Two years ago

36ers vs Wildcats, Jan 18

7:00pm ACDT
7:30pm AEDT
4:30pm WA

Travers, Zunic & Clarke unavailable for Perth due to Covid protocols
Blanchfield game day fitness test to return from his knee injury

Sunday Dech back in business for the 36ers

Topic #49652 | Report this topic

Two years ago

Odds on covid postponement again?

Reply #882260 | Report this post

Two years ago


Reply #882263 | Report this post

Two years ago

Medium rare

Reply #882265 | Report this post

Two years ago

I reckon its more even that what the betting odds suggest.

COVID has been a quasi equaliser, any team not prepared or under done can expect to walk away with an L regardless of whats on paper.

Dech back is a big factor given he is on Cotton.

These are the types of games the Sixers need to win if they are to show the fans their legitimacy as contenders.

I am expecting a big game from Humphries, he'd had an extra 4 weeks of rest and is up against Majok Majok or COVID effected Hodgson. Perth lack size but make up for it with skill like Law.

Looking forward to this game.

Will probably not be a sell out even disregarding the restrictions due to poor mid week timing.

Reply #882267 | Report this post

Two years ago

Are we sure Dech is even that good?

Reply #882270 | Report this post

Two years ago

Given how teams have generally gone returning from COVID-enforced breaks, I expect neither team to score double figures.

Reply #882271 | Report this post

Two years ago

Kai Sotto will absolutely dominate Majok Majok and that gumby Hodgson. Kai is way more skilled and I expect him to score a career high tomorrow night.

Reply #882273 | Report this post

Two years ago

Adelaide will lose even if Sotto gets a triple double and the Wildcats start their dev players.

Reply #882274 | Report this post

Two years ago

Sunday is a big in. He always does well tagging Cotton.

Reply #882275 | Report this post

Two years ago

" is way more skilled and I expect him to score a career high tomorrow night."

Wasn't his last game 1pt? One field goal would achieve a career high for him, not a high bar set.

Reply #882276 | Report this post

Two years ago

Kai is way more skilled and I expect him to score a career high tomorrow night.

2 points for Kai is a career night.

Reply #882277 | Report this post

Two years ago

Beat me to it KET

Reply #882278 | Report this post

Two years ago

Can we just stop with this talk, let the kid play, don't feed trolls, I have no real expectations for him other than when he gets a chance I hope he plays well because he happens to be on the team I support. He is neither great nor shit.

Reply #882279 | Report this post

Two years ago

Adelaide player's have career night’s against Perth, out of Covid would probably be like a pre season game.

Reply #882284 | Report this post

Two years ago

Just great to see the Cats back on court, pity its not in front of 13,000 though. Cats by 12

Reply #882289 | Report this post

Two years ago

Breakers vs JackJumpers postponed.

Hopefully this game isn't?

Reply #882310 | Report this post

Two years ago

Travers out weakens Perth, it's those little percentage plays at both ends they will miss. Don’t think it will be enough for Sixers to win though. Perth by 12.

Reply #882330 | Report this post

Two years ago

Just great to see the Cats back on court, pity its not in front of 13,000 though. Cats by 12

Even if this game were in Perth, would the authorities allow a full venue? And thats before opening up / let it rip, I think you can forget about 5 figure attendances for the rest of the season.

Travers out weakens Perth, it's those little percentage plays at both ends they will miss.

Agreed, its not just Travers but potentially Blanchfield still.

Wasn't Blanchfield supposed to be out for longer than this?

Norton is back but in what game shape?

We really need to take advantage of our bigs advantage, Perth are last in defensive rebounds, you would think between DJ, IH and Bairstow they've be able to get more than their fair share of offensive boards.

Reply #882331 | Report this post

Two years ago

Blanchfield has passed his fitness test and will play tonight as per Cats twitter

Reply #882342 | Report this post

Two years ago

Been a month since the Sixers last played a game so being the Sixers they'll likely come out as if they don't want to be there and chasing the Wildcats all night.

According to the NBL's social media posts the Sixers have won 8 of their last 11 games against Perth in Adelaide. That's likely because we usually play them here early in the season when they're still shaking the cobwebs out and going through the motions a bit.

Most years the Sixers usually play a game against them in Perth towards the end of the season and we get absolutely smashed as they're usually about to begin another successful playoff run and we're already out of playoff contention just content with seeing DJ have a good game in his home state.

Anyway much like the opening game of the season when Perth had half their roster out injured and the Sixers still managed to comfortably lose I wouldn't expect much different tonight. Hopefully we don't somehow manage to play worse than our last game up in Cairns.

Wildcats by 12

Reply #882345 | Report this post

Two years ago

Wow, this game is actually happening.

Sixers with a double digit lead.

Reply #882351 | Report this post

Two years ago

Been a month since the Sixers last played a game so being the Sixers they'll likely come out as if they don't want to be there and chasing the Wildcats all night.
The Wildcats haven't been playing either.

Reply #882352 | Report this post

Two years ago

Hump injured?

Reply #882353 | Report this post

Two years ago

Humphries only got out of protocols yesterday.

Reply #882354 | Report this post

Two years ago

Perth looking like they still have covid recovery legs.

Reply #882355 | Report this post

Two years ago

Thanks annon was worked he tweaked something in warm-up.

Reply #882356 | Report this post

Two years ago

Harris doing the 1%ers. Sixers can't miss, cats can’t get a look.

Reply #882357 | Report this post

Two years ago

Sitting here enjoying rate effort from 6ers. Shame crowd so poor?

Reply #882358 | Report this post

Two years ago

I thought 6ers were saying it was a sell-out

Reply #882359 | Report this post

Two years ago

Far from it. Terrible crowd

Reply #882360 | Report this post

Two years ago

Where the fuck is Kai?

Reply #882361 | Report this post

Two years ago

Cats have only played once in the last month, and have been living out of a hotel for most of that too. I think I'd prefer Adelaide's situation.

Reply #882362 | Report this post

Two years ago

Crowd don't look to bad. Cats offence is stagnant. Boy I miss Gleeson.

Reply #882363 | Report this post

Two years ago

Might have sold the tickets but sure as hell not everyone is here. Do like when we run the ball through withers on the post, made good decisions, especially in the first.

Reply #882364 | Report this post

Two years ago

This is the make good game for the 28th, so the tickets sold then count for tonight.

Reply #882365 | Report this post

Two years ago

Wouldn't be surprised if people who had tickets preferring not to go with covid around so much. Was a refund possible?

Reply #882366 | Report this post

Two years ago

Love your work sixers...only matter of time before the crew clicked...master stoke to get the blairstone up and about early.. even noticed DJ playing D... happy days sweet Tuesday

Reply #882367 | Report this post

Two years ago

Sixers gotta Sixer.

Reply #882368 | Report this post

Two years ago

Coach warning, followed by Perth run. How standard for NBL.

Refs are so scared of abusive coaches its embarassing.

Reply #882369 | Report this post

Two years ago

Kai "DNP" Sotto. Angry Filos are out in full force on the Adelaide Facebook page. Calling for coach CJ's head.

Reply #882372 | Report this post

Two years ago

How the hell did no one initially want Bairstow. He's better than 90% of the bigs in the league.

Reply #882373 | Report this post

Two years ago

Sixers doing their best to lose this - whenever they go iso or chuck up threes early, they give up more of their lead. Attacking the rim, lots of movement and fast passing worked well for them, so why the f do they stop what works. Especially in the last minutes of the second quarter when Perth was on four team fouls.

Come on Sixers.

Reply #882374 | Report this post

Two years ago

Can't wait for the highlights package from the NBL for Sotto.

Reply #882375 | Report this post

Two years ago

Crowd looked awful on the TV. Anyone at game can give an insight?

Reply #882376 | Report this post

Two years ago

How under done were Perth?

I suspect Travers and Covid tearing through them turned this into a preseason type game where Adelaide look good against under strength sides.

Bairstow, oh my, he has been good on both ends. If they didn't take the punt they’d have been screwed tbh.

Reply #882377 | Report this post

Two years ago

Weak cats.
Smashed out of the blocks.
I could understand being overrun but not coming out so poorly from the start.

Reply #882378 | Report this post

Two years ago

6ers fans will get carried away with a win over a virus stricken cats. 6ers no chance to be in playoff calculations from what I saw tonight.

Reply #882379 | Report this post

Two years ago

Was at game tonight. Lower level crowd ok. Upper level, where members get ignored by club, was very sparse ... again

Reply #882381 | Report this post

Two years ago

Vintage Bairstow, if he can keep injury free he'll be the buy of the year. Good result for the Sixers. I’m not convinced on Perth, to much iso ball.

Reply #882382 | Report this post

Two years ago

Three Sixers out of Covid protocols yesterday. Hardly a fully fit and running team either.

Perth game style change under Morrison should be considered as much a factor. Good to see he's fit right in at Perth in the ref abuse and swearing though.

Reply #882383 | Report this post

Two years ago

Perth with no answer for Bairstow

Majok and hodgson both look piss weak.

Reply #882384 | Report this post

Two years ago

Next minute Bairstow joins Perth

Reply #882385 | Report this post

Two years ago

Only got to see the last few minutes. Stoked to have seen Bear do well.

Did Sotto really get a DNP-CD?

Reply #882387 | Report this post

Two years ago

Yeah I left the game thinking at least we got the win. Started great, but really fell off, no movement and just so stagnant. Thats why I liked the ball into withers in the post early and action from that. Inside out, not pound the air out of the ball a crap screen a crap shot.

Reply #882388 | Report this post

Two years ago

Go watch the post game huddle. DJ doesn't engage and then after the rah rah stuff he just leaves. Total dummy spit

Reply #882389 | Report this post

Two years ago

After he was demoted from the captaincy this season hopefully the Sixers say something to DJ he doesn't want to hear in exit interviews after the season so he declines to pick up his player option and leaves.

Reply #882392 | Report this post

Two years ago

Just had a read of the 36ers FB page game comments.
Wow what a circus. Filo fans really are in a fantasy land about Kai's potential.

Their reaction shows how much most of them know about the game. The fact is, Kai was always going to struggle getting minutes on a team with 3 experienced bigs in front of him. Don’t think the 36ers are going to lose any sleep over losing FB followers!

Reply #882394 | Report this post

Two years ago

Hey, when do Sotto's stats get added to the boxscore like those of everyone else?

Reply #882396 | Report this post

Two years ago

Unfortunately no career high points for Kai "The Kaiju" Sotto.

That idiot CJ Bruton is holding back Kai's career and shot at the NBA.

Reply #882397 | Report this post

Two years ago

Filipino YouTubers have started posting videos about Kai Sotto's towel waving techniques lol.

Reply #882398 | Report this post

Two years ago

Before the season started I was high on Adelaide and thought they had their best roster in a long time and watching them in Perth I thought they'd end up being a very tough squad...

After this game I'm actually less impressed, Bairstow is brilliant, McCarron was influential and DJ rode the mismatches as you'd expect from him but as the game went on I expected Perth to steamroll over them and I was kinda surprised it didn't happen as it wasn't really like 36ers were clutch at any stage.

Imagine if Perth had nailed a couple of those 3pointers in the first quarter and Adelaide missed a couple... would we still have as comfortable a win for Adelaide... I'm not sure they would win but all power to them.

As for Perth, still really hard to know what Frazier will give this team for th rest of the season, how will Blanchfield be used once fully fit? Most importantly, why do Perth put so much reliance on Kevin White to shoot the ball when that is playing into the scout of the opposition, I'm not dissing Kev but I think if you need a basket there needs to be better options and plays ran than him taking that responsibility (talking 1st 1/4 3point shots)

Reply #882402 | Report this post

Two years ago

What was all the rubbish from the club that "only 100 seater left" for last night's game? The place looked empty?

Reply #882412 | Report this post

Chairman Of The Bored  
Two years ago

Only 100 tickets left. You need to take into account the world we're living in right now.

Firstly, this game was rescheduled so people who had bought tickets to the previous date were ticketholders for this one. There's likelihood that a percentage of them couldn't make this date due to other commitments.

Secondly, we're in the middle of a pandemic and there are government mandates in place. I have season tickets for myself and my family but all four of us weren't there last night because the kids were close contacts on Monday and as such we're stuck in iso. Very good chance there were a whole bunch of people in the exact same boat.

Thirdly, there are probably some other members who just don't like the risk of getting into a stadium full of people given the current COVID numbers.

You'd be lucky to sell out a game in this climate. Even if you did you wouldn't get everyone rocking up.

Reply #882425 | Report this post

ME (he/kangaroo)  
Two years ago

We can take the positives out of last night's game but there's a bit of fools gold there too.


- Cam Bairstow: He's starting to look like he should start over Humphries. Certainly gives the team a more mobile look.
- Mitch McCarron: He has been absolutely horrendous all season but last night was a stand out game. Maybe he has turned the corner? I still don't buy him as a starting point guard.
- Sunday Dech: He made Cotton's life hell and has improved offensively.
- Hustle and D: The Sixers showed more life, intent and purpose on both ends of the floor. It was a far cry from any game they'd played before.

Fools Gold:

- Bryce Cotton: He's not going to have many games when he cant hit the side of a barn.
- COVID 19: Perth looked tired, lethargic and jet lagged. As has been said "Covid legs". This was not the Perth Wildcats we saw last night. It was a bad imitation.
- Late Run: Despite it all, Perth still made a hearty run at Adelaide, and brought a 28 point deficit into single digits in the last quarter, asking questions of a team that had looked to dominate early.
- Dusty Hannahs: Dusty Hannahs isn't a bucket in this league and he's not bringing what many thought he would to the team. I think that money could be better spent elsewhere.

I wont be getting too high on the win until we string a few together and show a bit of consistency. Is this the energy we are going to see? Is this the new Mitch McCarron now? Can Bairstow continue his work rate? Does Daniel Johnson have much more of this left?

I think Adelaide are another decent import away from doing anything this year.

Reply #882426 | Report this post

Two years ago

Will be interesting how Bairstow holds up when there's multiple games during week if catchup games means it's condensed later. Given injury history, probably prefers a few weeks off between heavy minute games. But definitely has paid off so far. Is there still MIP, early favourite for that I'd say.

Reply #882430 | Report this post

Two years ago

Crowd 4,700. Would have to be one of the lowest attendances since the titanium security days?

Did that number include Nick Marvin?

Reply #882432 | Report this post

Two years ago

"I'm not dissing Kev but I think if you need a basket there needs to be better options and plays ran than him taking that responsibility (talking 1st 1/4 3point shots)"

You don't seriously think that Perth are running plays to get Kev open do you?

They run plays to get the guns open and the opposition try to disrupt that which often results in White being wide open. The fact that he is shooting 27% 3pt probably justifies that. Almost all of which are wide open with hardly even a closeout.

Reply #882437 | Report this post

Two years ago

Just read some of the rants the Kai supporters are bombarding Adelaide's fb with. Hillarious.

Reply #882438 | Report this post

Two years ago

I have no idea how you can be a guard in a professional league with zero freak factor height, length or athleticism in a professional league and only shoot 27% from 3 when you're deliberately left open all the time.

Reply #882439 | Report this post

Two years ago

Me, well put. For the life of me, I can't fathom Perth's inconsistency (like the Bullets). Struggle against, even lose to. teams they should be dominating (that's most of the others), and then give us all-star games.

Sorta pleased with the result but disappointed with the game.

Reply #882440 | Report this post

Two years ago

I thought there were a ton of reasons why Perth might struggle yesterday, so the loss was no shock to me at all.
Covid aside, what about our front court? Is anyone scared by it? Especially with Travers out of action.
Not to take anything away from DJ (who burns us regularly) & Bairstow, but they weren't going up against much in the paint. Majok, Wagstaff & Hodgson managed 8 boards between the 3 of them.

Reply #882441 | Report this post

Two years ago

I dont think Frazier is working out. He seems to get blocked every second shot and not really filling the stats with players like Cotton or Law drawing a double team. Doesnt have a Euro step, not particularily fast (called for charges) and seems to be quite unathletic for a swing type player.

Cats would be better to bring in a proper 4 who can rebound and play D around the ring. Rebounds being a big issue and the two centres are not really the solution.

A mooney like import instead of Frazier and this team would look a lot more balanced.

Reply #882453 | Report this post

Two years ago

Anon - I agree about Frazier, I think the Cats got him as a player who could help shoulder some of the scoring load but is yet to do so. Whilst it may turn around for him yet I think the Cats need an import 5 man not a Power Forward as we got that in Law/Travers/Wags.

Majok & Hodgson is not the answer...

Reply #882463 | Report this post

Two years ago

I still can't see why they didn't pick up Plumlee again, apparently he hung around in AUS for a bit waiting on Cottons citizenship to come through and would re-sign? that never happened and then when three imports was allowed again I thought they'd sign him now. Import at guard, forward and center spreads it out each gives the team something. I would think we have enough scoring with Cotton, Law, Blanch then a Wags, Travers or someone chipping in with the 10-15 points each game but we are missing tough rebounding/interior presence. Hogson looks like he's too worried about his hair getting messed up and I love seeing Majok back but hes coming off a big injury.

Reply #882465 | Report this post

Two years ago

To be fair Law does steal and handful off rebounds off them each game.

ps. if Hayes-"Code Brown" is suited up: use him!

Reply #882584 | Report this post

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