Years ago
Joey Wright cast as villain by NBL
Check out Ben Fitzsimons twitter account for this story. Very unprofessional by the NBL.
Years ago
Check out Ben Fitzsimons twitter account for this story. Very unprofessional by the NBL.
It's from a production meeting but it wasn’t actually used? So what’s the story here?
Years ago
The NBL money making machine. Maybe there's been more going on behind the scenes between Joey and certain people involved with running the NBL. Obviously not the same rules for everyone.
Years ago
It wasn't intended as a tweet. They are planning storylines for their season media angles.
Are they wrong though? Look at Joey and his team's behavior. If they’re telling a narrative they’re just using what Joey gives them
Gleeson can be irritating but give me him over "Joey" any day of the week.
Years ago
If it was never intended as a tweet why does it look exactly like a tweet?
Interesting, but the 36ers players and coach still did all the things that deservedly got them fines.
It's a huge leap to say the league casting them as the bad guy is the reasoning when they clearly can’t help themselves.
Joey certainly lived up to the character. His behaviour caused this, not some tagline from the NBL.
Years ago
This would be unfair on Joey if he didn't proceed to act like an absolute FLOG anyway, but he did.
Is it just me or is this a massive coincidence after the United game where the little pitball has a tanty and Joey is heard on audio trying to incite it? Maybe i'm Just cynical in my old age.
No one forced Joey to act like a tool during last years finals.
"The 36ers were chosen to be the "us against them team" hence all the fines being issuesd"
This make no sense at all. Ben Fitzwhoever has a funny relationship with the truth at times.
Also anyone with any editing skill could have created that. Until we know the source it's not proof.
And it was never ever released. I would hate to think of all the things written in a workplace as an idea or email but never used or sent.
Its an easy angle for the production staff to use as Joey creates the "Us against them" persona all by himself
Jack Toft
Years ago
Give that man a white fluffy cat to stroke on the sidelines.
"They are planning storylines for their season media angles."
That part is obvious enough. The league is trying to manufacture rivalries and storylines out of nothing. But to say that them casting Wright as a villain is the reason for all the fines is preposterous.
Perhaps Adelaide could win a championship some time soon?
That would reignite some rivalry with the Wildcats.
Thunder Jam
Years ago
Real first world problem this is....move on and take a breath.
Seriously, is there some kind of toxin in Adelaide's water that turns you all into nutjobs?
When you're not murdering people and shoving them in barrels, its just one crackhead conspiracy theory after another.
So now it's an NBL conspiracy that made Joey into a dickhead?
Wright has been an embarrassment for years, and it's hardly surprising his players follow suit. Including crying like a bunch of girls when things don't go their way.
"Wright has been an embarrassment for years, and it's hardly surprising his players follow suit. Including crying like a bunch of girls when things don't go their way."
Don't forget their fans!
Years ago
Everyone deserves a fair and equal work place. This shows pettyness and bias. It seems to have started with his frustrations at inept officiating and lack of proper communication to coaches and clubs and has certainly grown over the years. He has done so well developing young blokes rather than poaching talent. He also had less cash to intice players to the club. Adelaide wouldn't be in the top 4 for spending on player salary I'd dare to say. I like how he stands up to the NBL and tells it how it is. I also like the passion from the coach and players as it probably helps them compete against more "stacked", wealthy teams. Unfortunately the passion and frustration has led to some over the top incidents that haven't had great results.
"Everyone deserves a fair and equal work place. "
What are you on about?
Years ago
No your right. We should all be singled out and victimized.
A couple of good points re spending. Who spends the most? My guess is
"No your right. We should all be singled out and victimized."
If you keep playing the victim, what do you expect? You're the worst offender.
No one woke up one day and said "lets pick on Joey and the Sixers." Joey has been acting like a twit for years so fans of other clubs would already be put off side, he has a whole bunch of excuses made for him by Boti and Ben Fitz, and the fans jump aboard the pity train and start to believe that the league is out to get them, and all the fines are unfair etc. Its completely embarrassing.
Years ago
Nobody is worried if rival don't like him. A professional organization should try and be professional though. It wasn't just him saying the officials wouldn't talk. Most coaches and quite a few players seem to have been of the same opinion over the years. The NBL moved to silence commentators, coaches and players a while back.
Whats that got to do with Joey being painted as the villain?
Years ago
I honestly don't see how that snippet villainises Wright.
It uses the word Villain yes, but it is framed within the context of a (potential) promo, probably one of many iterations of promos.
If he said that "Joey Wright is the NBL's public enemy #1 and all calls are to go against him and the Sixers' then yes we have a story.
Udog, are you saying that Adelaide acts professionally, or are there different standards when you are on the flip side? Were you under a rock for the last week? The season? Last season? The history of Joey with the franchise?
JOey has carried on for years and the whole twitter thing sounds like a set up.
It's just a storyline to pump up interest. Like a movie or TV show. It doesn't actually effect the calls in the game.
Years ago
The issue is it isn't a tv show or movie, it’s a sport. No one should be made to look like a bad guy to others. It’s actually illegal. It does not matter what he does it’s still defamation of character.
LMAO! So I act like a tool, someone calls me a tool, and I am defamed? And that's voice of reason? Are you REALLY that dumb, both of you?
Years ago
Anything like this just feeds the fire for Joey to maintain the siege mentality and pass on to the team how everyone is against them and they need to fight against the evil corporation known as the NBL.... Yawn
Years ago
I'm not saying that it is because they didn’t run with it. I’m saying it could’ve been.
"The issue is it isn't a tv show or movie, "
It is, you need people to watch to make money. And people like storylines
Years ago
Without a doubt, these are your most valuable contributions to any thread. Loved the Dr Evil.
Years ago
All those pictures above are fine. They're funny because they come from a rival fan not a professional organization that he has to pay fines to when they rule he is being unprofessional. Who makes these knobs pay fines for being unprofessional?
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