Years ago
Cambage private hearing
Years ago
Years ago
Her conduct was disgraceful, and when you consider how much she bangs on about being a POC, and how much she says she hates negative behaviour towards women and other demographics, now she blames mental health, BA should ban her from playing for Australia, that's not how we should be represented.
Years ago
Best not to let Cambage controversies detract from legitimate arguments on PoC/Gender equality
How does sandy remain with all the crap that has gone on in the program since 2017.
Huge culture issues within the opals , a team that is obviously in a rapid decline.
If they bring Cambage back for Sydney WC.... It was he opals collective that did not want her.
Years ago
Her conduct clearly warrants a ban from the Opals and if it were any other player I think it would be a fate accompli. But Cambage is their best player and it's mot even close. She is going to enjoy special privileges. At most she might apologize, a slap on the wrist, and no further action, and the sentiment that "she's learned her lesson!" although she hasn't, and never has across all of her various misbehaviours through her career. She'll still say "blah blah blah BLM" on Twitter though, despite the very different things she was yelling in the faces of the Nigerian girls. And very few people will have the balls to pull her up on it. She'll then have the gall to claim others experience privilege.
Expect very little to come of this zoom meeting. It's a face saving exercise by BA who must be seen to be doing something about the issue. The only thing that will keep Cambage from next year's women's cup is herself.
Years ago
I used to think Aussie tennis players were always the troubled ones, letting down their fans or with issues behind the scenes...
Kyrgios, Tomic, Dokic, Philoupoussis
But will basketball soon take the mantle, with Cambage and Simmons leading the way?
She should be banned from all competition in Australia , frankly she doesn't deserve to play anywhere with what she said to the Nigerian team , but I fear ME is corrrct, she will be given a slap on the wrist, BA will write an apologetic statement fir her to sign and she will skip off pulling trout mouth faces with her younger out and then take to Twitter saying "she was the victims" but she’s so good she’s apologised
The rest of the oaks don’t want her and her attitude , but Brondello will coddle her and stroke her ego, the still won’t win though, they will have more chance without her in that team and some younger blood
What did she supposedly say to the Nigerian team?
Rain Man
Years ago
Allegedly she said something along the lines of "go back to your third world country you black c*#ts"
Heard from a couple sources that's what has been said, but without any video footage surfacing of it we shall never know for sure. Could easily be a rumour that’s got out of control too
Years ago
There is video and apparently the Nigerian men's team has it. From what I understand there were some N bombs dropped. BA will have to find some creative wauys to make that "okay".
We love her sorry for those who don't ain’t much y’all can do or that will change she runs things her way and this forum won’t change that but I’m sure if she ever looks at what you all are saying she might change hahahaha
Each to their own. But i think you will find history will remember her as a w*anker off the floor rather than her performances on the floor.
Hey unlike those in here commenting who won't be remembered at all just dead and gone with no legacy at all advantage Liz hahahaha
#144 that's funny seeing as you have no idea who posts what. No wonder you love Liz
Years ago
What legacy will Liz have lol?
Australia was built on racism the nerve of that comment hahahah
Brondello needs Cambage to save her job which she should have already lost after 3 and a half years of bad results.
The constant excuses of chemistry really piss me off, you've chosen the same side for 4 years lady.
A new team has to be built and with a new culture under a new coach who can actually develop players.
Only tournament we've done good in under sandy has been the 2018 WC silver with Cambage who carried the team.
Without Cambage we have lost every other major or regional tournament.
I see us getting humiliated next year without Liz at the WC, out of 12 teams, we will finish 8-12 and I’m ok with that if mass changes are made immediately after.
Years ago
Lol. Ok, so if we can't be critical of an idiot like cambage because of her "legacy" we cant be critical of anyone in the public eye. Let;s just bow at all famous people and kiss their asses because more people know of them, and therefore "legacy"
Ted Bundy also has a legacy, so we're not fit to judge him either.
Years ago
"Australia was built on racism the nerve of that comment hahahah"
I wanted to craft a comeback for this then I remembered - it's school holidays - we should have 10 weeks off of these kinds of comments as of next week.
We love her sorry for those who don't ain't much y’all can do or that will change she runs things her way and this forum won’t change that but I’m sure if she ever looks at what you all are saying she might change hahahaha
Reply #873135
Very few "love her , though she does love herself , and Opals especially if they had a better coach will do just fine without her horrible toxic personality
Ezi is a stand out on and off the floor and will replace Cambage easily
Liz needs banning from completion and it should be all international competition, disgusting in what she has said and how she’s behaved in multiple occasions
She can have her hearing now as her arse just got bundled out of the playoffs. Griner again showing who is the premier big in the world
George 89
Tolo 89
Cambage 91
Bunton 93
Smith 96
Scherf 96
Aokuso 98
Magbegor 99
George n Tolo maybe have 2 years left
Cambage ban likely
Think with lack of depth at 4-5 we should be looking at Allen and blicavs as the 4 man, the position they play in the wnba. Talbot 3, Kunek etc instead of 2. Insert new sg
Bunton has trimmed down alot, interesting to see her comeback and if she can become the backup big for a few years.
Rain Man
Years ago
It's interesting that when Alice Kunek did that terrible blackface post on insta, and was rightly called out for it by Liz, maybe a bit harshly, but deserved considering the act. The commentary from some was that she had to be called out for it and suspended and so on, because what she had done was so poor. Yet Liz and some supporters are calling out people who’ve gone to the media and called her out in this instance for what is potentially a disgusting racist tirade, and somehow it shows the lack of integrity of these individuals for getting her in trouble for her actions. Shouldn’t it be ok if Liz has set the precedent in the past for this to be done?
Years ago
Alice Kunek had no ides blackface was racist. She was just trying to impersonate Kanye West as best she could! She certailny knows now thns to Liz. That was harsh & i felt sorry for he over all that.
An apology & expalantion of apathy should have finished that whole saga!!
Kunek knew what she was doing. Cant tell me she didn't know in 2016.
Kunek paid the price during that era and so shall Liz this time.
Surprisingly you’d think Liz will be banned and Kunek will get a new opportunity with the opals.
Years ago
Yeah, I don't buy the "I didn't know" thing on black face. She probably wasn't doing it with racist intent but you'd have to be living under a rock to not know the implications of it.
Recent articles suggest Cambage will be banned from the world cup. I wonder how much of that will be BA's decision and how much will be girls flat out refusing to play with her? I imagine if there's any chance the team would get together with Cambage, and any chance that BA can side step around it, that she wouldn't be banned - she's their best player. But I do think there's more to this than just BA's lone decision if she's banned.
Years ago
She probably wasn't doing it with racist intent but you'd have to be living under a rock to not know the implications of it.I think being that age bracket and not from the States, you could misunderstand or underestimate the weight of it.
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