Manu Fieldel
Years ago

Cotton: big fish in small pond

We all love Bryce Cotton. We all do. But why isn't he pushing himself to play in the NBA? His quicks are unstoppable and three-point shot is ridiculous.

Does he have gears he has no interest in hitting?
Why is he satisfied seemingly being a big fish in a small for the rest of his career?

This isn't a slight on him, I'm just trying to understand his being so comfortable in Aus when every other import I've ever seen has NBA as priority No. 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Is he too soft to play in the big boy league?

Topic #44907 | Report this topic

Years ago

"This isn't a slight on him"

"Why is he satisfied seemingly being a big fish in a small for the rest of his career?"

"Is he too soft"


Reply #736114 | Report this post

Years ago

It's a fair question to ask

Reply #736115 | Report this post

Years ago

manu trolling on hoops what are the odds?

Reply #736116 | Report this post

Years ago

It's great for the NBL obviously, and a testament to what they've built in Perth.

In the past we've seen stars attempt for NBA or go to even the shitty conditions of Europe. Is the NBL a legitimate gateway to NBA these days? Is the morning closing the gap with Europe? Does livability count as a greater factor these days? Is it just a comfort thing or lack of ambition for Cotton?

Reply #736117 | Report this post

Years ago

I think its just the kind of person he is and where he is at in his career. Played all around the world and given the NBA a crack, but i think he finally just wanted a place to call home.

He is definitely NBA level. IMO there isn't really any gap between the bottom 30% of NBA players and the next best guys around the world who are fringe NBA players. A lot just comes down to luck and timing on who gets roster spots.

He seems really happy in Perth, while not on NBA money he will be doing well for himself, has a chance to build a legacy for himself here instead of bouncing around leagues where he won't be remembered too much. He even said himself how much better he feels knowing where he is going to be playing on the future instead of constant uncertainty. Pretty bold choice to commit to Perth long term, but he must think it's what is best for him.

We may even see him in green and gold one day...

Reply #736119 | Report this post

Cats for life  
Years ago

Maybe he is content where he is? Maybe you rather be a star than playing 5min garbage time in the nba?

Good on him for staying and hopefully Ware stay's at united and it brings more talent and stay.

Reply #736120 | Report this post

Years ago

Listen to the latest dribble podcast, he touches on this. He hasn't ruled out the nba, but also knows that opportunities are fickle and rare. I would say you don't get that good if you're willing to settle.

Reply #736126 | Report this post

Years ago

I would like to see more players like Cotton. I can't work out why more imports don't stay like they did in the 80's/90's. A good lifestyle. Okay the money ain't nothing like some pro-leagues, but is very good compared to average citizen. How many imports leave chasing something they never get and where do they end up? Playing different teams never settled anywhere to do anything to be remembered by. Another couple of years in the NBL, another championship, MVP and Cotton will have built something and may go down as Perths best ever player and one of the best in the NBL so far.

Reply #736143 | Report this post

Years ago

He is too short to play in the nba. Who would he guard on defense?
Houston for example harden, paul or tucker. They would all bully him

Reply #736185 | Report this post

Years ago

Haha I love posts like that. He's not as good as all stars therefore he couldn't ever make some teams bench.

Reply #736189 | Report this post

Years ago

Everyone seems to be forgetting during his first season here Cotton was called up to the NBA but the Wildcats denied his clearance.

Oh and proFARCEy lol.

Reply #736203 | Report this post

Years ago

Cottons best spot is 2, but he's too small to play 2 in the NBA

I reckon Casper Ware is more of an NBA prospect than Cotton. But he's 29, so time is running out very quickly

Reply #736209 | Report this post

Cats for life  
Years ago

Trust you to come up with some crap! Cotton carried us all the way to a grand final! 1 import less and Norton out injured! How would united go less Boone? And a back up point guard?

Reply #736215 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm pretty sure Cats didn't deny his call up to the Atlanta Hawks for a 10 day contract. Pretty sure cotton turned it down saying he wanted some stability and wanted to keep things rolling in Perth.

Reply #736220 | Report this post

Years ago

Agreed senator11, it was only a 10day and during playoffs or right before. Not sure pj tucker is a guard, plays pf but yeah he would probably bully cotton

Reply #736227 | Report this post

Years ago

Yeah what a load of crap. Wildcats would never deny him a crack at the NBA. He himself knocked back a 10 day contract to focus on the finals and as others have said he's chosen the stability and lifestyle over more money in europe.

Reply #736228 | Report this post

Flop Warning  
Years ago

The truth re cotton being the one who turned down the 10 day contract, doesn't fit PW's agenda though...

So you can't really blame him for changing it completely to make it sound better for him.

Reply #736231 | Report this post

Years ago

Perth aren't like the 36ers holding a player back from their NBA dream

Reply #736232 | Report this post

Years ago

I'd stay in Australia too if the Wildcats paid me an extra $500,000 cash in a dufflebag

Reply #736233 | Report this post

Years ago

"I'd stay in Australia too if the Wildcats paid me an extra $500,000 cash in a dufflebag"

Kind of a stupid comment, theres no salary cap so apart from tax issues (government and nbl) they wouldn't really be cheating or anything by doing that lol

Reply #736237 | Report this post

Years ago

Kind of a stupid comment. who said anything about cheating lol

Reply #736238 | Report this post

Years ago

"Kind of a stupid comment. who said anything about cheating lol"

The way it's written makes it sound like it's being implied they are paying Cotton outside the salary cap to keep him on the team (which is cheating), but given there's no salary cap there's not much need to do so.

Reply #736241 | Report this post

Years ago

(Which in other sports)*

Reply #736242 | Report this post

Years ago

I would imagine he has an NBA clause in his contract. So if a serious opportunity came along, I'm sure he'd take it. But he's obviously decided he prefers the money on offer rather than bumming around the G-League for peanuts.
Unlike somebody like Creek, he's seen America, had a few NBA games, and done his time in the D-League, so the G-League is no great adventure for him.

He would be quite undersize for the NBA. Not impossible, but he's obviously realistic about his chances.
He can already tell his Grandkids about the time he played in the NBA, so that box is already ticked. He's unlikely to go back unless its a genuine opportunity.

The difference with Cotton is that he apparently doesn't like some of the European prospects, and its understandable why some Americans feel more at home in Australia.

There's also something to be said for stability. Having good coin "guaranteed" for 3 years allow you to make plans

Reply #736262 | Report this post

Years ago

Patty Mills has had a more than respectable NBA career is Cotton really that much smaller than him? Doesn't seem like it to me.

Reply #736264 | Report this post

Years ago

he's a shortarse who can hit the three at will when he can be bothered. why wouldn't he take a half mill over grinding away in the g-league.

Reply #736282 | Report this post

Years ago

Any more details re: $500K? Was it part of declining the ten day contract?

Reply #736284 | Report this post

Years ago

We all love Bryce Cotton. We all do.

No, no you don't have declared many times you hate the entire Wildcats team.

Why is he satisfied seemingly being a big fish in a small for the rest of his career?
He is making hundreds of thousands of dollars for 5 months work, how much are your Centrelink payments?

This isn't a slight on him, I'm just trying to understand his being so comfortable in Aus when every other import I've ever seen has NBA as priority No. 1, 2, 3 and 4.

As mentioned before, you do understand he HAS BEEN there already?

My interpretation of your entire post is...

I hate the Wildcats. Why doesn't Cotton just F off?

Reply #736290 | Report this post

Years ago

Just further on this....I don't necessary blame you for taking this position. It is entirely understandable to be resentful when the only import to return for your team recently is Nanna Egwu.

Reply #736296 | Report this post

Manu Fieldel  
Years ago

Hahaha, knew you'd chime in at some point.

Had yet to read a word of your first post, just saw your username and started laughing.

Your interpretation is predicated on a gross loathing for myself, and god it's wonderful

Reply #736307 | Report this post

Years ago

"Patty Mills has had a more than respectable NBA career is Cotton really that much smaller than him?"

Angus Brandt is also bigger than Mills, should he be playing in the NBA also?

Mills is a PG. Cotton is a SG, and very lightly built.

Reply #736315 | Report this post

Years ago

Yeah Mills mostly played PG for the Spurs. You could say Mills is a SG in style but he had one of the most creative guards ever to play basketball next to him in Ginobili, so playing 1 was fine for Patty

Also as mentioned, Patty may only be an inch taller than Cotton but he has a bigger frame

Still, often it's as simple as right place right time. Some guys make it in the NBA, some don't, and it's often hard to discipher why, but right place right time is often the answer

Reply #736447 | Report this post

Years ago

From school days I recall a quote from Shakespeare's Julius Ceaser when Mark Anthony was trying to persuade Julius to return to Rome from Egypt.

Big Juli (apparantly) says, "I would rather be the leader in a village than to be No 2 in Rome."

I think Cleo (read "a village") made Julius an offer of No 1, Mark could only offer the No 2 spot in the big dance (read "Rome).

Move over Big Juli, Bigger Bryce is here.

Reply #736509 | Report this post

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