Years ago
Clear Path USF Rule
Is this rule even necessary with the new USF rule in place? The call against Steindl today was correct, but entirely stupid.
Years ago
Is this rule even necessary with the new USF rule in place? The call against Steindl today was correct, but entirely stupid.
Does anyone even know what the F is going on anymore? So many rule changes on top of bad refs has created a farce.
Thus rule in its current form appears highly exploitable.
The correct terminology is breakaway foul - USF Criteria 4
How come sobey chase down attempted block or any chase down block an usf?
Years ago
Given the way they were calling USFs, Sobeys should have been.
OfCourse it's ridiculous and neither sobey nor steindl should be considered USF
If the rules were reasonable
Dome Rat
Years ago
The USF rule being discussed finishes when someone starts the act of shooting.
Dome Rat
Years ago
Also, there is no clear path foul in FIBA. I know what the OP is saying but it isnt called a clear path foul. The rules are freely available through Google to go read for yourself
Years ago
This year would be the worst year of officiating confusion and frustration in the NBL that I can remember.
Years ago
Stupid USF on Steindel. He was going for the ball. The USF is suppose to be used when a person deliberatly holds a hand or jersey of the fast break player.
What is a player to do? Just let the opposition go to the basket alone?
Steindel deserved a normal foul but not an USF like.
Years ago
If the rules were 3 years ago, Lyons would ha e held his whistle and waited till Childress started his layup to call the foul.
Now the rule is there, you blow the whistle and if you think they have fouled in order to foul and prevent the basket in a breakaway situation, then it is USF.
Dome Rat
Years ago
Rabbit 70 that doesn't make any difference, you can't touch a player from the behind or side who is on a fast break
But Steindl was between Childress and the basket, which is also part of the rule. Does that mean Steindl could have fouled him straight away (and it been a normal foul) instead of fouling when Childress was driving past him, resulting in an USF?
Dome Rat
Years ago
Happy to be corrected but my recollection was the Stiendl was always behind and got along side Chilldress but never in front
Nope, he was between Childress and the basket the whole time.
Years ago
Just watched the replay: Childress gathered the ball and dribbled towards the wing before he began his act of shooting, and Stiendl was between Childress and the basket.
Furthermore, Stiendl clearly attempted to play legal defense and within the spirit of the game.
Not an USF.
Years ago
"Stupid USF on Steindel. He was going for the ball."
At what point is he going for the ball? His hands are in the air and he bumps Childress to deliberately foul him to stop the play. Correct call
Chaz Michael Michaels
Years ago
Go read the rule book, assuming Perth fans can read
I posted the complete rule in the other thread. Seems you can't read the rules Chaz.
Chaz Michael Michaels
Years ago
Lol anon
If you want people to read your trash at least put a name to it
Also you didn't post the entire rule, just part of it.
I posted the relevant rule in its entirety. What is wrong with you?
And you posted a snippet of the rule yesterday (ignoring a key part) and decided you were right and everyone else was wrong. Are you a ref, Chaz? Because you are as retarded as one.
Uncle Phil
Years ago
Personally I don't really care about arguing the specifics of the rule but I hate that foul being called an unsportsmanlike. Maybe by the letter of the law it was - but most people who have watched basketball ever can see in the spirit of the game that it is not an unsportsmanlike foul - he is just trying to play defence but is out of position.
The interesting thing is that Mayberry asked the ref who made the call if they should review the replay. The ref said no and that is was obviously an unsportsmanlike. From the amount of discussion seen on here from basketball fans, it seemed to be far from obvious.
And just a reminder to the knobs like Chaz, people from all over the country including current players dont agree that is was USF.
Years ago
Mayberry was asking in relation to the foul and where he picked up the ball.
Chaz Michael Michaels
Years ago
No you didn't post the entire rule
I’ve actually posted I don’t agree with it but it’s the rule. Suck it up buttercup your team got pantsed. Your coach got found out and your imports didn’t turn up. When Kenny was your best player you are in trouble
"No you didn't post the entire rule"
What parts of the rule did I miss? You posted a snippet of the relevant part, left out another key part, and claimed "its the rule, suck it."
I posted the full version of the same rule you referenced but all you can say is LOL ur team sucks. You are quite simply a meathead.
and with that, Chaz confirms he hasn't got a clue what he's talking about. what an embarrassment.
The important part is fouling to stop the break. Steindl was playing straight up D. The call was wrong
Dome Rat
Years ago
Here is the rule used by the ref in the call for those playing at home. It is a portion of article 37
"An unnecessary contact caused by the defensive player in order to stop the progress of the offensive team in transition.
This applies until the offensive player begins his act of shooting.
Contact by the defensive player from behind or laterally on an opponent in an attempt to stop the fast break and there is no defensive player between the
offensive player and the opponent's basket.
This applies until the offensive player begins his act of shooting."
The ref made the call that Steindl broke one if not both of these sections of the rules. The NBL has done a very poor job at conveying this point of emphasis to the players and coaches. On more than one occasion this season players and coaches have been caught out by this new definition.
BA have circulated a video on the definitions of this rule and by that video the ref was right to call Steindl.
The call didn't impact the result which is the main thing here. I think almost 100% of players and fans don't agree with it or like it.
Steindl didn't make unnecessary contact. He was playing defence. Its a very slippery slope if that is the correct interpretation.
The second section cannot apply because there was a player between the offensive player and the basket. It was Steindl.
Years ago
IMO that call went against the intent of the rule - that being to rid the game of "professional fouls" committed for the purpose of stopping a certain basket by a defender with little hope of doing so with legit defence.
In this case Steindl is ahead of Childress and therefore to me should be entitled to play normal defence against him just as he would in the half court. There was no clear intent to foul on Steindl's part, no hint of "make sure he doesn't even get a shot up" that is allowed and often encouraged in any other time of the game.
To me an and-1 would have been the perfect outcome of that sequence.
Dome Rat
Years ago
Stiendl doesn't count as a defender in this situation. I get no one likes it but that is the rule and that was the call as it has been called all season. Simply you cant touch an offensive player on a fast break until they commence shooting.
"Stiendl doesn't count as a defender in this situation."
Why not?
Years ago
37-8 Statement. Contact by the defensive player from behind or laterally on an opponent in an
attempt to stop the fast break and with no other defensive player between the offensive
player and the opponents' basket shall be called as an unsportsmanlike foul only until the
offensive player begins his act of shooting.
Contact was laterally, correct me i am wrong?
Dome Rat
Years ago
Because there needs to be another defender between the ball to eliminate the USF rule. See the wording " with no other defensive player between..."
Dome Rat
Years ago
Dragon , the wording to focus on is "unnecessary contact" there is no contact that is necessary on a basketball court. Hence any contact engages the rule.
I would also say that yes Stenidl did create contact laterally so that also engages the rule.
Dome Rat
Years ago
ANON - I copied and pasted the rule direct from FIBA that is the wording.
"...with NO OTHER defensive player between the offensive
player and the opponents' basket" Caps included to help you out.
Which version of the rulebook? Because the one from October 2017 taken from the FIBA website does not have the words "no other" in it.
Years ago
Dome Rat i am actually agreeing with you here.
Anon - http://www.fiba.basketball/OBR2017/interpretations.pdf
Dragon, that document was valid as of the 1st Feb this year, and the wording contradicts the rules (the one that Dome Rat pasted in above).
Dome Rat
Years ago
Anon I am trying to help you here. FIBA produce the rule book then supply secondary definitions or expansion explanations of the rules that may have changed or amended. The definitions are considered rules as they are the expansion of the rule in question.
Steindl was a USF under the rule and certainly under the definition document as well as the BA circulated video.
those examples in that video are all obvious USF to me and all very different to the Childress one.
Anon, just look at the jersey and you can see why it was called. Case closed.
that's really not relevant to my post or the discussion.
even if somehow that was a correct call to the wording of the rule, is it what we want in basketball? I don't think so. The players don't seem to think so. Nearly all fans don't see to think so. Steindl got back as a defender so what should he be allowed to do? Nothing whatsoever?
"those examples in that video are all obvious USF to me and all very different to the Childress one."
Exactly. All of those examples were players committing "professional" fouls to stop a fast break. Steindl was defending a guy one on one, and was between Childress and the basket the whole time. It is not the intent of the rule and the refs got it completely wrong.
Years ago
The interpretation:
Contact by the defensive player from behind or laterally on an opponent in an
attempt to stop the fast break and with no other defensive player between the offensive
player and the opponents' basket shall be called as an unsportsmanlike foul
Dome Rat
Years ago
Do we agree that the rule says there has to be an "other defender" between the ball and the basket?
E.g. If there was another defender between Steindl and the basket it wouldn't have been called USF
The rule doesn't say that, the interpretation (released two days prior to the game) does. It's misleading at best and I doubt the refs would have been on to the new interpretation on a couple of days notice AND conveniently got a chance to apply it. They stuffed up.
Years ago
The interpretation hasn't changed from the last set of interpretations and doesn't disagree with the rule in any way.
"If the contact is from behind or laterally then by definition Stiendl isn't between the ball and the basket."
There is a point where the offensive player gets so deep to the baseline that the defender must be on his hip to be between him and the ring.
"Your coach [Wildcats] got found out"
According to most on here the consensus was that he wasn't. Which is scary. and I know you only said it in reply to a Cats fan but at least it's something.
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