Two years ago

WNBL Semi Finals

Thu 7:00pm - Melbourne vs Adelaide [FOX, Kayo, ABC iView]
Thu 6:30pm - Perth vs Canberra [FOX, Kayo, ABC iView]

Sat 4:30pm - Adelaide vs Melbourne [ABC, FOX, Kayo]

Sun 5:00pm - Canberra vs Perth [FOX, Kayo, ABC iView]

*Wed 6:30pm - Perth vs Canberra [FOX, Kayo, ABC iView]

*Thu 7:00pm - Melbourne vs Adelaide [FOX, Kayo, ABC iView]

All times local

*If required

Topic #49884 | Report this topic

Two years ago

Who decided to have the Lynx and Wildcats both play in Perth on the same night?

Reply #887835 | Report this post

Two years ago

The Lynx were partially responsible. We were originally scheduled for Wednesday night *if* we had finished #1, so requested an extra day to recover from the road trip, and were given it. It turned out we finished #2 and got the original Thursday slot anyway.

I'm happy with it.
Far more important for the Lynx to get the extra day of recovery than avoid a clash with fans who mostly have no interest in them anyway.

Reply #887836 | Report this post

Two years ago

I have other commitments this evening/tonight, so I get to come home and marathon both NBL games and the Lynx game starting from 10pm...brutal scheduling.

Reply #887838 | Report this post

Two years ago

Awesome, can't wait for the multi screen action tonight.

Reply #887841 | Report this post

Two years ago

Reply #887848 | Report this post

Two years ago

1st Qtr observations: Smith haters have gone very quiet. Mitchell is so over rated.
Talbot and Smith the best 1-2 punch in the League.
3 young inexperienced referees letting a lot go early, hopefully doesn't lead to thug ball come the 4th.
Tiny crowd, WNBL and Melbourne can't be happy with that. Embarassing.

Reply #887870 | Report this post

Two years ago

Just got home and saw the score.


Reply #887871 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

Goriss really doesn't like using his bench.

Reply #887891 | Report this post

Two years ago

Terrible semi final referee crew. 3 non-callers. Not a great crew combination by BA.

Reply #887906 | Report this post

Two years ago

Solid start, Perth.
Need to finish it in 2 to be any chance in the GF though I think.

Reply #887909 | Report this post

Two years ago

Amazing comeback by the Boomers 63-17 in the second half is crazy. The Boomers will live and die on the 3 and we saw the extremes of that in this one. Their lack of bench might also become a factor late in close games. The starting unit is great, but then Molloy doesnt have anyone off the bench he seems to trust.

I'm still not 100% sold on Mitchell. She's clearly super talented, but her decision making isn't great.

Reply #887917 | Report this post

Two years ago

I notice the Caps sent their full roster despite no changes to WA border rules.

Reply #887963 | Report this post

Tired Weevil  
Two years ago

Sigh, Julia commentating for the second game in a row.

Reply #887997 | Report this post

Two years ago

What's messier - her commentary or Adelaide's offensive execution?

Reply #887999 | Report this post

Tired Weevil  
Two years ago

Both are shocking. Julia's actually gotten better but she is just SO annoying.

Reply #888002 | Report this post

James Harvey fan  
Two years ago

Julia is going to be calling the World Cup as well. I don't get it.

Reply #888024 | Report this post

Tired Weevil  
Two years ago

Whaaaat, really? That's such crap news :( was really looking forward to the WC but that's taken away a bit of the excitement. I definitely don't get it either; can they seriously not get anyone else? Obviously everyone has to start somewhere, and she has gotten better throughout this season (I used to have to put all her games on mute but now suffer through listening to them) but she is still absolutely nowhere near being good enough to be calling something like the WC.

Reply #888069 | Report this post

Two years ago

Capitals vs Lynx postponed, series will now be best of two.

Reply #888129 | Report this post

Two years ago

Well I'm happy for the Caps that the WNBL has more mercy than the AFL

This sucks for Perth though - robbing us of the opportunity to wrap it up in 2 games and be fresh for the GF series.
(It's obviously not ideal for Canberra either!)

Reply #888131 | Report this post

Two years ago

Less mileage on the legs though, and Melbourne might be sitting around for a while. If the Caps have to field an NBL1 side (which given what the WNBL has said about scheduling is entirely possible) then an easy tune-up win would be ideal grand final prep.

Reply #888132 | Report this post

Tired Weevil  
Two years ago

This sucks for Perth though - robbing us of the opportunity to wrap it up in 2 games and be fresh for the GF series.
(It's obviously not ideal for Canberra either!)

Really glad you put that last line in, because f*cking really? Perth have been robbed of nothing, they have had so many allowances made for them. I'm sure the Caps players just loved flying clear across the country only to all contract Covid.

Reply #888133 | Report this post

Two years ago

Perth have been robbed of nothing, they have had so many allowances made for them.
They played four home games all year, what the fuck are you talking about?

I'm sure the Caps players just loved flying clear across the country only to all contract Covid.
They're in Canberra. It's the Lynx who have flown clear across the country for, it turns out, nothing.

Reply #888134 | Report this post

Two years ago

Perth have been robbed of nothing, they have had so many allowances made for them.


Reply #888136 | Report this post

Two years ago

Perth have had an extremely tough run this year how you can say otherwise just makes you look like a one eyed Eastern states twat

Reply #888137 | Report this post

Two years ago

Everyone has had a tough run. This is the first game caps have had to postpone due to covid in their camp, they had at least 2 games cancelled on game day by other teams. It's just unfortunate - no one to blame.

Perth have had a tough run, but as have every team. Perth elected to go home and get two weeks to reset, rest and rehab injuries. No other team has had that luxury.

It will be disappointing if the league forces a Caps forfeit. No other team was pressured to that. Almost every other game was rescheduled and the finals should have been planned with this in mind.

Reply #888141 | Report this post

Two years ago

All the other teams got to go home every week.

Reply #888142 | Report this post

Two years ago

It's ironic that Perth have had the border shut for so long to the rest of the country, then its becomes the hot spot for covid and a travelling team get it.... maybe the rest of country should close the border to the Republic of WA.

This delay in the season will hit Melbourne the hardest, sitting around waiting for 10+ days and getting out of the groove.

Reply #888151 | Report this post

Two years ago

So according to the article on ABC sport, Caps will host game 2, and need to win by 15 to advance to the GF.
So they've effectively been handed the advantage in the series despite finishing lower on the standings.

Reply #888152 | Report this post

Two years ago

Just a rabble Basketball Australia. Amateur hour as usual

Reply #888153 | Report this post

Tired Weevil  
Two years ago

Perth have had a tough run, but as have every team. Perth elected to go home and get two weeks to reset, rest and rehab injuries. No other team has had that luxury.

Exactly. So hilarious seeing all these butt-hurt people in WA sooking because their own government who thinks WA is above the rest of the world, literally caused this. Nothing against you personally, Luc, obviously everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

As for those making personal attacks and even resorting to "twat", well, all you're doing is confirming what the rest of us already knew.

Reply #888156 | Report this post

Two years ago

All we should want is affected players to have a full recovery.

Changing to a two game, points based SF series provides minimal advantage to either team and minimises the delay for Melbourne and the GF. Caps made finals and deserve the opportunity to play at home in front of fans and to get the extra revenue that this affords. I don't know what more wnbl could be doing.

Reply #888158 | Report this post

Two years ago

Oh I do hope you are ok after the very bad twat word was used... please!
Be interesting to see if caps can field a team and when they field that team given they should be in iso for 7 days which would take them past the Saturday game 1 gf schedule.
So now Perth have to travel back to Canberra again and lose the home court advantage and hand the advantage to Canberra of knowing the score they need to advance, interesting two advantages gained by caps this year hey!

Reply #888167 | Report this post

Two years ago

Perth elected to go home and get two weeks to reset, rest and rehab injuries. No other team has had that luxury.
Every other team has been able to go home every week, the Lynx committed to a couple of months on the road to start the season and just as it was coming to a close it got indefinitely extended. They got to play just four home games, all in a week, and then got another road trip.

Now they've had to travel to Canberra for nothing, and will have to either come home and fly back to Canberra again in a few days, or stay in Canberra until the game can be played.

It's ironic that Perth have had the border shut for so long to the rest of the country, then its becomes the hot spot for covid and a travelling team get it
WA is getting fewer COVID cases per day than Victora and NSW. While NSW was getting 100,000 cases a day, WA had zero and life was going on as normal.

people in WA sooking because their own government who thinks WA is above the rest of the world, literally caused this.
It being the result of WA government policies does not suddenly make it fair. The Lynx have no input on WA government policy.

Additionally, which part of WA government policy said the Lynx could only play four home games once the borders opened? Which part of WA government policy led to the Capitals getting COVID? Which part of WA policy governs the WNBL's response to this?

Reply #888172 | Report this post

Two years ago

Yeah this isnt great. Canberra going in knowing they need to not only win but run up the score, Perth didn't have that, so it isnt equal. Plus its effectively neutral now rather than the higher team having home court advantage.

Reply #888173 | Report this post

Two years ago

In any other professional league in the world Caps wouldn't even be in the Top 4. But yes continue with the Perth have had special treatment.

Reply #888174 | Report this post

Two years ago

Multiple teams have travelled to have their games postponed on game day. No one is at fault for that, it is an unfortunate factor of playing in these times.

Reply #888175 | Report this post

Camel 90  
Two years ago

"....maybe the rest of country should close the border to the Republic of WA."

This is the answer.

Reply #888188 | Report this post

Two years ago

Revised playoff schedule at the moment, as per The West

Apr 6/7: CAN v PER

Apr 9: MEL v PER/CAN

Apr 12: PER/CAN v MEL

Apr 14: MEL v PER/CAN

a.k.a. Thanks for your service, Guy, we're doing everything we can to send you out with a trophy.

WNBL doing their utmost to ensure that both GF participants are not able to play their best basketball.

Reply #888197 | Report this post

Two years ago


Reply #888200 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

We seem to have alot of Craig kelly and Pauline Hanson voters on this forum.

Reply #888201 | Report this post

Two years ago

Lol@ Perth fans online thinking caps should just withdraw from the semis to not degrade the quality or integrity of the finals. I don't know why they feel so threatened if they so strongly believe that they belong in the GF.

Wouldn’t you want to win it all without the question mark of a free pass in the semis?

Each team should have to earn their way through to the GF. It would be great if the league could ensure adequate rest for all teams but constraints are constraints.

Reply #888215 | Report this post

Two years ago

Lol@ Perth fans online thinking caps should just withdraw from the semis
Literally nobody in this thread has made that suggestion.

Reply #888216 | Report this post

Two years ago

Lol@ Perth fans online thinking caps should just withdraw from the semis to not degrade the quality or integrity of the finals.

I assume you mean online somewhere other than here.
One of the best ways to protect the integrity of the playoffs IMO would be to play out the 3 game SF series once possible and then play the GF as a single game if that is the only way for PER/CAN to get sufficient rest and still finish the season on time.

Reply #888217 | Report this post

Two years ago

@Luuuc that is the most rational suggestion anyone has made about this whole situation that balances player welfare and league integrity!

Reply #888218 | Report this post

Two years ago

One of the best ways to protect the integrity of the playoffs IMO would be to play out the 3 game SF series once possible and then play the GF as a single game
This unfairly favours the Lynx as it's the old WA SBL playoff model and they're therefore more used to it than the other teams.

Reply #888219 | Report this post

Two years ago

Shhhh, don't tell anyone!

Reply #888221 | Report this post

Two years ago

Caps have pulled out and Perth are through.

GF to be this Saturday, Wednesday, Saturday*

Reply #888227 | Report this post

Two years ago

Media Release just circulated, Capitals can not field a team in the next 7 days due to multiple positive cases. Perth progresses straight through to play the Boomers in the Grand Final

Reply #888228 | Report this post

Two years ago


Reply #888229 | Report this post

Two years ago

Seems game two was to have been played in Perth, not Canberra, if it had gone ahead.

Reply #888253 | Report this post

Two years ago

There's been a lot of questions about what transpired around game 2 of the WNBL semi-final series between the UC Capitals and Perth Lynx, the postponement of the game, the rescheduled fixture and how it came to be the Caps opted not to participate further in the WNBL finals series.

I wanted to take this opportunity to communicate the timeline and decision-making process over the last few days.

Christy Collier-Hill, Head of WNBL

Article Link

Reply #888476 | Report this post

Two years ago

Excellent outline by Collier. I wish the NBL would explain their decisions in this way.

Reply #888477 | Report this post

Two years ago

Disgusting journalism to insinuate that Abby Cubillo did anything wrong. Glad to see the support of teammates and opposition plays quickly sharing the covid protocols that allow outdoor dining.

Reply #888500 | Report this post

Tired Weevil  
Two years ago

It's not the journalism insinuating she did anything wrong, it's Petrik blatantly saying she did. What a complete and utter flog.

Reply #888501 | Report this post

Two years ago

Pretty embarrassing timing for this then:

The Perth Lynx wish to advise that Assistant Coach Brad Robbins did not travel with the team yesterday and will not be on the sideline coaching this weekend due to covid health and safety protocols. Assistant Coach Nat Burton has made the trip and will assist Ryan Petrik for Grand Final game 1 vs the Melbourne Boomers.
Brad is expected back in time for Game 2 in Perth.

Reply #888502 | Report this post

Two years ago

Whether the rules allow it or not, though, his point that it should be avoided is pretty sensible.

Reply #888527 | Report this post

Two years ago

It's also pretty damn hard to avoid. Okay ladies. No going out to eat, even outside, but please continue to work your part time and full time jobs during the season because we can’t get this league to a state where you can all be professionals.

Reply #888531 | Report this post

Two years ago

Plenty of his Perth players went out and about when here in the pride lands , and so to when they went back to the Republic of WA

Totally out of order by the so called "coach of the year" ... out of order for any coach to be using a players name to try to point the finger of blame when the team contracted it from playing in WA

Some “coach of the year “ he is

Reply #888532 | Report this post

Two years ago

Wnblfan.... hard to avoid? i have lived in Melbourne the whole time, worked throughout, involved with multiple sports have have never had covid. OK, so i am not going out to dinner at restaurants every week, but not sitting home in a bubble either.

Reply #888549 | Report this post

Two years ago

I just listened to the podcast that those quotes were lifted from (it is on the page that Wnblfan linked above), and I don't have a problem with anything Petrik said.

Reply #888554 | Report this post

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