Jack Toft
Years ago

Cairns v Breakers Feb 8

After playing on Saturday night, these teams get together for a re-match tonight.

Cairns are languishing at the bottom of the table despite being gifted home games like a teenage boy from St Peters College getting gifted a red Ferrari for his 16th birthday. Despite being up by 12 points at one stage and sailing with a tail wind and full spinnaker out, somehow they managed to capsize themselves. How dat happened? I'm sure the video tape would have been watched many a time over the last few days. Did someone put a stick in their wheel? Did they celebrate too early?

New Zealand looked a little scratchy at times, but did enough to get over the line. Patterson showing us all just what he can do.

It's hard to see the Snakes bite hard enough to get the W. Breakers by 8

Topic #48070 | Report this topic

Years ago

Just bought tix & they $55 for adults & kids $35.

No wonder stadium half empty. Tv for me from now on.

Reply #831417 | Report this post

Years ago

Just bought tix & they $55 for adults & kids $35.

No wonder stadium half empty. Tv for me from now on

Whilst I agree with you about the ticket prices, I think you'll find most games have been either sold out or close to sold out. Not all seats you can see on tv are available for sale, I think due to building regulations and also not good enough views of the court (eg: directly behind both hoops)

Reply #831438 | Report this post

Years ago

What should they cost you reckon Orbit?

$10 $5? $1? Maybe Cairns should pay you to attend.

It's Professional Sport chief.

I think they let people in for free at AFLW if you're not keen to support your local regional club that has historically struggled economically. smh.

Reply #831441 | Report this post

Years ago

What should they cost you reckon Orbit?

$10 $5? $1? Maybe Cairns should pay you to attend.

It's Professional Sport chief.

I think they let people in for free at AFLW if you're not keen to support your local regional club that has historically struggled economically. smh.

I agree that the prices seem a bit high.

In saying that, if the demand is there, I don't see it being a huge problem.

Clubs are obviously losing money due to capacity reductions.

If people can afford it, they need to go to support the clubs in these hard times.

Reply #831447 | Report this post

Years ago

GOOD LORD pls U A BIT WORKED UP CHAMP? 2 games for $20 in the melbourne bubble next week - that's value!

If u could get Cairns to pay me to attend that would be great! U seem the sort of wanker who'd know everyone.

Reply #831449 | Report this post

Years ago

what a shocker that two away teams would be playing for a reduced ticket cost in a different city.

pull up a pew and I can tell you a bit about supply, demand, TV contracts and revenue.

But we know that the NBL and their clubs - especially in regional locations - are absolutely flush with cash. They definitely don't need local support.

Enjoy the game fella - Breakers by a thousand, Oliver to flex in a loss 6-7 times.

Watch your language Orbit.

Reply #831454 | Report this post

Years ago

"I think they let people in for free at AFLW if you're not keen to support your local regional club that has historically struggled economically. smh."
No they don't now... smh. If you want to sprout crap then simply don't, there is more than enough of it here already. 15 posts in and making a dick of yourself already.

Reply #831456 | Report this post

Years ago

This thread is fun!

Reply #831463 | Report this post

Years ago

Are we going to actually discuss the game or just the ticket prices?

Is Djeric playing?
Will Fatterson show up for the game or just the fourth quarter?

Reply #831465 | Report this post

Years ago

Aflw, children free, adults $10 bucks, it's hardly expensive. Free up to this season.

You must have good seats at those prices, does seem exorbitant.

Reply #831466 | Report this post

Years ago

Anyone else think Breakers paying $2.30 is a big high? Doesn't seem to be any reported outs.

Reply #831470 | Report this post

Years ago

Hopefully NZ can build on the last game and get another W.

Reply #831476 | Report this post

Years ago

Could go either way. Cairns will be desperate though, so I think they win this in a close one.

Reply #831477 | Report this post

Years ago

Anyone else think Breakers paying $2.30 is a big high? Doesn't seem to be any reported outs.

Considering Patterson has started firing yes. I feel like other NZB players haven't quite reached their potential yet either whereas CNS don't have any upside left. NZB being constantly on the road must be draining though.

Reply #831486 | Report this post

Years ago

Why is Noi subbed out after 90 seconds?

Reply #831491 | Report this post

Years ago

The body language between Patterson and the rest of the breakers is really worrying. They'll barely pass him the pill. *eyes emoji*

Reply #831495 | Report this post

Years ago

NZ need to attack the basket not settle for 3's.

Reply #831496 | Report this post

Years ago

Noi is an outstandingly bad defender. Very reasonable offensively though.

Reply #831497 | Report this post

Years ago

Big big issues for NZ. import shopping may be on the to do list soon

Reply #831498 | Report this post

Years ago

Delany with the nice and1 every other breaker gets up and cheers. Lamar sits on his ass and doesn't even look impressed...

Reply #831500 | Report this post

Years ago

Blago is doing what Cairns has needed, playing defence. He has either improved a lot or Kelly should have been using him more.

Reply #831501 | Report this post

Years ago

Fatterson has checked out.

The next check in is at the departure lounge.

Reply #831503 | Report this post

Years ago

Noi talking about defence is like the pixies at the end my garden.

Reply #831506 | Report this post

Years ago

Adelaide could do with Patterson

Reply #831507 | Report this post

Years ago

Shamir is a shit coach, I don't know why any of those journos even pumped him up. NZ looks a mess I've never seen a team this out of sorts. They literally look like a Monday night basketball team roster that's been put together an hour before the game. Iverson?? Horrible choice of an import. I'm a united fan and I hate to see teams look this bad but jesus

Reply #831509 | Report this post

Years ago

#509 yep

Can't believe wetzell trained with them and we ended up with iverson

Reply #831512 | Report this post

Yinka Dare  
Years ago

Shamir looking more and more like a terrible coach. Seems it all fell apart with his genius idea to get Glen rice junior last season. Just start Patterson

Reply #831514 | Report this post

Years ago

But he's got an accent and wears glasses so must be a great coach.

Reply #831523 | Report this post

Years ago

Starting bach is ridiculous.

Reply #831524 | Report this post

Years ago

The coach didn't shoot 4/29 from 3. The Webster brothers alone were 1/12.

The team also gave up 14 offensive boards (I feel this is the one that truly cost them the game late).

A bit premature to write off Shamir.

Well done to the Taipans bench.

Reply #831528 | Report this post

Years ago


True, he didn't shot 4/29

He is still a crap coach

Terrible recruitment. Terrible rotations.

No offence.

Not a lot looking good about them right now.

Reply #831529 | Report this post

Years ago

The two websters are not a great combo. Its like playing two Stiendls from Perth - their shooters and thats about it. Shoot , miss, try again, shoot miss...

May need to start Weeks and use him in the point guard position and not play both websters together. Need to use patterson like Brisbane did, make plays for him.

Iverson is terrible, can barely jump. Put Plumlee in his spot and its dunks and blocks all round. Not sure how such a slow and immobile player has lasted so long in Europe. Cant give him lob passes, he is inefficient around the basket - makes Cookie Jrn look like NBL Team 1.

Reply #831530 | Report this post

Years ago

Shamir is a fraud.
He was last year and still is this year.

Reply #831531 | Report this post

Years ago

The biggest concern from that performance was the body language. Patterson looked despondent while the Webster brothers looked uninterested. Very un-Breaker like defence, just too soft. Agreed that Iverson is not the right fit (need an athletic big) and not enough defence on the floor when the 2 brothers are playing in tandem. Hopefully it's just the constant travel catching up with them, but I’d be concerned.

Reply #831534 | Report this post

Years ago

Webster's should get a ball each and go to the practice court while the games on, hogs the both of them. Well done on that George B guy for actually giving Cairns a bit backbone, Kelly should have got him on in the last as soon as the slide started. Patterson is still a quality player and should start in the two.
Patterson, let him do the ball handling,
Well done Cairns, deng was good, both imports and Noi offensively.

Reply #831536 | Report this post

Years ago

This honestly looks like a team JVG would put together. Maybe he did some subcontracting work. Don't forget the NBL journos were hyping up Shamir. He has done nothing to reward any hype.

Reply #831537 | Report this post

Years ago

Did NZ assume the Cats would re-sign Plumlee, and thus signed Iverson as a potential playoff counter? Seems the only reason.

Reply #831541 | Report this post

Years ago

Possibly. Did they sign him before Bogut retired? Those were the two matchups they struggled with.

Reply #831552 | Report this post

Years ago

Plumblee had hops.

Plumblee is also a better shooter (you can't say that often)

Reply #831553 | Report this post

Years ago

'They literally look like a Monday night basketball team roster that's been put together an hour before the game. Iverson?? Horrible choice of an import. I'm a united fan and I hate to see teams look this bad but jesus'

Exactly, the best way to descibe it is an ABA game u pay $55 to watch. Both Patto & Jawaii were hoping for the foul shot misses for the free cheeseburgers. I guess being on the road has effected the Breakers mentally & Taipans being at home aren't much better.

Never again unless u get me freebies pls

Reply #831556 | Report this post

Years ago

Breakers definitely look cooked mentally. Being on the road for a month and a half, living in each other's pockets. Would be pretty brutal

Reply #831560 | Report this post

Years ago

Breakers looked horrible early last year, Shamir made poor choices but he swung it around and by season's end the Breakers were as good as almost anyone. I wouldn't be writing him or them off yet.

Reply #831566 | Report this post

Years ago

Last year they turned it around once Webster left. This year they have two Websters.

Reply #831568 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm not going to write them off yet either.

Tai needs to get his team mates going early before he looks to take over.
The whole team needs to stop settling for 3's and take it inside although the long reach of Deng probably discouraged that somewhat.

Reply #831569 | Report this post

Years ago

If you are worried about Dengs defence inside you ain't going anywhere, in saying that Deng was very good but he’s hardly a road block .

Reply #831573 | Report this post

Years ago

Mystro wrote

"Tai needs to get his team mates going early before he looks to take over."

Yes but look who he has on the wings. Abercrombie doesn't even look at the hoop most of the time.

I like Bach, but he is realistically a ninth or tenth man.

Nz needs offence from somewhere. So Tai is it. Starting Bach really is a poor coaching call.

Reply #831578 | Report this post

Years ago

So who would you have started?

Reply #831598 | Report this post

Years ago

Bach is a positive.

Websters were awful last night. Corey when he forced the switch and was marked by the big guy Corey gave it up most of the time.
Abercrombie needs them to be cutting up opponents to create his shot Otherwiise a becomes a passenger.
Patterson hasn't worked out that when they put a quick defensive guard on him have is going to struggle with face up," take him off the dribble”.

Reply #831656 | Report this post

Years ago

I would start:


I don't buy into Patterson bring a two. He's more of a 4 than a 2 imo.

C Webster is a all time nz great. I get that he had a poor game. He's always played better as a starter.

Please note I like Bach.

The above isn't perfect, and the form is poor. But these are the guys who will are most likely to get a championship. They have the upside.

I would have a replacement for Iverson. Already/pronto.

I'd look to shorten up the rotations.

Weeks is a shot first point guard. Unfortunately. Last thing the team needs.
He'd sit.

Trist might never get on the team bus let alone the court, if I coached.

Galloway some spot up minutes, not part of the rotation. But the four would be delaney and patterson for me.

I'm frustrated in patterson's condition, but I'd play him into shape. He'd be exhausted 24 by 7. And only feed keto until he comes right. Skip rope in the mornings army style to noon.

Webster's (both) D is a concern. Acknowledged. But this is what would I do, not what would I have done.

Reply #831682 | Report this post

Years ago

Part of the problem for the Breakers is that both Tai Webster and Weeks are shoot first and tend to put up shots early in the shot clock. This needs to stop. One thing I enjoy watching about Patterson, fat or not, is his patience to find a better shot whether for himself or his teammates.

Weeks' energy and defence helped during the Breakers run. But he also took some perimeter 3s that maybe he should not have taken.

Reading between the lines of the press conference, there is a bit of homesickness and cabin fever. It will be interesting if during the NBL Cup other teams fare the same.

I would not write off Shamir. The way him and Moar turned around the Breakers last year and got them playing together I don't believe many coaches could have done. That was an absolute trainwreck of a season.

Having said that, I would look to start next game:


Tell Corey to rein in Tai's trigger and use the shot clock. Go to Patterson in the last 8 if there's nothing, iso him with 4 shooters on the floor.

I was keen on Iverson and believe he has value, but he missed way too many bunnies last night. Can't do worse than Brandon Ashley; he knows the system and you'll get 20 productive minutes before he fouls out.

Reply #831702 | Report this post

Years ago

That's a fair assessment. In my opinion when you combine a "shoot the lights out" off guard (Corey Webster) with a ball dominant shoot first point in Tai there’s likely to be issues. Both aren’t tough defenders also which I think is actually their biggest issue. On the switch they were both getting completely exposed down low resulting in easy layups. Dropping Abercrombie to the bench will just exacerbate this problem as he’s one of their only A grade defenders.

Agreed that they need to isolate Patterson more. Could he play the point forward, Webster’s spotting up on either wing for the triple then Delaney/Abercrombie/Loe rotating low? Would sure be entertaining.

Brandon Ashley while he has constant foul problems is a much better fit for this team and at least is aggressive and runs the floor.

Reply #831707 | Report this post

Years ago

Don't think you can start two Webster’s.

Reply #831710 | Report this post

Years ago

I always thought they should have resigned Brandon Ashley. They seem to think they need a seven foot centre and they just don't, especially if it’s Iverson. What were they thinking with that signing? ...I know Ashley is a 4 not a 5, but he’s so much better for this team. I’m starting to think Shamir doesn’t know what he’s doing.

Reply #831711 | Report this post

Years ago

"Breakers looked horrible early last year, Shamir made poor choices but he swung it around and by season's end the Breakers were as good as almost anyone. I wouldn't be writing him or them off yet."

Last year was different because everyone was getting injured and they couldn't get any consistency of players on the court until second half of the season. This year they have recruited the wrong imports in my opinion.

Reply #831717 | Report this post

Years ago

Webster, Webster, Patterson... there is only one ball

Reply #831718 | Report this post

Years ago

Patterson knows how to bring other people into the team as well as get his own shots.

Reply #831721 | Report this post

Years ago

You mean extra serves of Burger King? He will be the next import released to explore other opportunities

Reply #831724 | Report this post

Years ago

Some people on this site don't know a lot a basketball, anyway if nz are going to release him I’m certain Sixers would be happy with him and wildcats if Cotton becomes an Australian.

Reply #831728 | Report this post

Years ago

The Breakers won't release Patterson he's their best player. Not on production right now he's not but when up and about he is. He always uses the first 7-8 games of the season to play himself into shape and then once he does he becomes the best player in the league not named Bryce Cotton.

Unfortunately for Breakers fans he shouldn't have pulled this shit with a new team but he has so not much can be done about it now. Shamir still bringing him off the bench after the 20 point game isn't a great idea. You risk losing him mentally which the team can't afford and he needs minutes to play himself into shape again for the betterment of the team.

Shamir as a coach leaves a lot to be desired IMO not that this is his fault but even in timeouts it doesn't seem like he commands the respect of their players which is to be expected when you bring in a 'blow in' no one knows.

Reply #831734 | Report this post

Years ago

From JMS: "Agreed that they need to isolate Patterson more. Could he play the point forward, Webster's spotting up on either wing for the triple..."

Very well thought out yet simple. Patterson decides who gets the ball. Websters have green light to shoot or drive (as they are getting it from Patterson in the right place, at the right time)(They no doubt already have that).

Then he (JMS) goes on with: "...then (2 of) Delaney/Abercrombie/Loe rotating low?".

Makes good sense. Throw in some picks-and-roles/pops. Patterson will score at will or find the open shooter, and there's your game-plan.

What I don't like is that there is no 2nd unit. Iverson, Weeks, Tryst, Galloway, Bach, Murray, Davidson and prob Abercrombie as he gives them inside/outside scoring. Not enough there to hold the fort None of the others are reliable scoring threats, IMO. So no more than say, 2 or maybe 3 (if Aberc is one) bench players on-court, at once.

Mr Shamir, thanks and so long. JMS to take your spot (JMS, can I be your Moar? I'd be good following you around, giving advice and getting ignored.)

Reply #831736 | Report this post

Years ago

Before the season began I was really looking forward to seeing the Webster brothers in action together on an NBL court after their solid Tall Blacks offensive performance at the last World Cup. The core of that team are the same main local players at the Breakers - C. & T. Webster plus Abercrombie, Delaney and Loe. The only notable omission is Fotu.

Considering there is already a history of these players gelling together all they had to do was get the imports right. The one unknown-to-the-NBL import was the key and he doesn't provide much at all. He's simply another recruit by Shamir from an ex-team of his. So you have to assign the blame on the coach for that one with him also wearing the GM hat or whatever they call his title after the turfing of Brasswell. Recruiting imports from a shallow pool of players you've coached as an assistant back in Israel, even when they're criminals, screams of amateur hour. If I was the owner I'd be asking why horizons weren't broadened in the search. And to ownership why go to all the trouble of signing an unheralded European coach in the first place when you could get Pero Cameron straight from your own backyard?

Was the World Cup performance purely Corey being on fire and doesn't mean that much in the scheme of things? Is the avocado cut or home sickness by being on the road constantly aceptable temporary excuses for now? No other NBL has or will ever have such an advantage in team composition.

Reply #831738 | Report this post

Years ago

Corey is still injured.

Reply #831739 | Report this post

Years ago

Last when they release Corey Webster l, the breakers is on fire..I think Corey Webster is not a team leader,his stat padding..

Reply #831742 | Report this post

Years ago

The kings will cop all of the breakers angst on Friday night and all will be forgotten. Lot of panic on here. Tip hats to cairns they play well and smart.

Reply #831750 | Report this post

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