Hire had gone backwards this season but his finals play, although not eye catching or flamboyant, was a thorn in Adelaide's side. Matty Knights also stood up yesterday and Redhege made Adelaide hurt in the first half.

Disappointed that the Sixers lost their way in the end because the 34 point blowout didn't truely reflect how close these two teams were.

Great season

Reply #470129 | Report this post

Years ago

Marcus, such acts as kneeing in the groin would definitely be on my despicable radar if they happened. I already made quite extensive mention on this at the time it had supposedly happened. I mentioned replaying the incident about 10 times and all I could see was Ervin barely lifting his foot off the ground when he bent his knee. Ervin is 5'8" tall, he would have had to get his foot a lot higher off the ground to reach Goulding's groin. It wasn't a knee in the groin, it was another despicable flop while falsely clutching his crutch. Goulding immediately got up off the floor laughing. This is also the reason the Adelaide fans in game 3 of the semis booed Goulding continuously throughout the game. He may have gained an advantage in flopping and making it look like a knee in the groin but he more than paid for it with his miserable 6 points in game 3.

Reply #470264 | Report this post

Years ago

Looked like a knee to me.

Reply #470278 | Report this post

Marcus Camby  
Years ago

EC....so Chris was wrong, the video was wrong, the NBL panel was wrong but you alone know the truth of it?

You denying it ever happened then have the audacity to cry foul when a foul is milked speaks volumes about your character.

You also skipped over Joey's punch...or did Tatalovich throw himself into Joey's right hook?

Reply #470286 | Report this post

Nathan of Perth  
Years ago

Big Ads of Perth, huge credit for the name :D

Well done to the 36ers, massive achievement to go from the cellar to the bright lights and take it to the game three decider. Amazing season and with a little judicious recruiting/luck with the imports will be back up there next year.

I won't pretend to be members of the Gary Ervin & Joey Wright Fan Club, but I'm sure few of you guys are members of Ennis & Gleeson Fan Club, so I figure its not really necessary :)

Huge effort all up, and like Boti has said, massive credit to people like Dean Parker who have helped pave the road the on-court team has followed.

Reply #470288 | Report this post

Years ago

EC - why did he plead guilty? Surely you wouldn't say that you committed a low act like that if you didn't do it?

Reply #470292 | Report this post

Nathan of Perth  
Years ago

Wait, is an ostensibly sentient human actually trying to pretend Ervin wasn't guilty as sin on the knee to Goulding's groin? Because that one could have been added to the list in the old saw about the only certainties in life being death and taxes.

Reply #470295 | Report this post

Nathan of Perth  
Years ago

I know it was a financial pain in the ass to not have the front of jersey sponsor, but I do like the look better. One of those frustrating things about Australian sports.

Reply #470297 | Report this post

Years ago

"Marcus, such acts as kneeing in the groin would definitely be on my despicable radar if they happened. I already made quite extensive mention on this at the time it had supposedly happened. I mentioned replaying the incident about 10 times and all I could see was Ervin barely lifting his foot off the ground when he bent his knee. Ervin is 5'8" tall, he would have had to get his foot a lot higher off the ground to reach Goulding's groin. It wasn't a knee in the groin, it was another despicable flop while falsely clutching his crutch. Goulding immediately got up off the floor laughing."

Of course he kneed him. And paid his penalty.
Goulding never got up laughing. That was the typical one eyed stories made up by 6ers diehards.
You are a muppet.

Reply #470301 | Report this post

Years ago

"EC....so Chris was wrong, the video was wrong, the NBL panel was wrong but you alone know the truth of it?"

If this is your argument, then why not use the same argument in regards to Wright and Tatalovich. If you remember correctly, the NBL cleared both of them. Or is it you just remember what you want to remember.

I can't believe I am arguing with someone who tried to push the idea that Marty Clarke was the best thing that happened to the 36ers. Your credibility is not that strong.

Reply #470497 | Report this post

Years ago

Poker, I just made mention of what I actually saw in the video clip. If Ervin's knee wasn't high enough to hit Goulding in the groin, then perhaps the groin got knocked on Ervin's knee when Goulding flopped to the floor and brushed against it. I can only comment on what I see. Anyway, Ervin copped a one game ban, the game the 36ers demolished the Tigers. Who do you think had the last laugh?

Reply #470563 | Report this post

Years ago

@EC ...? The Wildcats

Reply #470569 | Report this post

Marcus Camby  
Years ago


The issue at hand is your insistence that Ervin did not knee Goulding despite video evidence and the NBL judiciary's findings, followed by Gary's apology to everyone except Chris.

Your opinion is against plain common sense.

For the record, I NEVER said Marty was the best thing to happen to the 6'ers.

I came out in support of Marty because he was doing it tough and the 6'er fan base turned on him with Boos and countless Sacking threads.

How was that making the team feel? No wonder the morale was low and the W/L reflected accordingly.

Reply #470754 | Report this post

Years ago

Maxymoo, yeah you are probably right because that's the nature of the Wildcats but that wasn't until 3 games later. There is absolutely no reason why the Wildcats would have laughed anyway. It was a fantastic achievement for the 36ers to go from the cellar one year to the grand stage the following year. They also pushed it out to the full 3 games. I don't think there are too many 36ers fans who are too disappointed.

Reply #470891 | Report this post

Years ago

"How is that a charge on Schenscher when Flophage is in the semi-circle...?"
That only applies if the offensive player is airborne, and doesn't apply at all if they push off. Schenscher pushed off while on the ground. No-charge arc doesn't apply.

Reply #470893 | Report this post

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