Years ago

Cambage - Opals situation (Nigeria quote)

Some discussion on the Offsiders today with O'Hea about Liz Cambeige, including what was said in that infamous pre-Olympic scratch match with Nigeria:

Topic #50054 | Report this topic

Years ago

When they repeated what Liz said towards the Nigerian team, they politely left out a choice one syllable expletive.

Interview with Jenna confirms Liz herself is a aforementioned expletive.

Reply #891637 | Report this post

Years ago

When they repeated what Liz said towards the Nigerian team, they politely left out a choice one syllable expletive.

Interview with Jenna confirms Liz herself is a aforementioned expletive.

Reply #891638 | Report this post

Years ago

Cambage is legitimately a disgrace

Entitled, contemptible, hypocritical brat

Makes Ben Simmons look like a tier 1 role model and Australian national hero

Reply #891665 | Report this post

Years ago

I thought her and Ben we siblings based on behaviour maybe even twins.

Reply #891670 | Report this post

ME (he/kangaroo)  
Years ago

Jenna O'hea handled the questions brilliantly. She was diplomatic and didn't bag Liz yet made it pretty firm that yes, the rumours are true, and yes the Opals did everything they could to keep her happy.

Americans for whatever reason love Liz so they can have her. She has the right mix of self entitled and perpetually offended/aggrieved that seem the new woke American takes a shine to. It was always jarring to me that someone with so much clear indignation about her lot as an Australian continued to play for the Opals anyway.

Reply #891680 | Report this post

Billy Bob  
Years ago

Correct me if I'm wrong, isn’t Liz’s father Nigerian?

Reply #891684 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #891686 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Years ago

Her father was never apart of her life.

Reply #891687 | Report this post

Years ago

@me "self entitled and perpetually offended/aggrieved" is a great description, that could be applied to a stack of people, and any greens candidate

Reply #891693 | Report this post

Cosmo Spacely  
Years ago

What was quoted was the first half of what was said the second part is just horrifying and could not be repeated.

There was no coming back from what she said , ever.

Reply #891695 | Report this post

Years ago

Agree with Me, although I am a lefty and can confirm enabling entitled brats isn't our thing. The US loves Liz because they love to enable all narcissistic celebrities and applaud entitled behaviour and anyone who is successful, instead of seeing them for what they really are - self absorbed brats who take no accountability for anything and then play the victim when they're called out.
My favourite is when they call anyone who calls out their behaviour "haters" or "jealous" *face palm.*

Reply #891702 | Report this post

Years ago

Seriously! An apology is warranted at the very least but if she does apologise, no doubt she'll use the mental health card.

Reply #891714 | Report this post

Dog 55  
Years ago

The Age just reported that she tweeted "the truth will always come to light, and it ain't even dawn yet". If she is denying this, and thus calling Jenna a liar, then if I was Jenna I would go her big time. Enjoy LA and don't ever come back Liz.

Reply #891716 | Report this post

Years ago

why are people scared to post the full text, fully marked as a rumour. I'm so curious

Reply #891718 | Report this post

Dog 55  
Years ago

Yeah Ben, tell us what that expletive was.

Reply #891720 | Report this post

Years ago

Cambage has never been any different since she was a junior at Dandenong. But the finger of blame should also be pointed to everyone who ever had to deal with her, they have enabled her behaviour by pandering to her at all times. She was lazy and self entitled even then. BA did everything to facilitate her because of her height, they spent years just working on her foul shot at the AIS and her 'game'in general, but you cannot teach heat or respect.
Everyone right down the line has been so preoccupied focusing on her height, they forgot she had no natural ability and her attitude both on and off the court has always been terrible.
In doing this they have created an ego driven person, who has found an excuse for her attitude under the guise of 'racial 'bias', when in fact its never had anything to do with her skin tone, remember she has as much Anglo Saxon blood in her veins as she does Nigerian.
How many times have we seen her give the finger to the crowds when being ejected, never has she been penalised for it at any level, she's never placed her representation of this country as a priority, choosing instead to go play DJs, when others were working their backsides off.
And whilst yes she's an adult who should (and does know better) when she's never been pulled up for it, why would she ever change. Now its too late, and rightly so, she's not fit to represent the sport let alone the country she's supposed to belong to.
For her racial slurs, she should be banned across the board, anyone else would be, hell she got a coach reprimanded and shamed and banned because he commented on her weight, yet this excuse for an athlete, continues her ego driven drivel on social media, and its lapped up, that speaks volumes to the society she lives in. America can keep her, the WNBA is filled with aggressive ego driven excuses for athletes, only got to look at the current 'banned/suspended 'list to see how bad the attitude is there from players within that league.
So many better and deserving players out there that can represent this country and sport, time BA and the sporting world in general stopped giving airtime and facilitating people like Cambage, O'Hea was 100% correct in saying they should be focusing on the positive players we have, not this negative trash.

Reply #891721 | Report this post

Dog 55  
Years ago

Cambage rejected at the rim!!

Reply #891724 | Report this post

Dog 55  
Years ago

Spot on Shotblocker. Junior coaches who are too worried about winning games/championships end up enabling this behaviour, often from kids that have physically developed earlier than their peers but often not emotionally or socially.

Reply #891725 | Report this post

Years ago

Maybe the racial slurs she said was too difficult for BA to handle and didn't want to sanction? Could be seen as putting a dark skinned person out to dry eg seen as payback to catch a dark skinned person being racist. Woke times these days and a subject (racism) no white person would want to touch.

Reply #891732 | Report this post

Years ago

She doesn't want to play for opals.
Opals don't want her.
She is at the end of her career.
Opal culture is about supporting Ezi who is the future.
Culture is king.

Reply #891733 | Report this post

Years ago

at her size/position she can probably play for quite a few more years, but good riddance to her in the Opals team as far as I'm concerned. So many women are dying to play for the Opals, she doesn't even have the respect or self awareness to to realise this.

Of course she's made some stupid comment on her Twitter, I was waiting for this. She'll come up with some pathetic victim statement and expect everyone to feel sorry for her.

Reply #891739 | Report this post

Years ago

Reply #891754 | Report this post

Years ago

I like how they have an argument over what the name of the show is, and they're both wrong.

Reply #891755 | Report this post

Years ago

Haha, yeah and add the Gaze trademark butchering of a name.

Reply #891759 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Years ago

Kunek not going to get back into the opals squad because of that black face incident years ago which would ultimately. give fuel to Cambage to fire back if she was ever selected.

Reply #891763 | Report this post

Years ago

Good on ya Drewy, you're a legend and I love your passion for Australian basketball

Reply #891766 | Report this post

ME (he/kangaroo)  
Years ago

Yeah have to pull a real number for Gazey to be firm like that. If you've pissed Andrew Gaze off that's basically the barometer of where you stand in the Australian basketball community. He does leave the door open and say there could be some redemption at some point but I don't see it. This is who Liz Cambage is - an entitled spoilt brat who plays the victim any time people don't bow down. Basketball Australia have actually covered up a lot of what she did before the Olympics to save her reputation from herself.

Reply #891769 | Report this post

Years ago

The second half of what Liz is alleged to have remarked towards the Nigerian team has a little to do with Australia's fishing icon Rex Hunt.

Reply #891784 | Report this post

Dog 55  
Years ago

Yeah but she would argue that just like coloured people can use a certain word, females can use that one and it is only offensive when males use it. Remember we are dealing with a gigantic hypocrite.

Reply #891785 | Report this post

Years ago

"coloured people" FFS

Reply #891797 | Report this post

Years ago

Magic Johnson has weighed in:

Reply #891803 | Report this post

ME (he/kangaroo)  
Years ago

I don't think Johnson is aware of the Opals/Nigeria game situation.

Reply #891811 | Report this post

Years ago

She ... has more going on than just basketball.

I do think Johnson is aware of the OnlyFans situation.

Reply #891823 | Report this post

Years ago

Shot blocker is correct. There has been many players who have had to deal with this personality over their entire careers. Imagine being the same age, having every state and National experience impacted by this sort of behaviour. So hard to remember the great times when every experience is tainted by some sort of horrible behaviour.

Hope the focus turns finally to the World Cup, when I, for one, will be happy to support the players who are achieving their dreams and representing their country on the biggest stage.

Reply #891848 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Years ago

I don't like our chances of getting to the 1/4 finals.

Reply #891851 | Report this post

Years ago

Just saying cunt isn't bad enough to be unrepeatable, must have had sJd something extremely racist

Reply #891852 | Report this post

ME (he/kangaroo)  
Years ago

She was dropping N bombs. Being that she's not white I feel like it's hard to call where that falls on the spectrum of offensive comments but it certainly doesn't sound too good when she clearly was saying it in a derogatory manner and not with an 'a' at the end as a young Tupac would prescribe.

Reply #891853 | Report this post

Years ago

The go back to your 3rd world country comment is not a great one.

As far as the N word goes she's black, she can use it.
If you are white you can’t police a person of colours use of that word. It’s as simple as that.

Reply #891862 | Report this post

Years ago

Nah, using it as a derogatory term would be offensive to the people she's speaking to, that's not acceptable.

Reply #891872 | Report this post

Dog 55  
Years ago

If a term is deemed racist/offensive by a group and they want to be taken seriously over the issue then fine but don't then turn around and say "we" can use the word though. Where does it stop? How much "we" do you have to be in order to use it? If you had one great grandparent that is from that group, can you use the word? It just becomes too hard to "police" and far too confusing for children in particular as to why some people are allowed to say the word and some are not.

Reply #891877 | Report this post

Years ago

won't somebody think of how kids will know whether they can be racist or not

Reply #891884 | Report this post

Years ago

I mean you could always just teach kids the history of that word and slavery.

It's really not that complicated, don’t say it if your white. And don’t make a decision for a person of colour whether it is offensive or not.

Reply #891902 | Report this post

Years ago

And if you think it's unfair that people of colour can use that word and whites can’t, something else that was unfair is slavery.

Reply #891904 | Report this post

Years ago

the colour of someone's skin should never give them an excuse to be derogatory, and if they find a word offensive coming from anyone's mouth, then it shouldn't be used by them and given the excuse that its acceptable'...the hypocrisy when it comes to colour is unbelievably ridiculous.

the N word shouldn't be used by anyone including those of colour, but in saying Cambage can use it 'because' she's a coloured woman is just plain ignorant, she has the same amount of white DNA in her, why is it that so many only identify with the side of their genetic heritage that gives them victim status?.

At the end of the day, she's a walking disaster, that interview she gave where she's lounging back, sprouting with her fake African American accent how LA see her 'talent', that entire vibe is one of arrogance, ignorance and conceited attitude....big difference between that and confidence, confidence would be acceptable, the rest is just toxic ego sadly.

time to forget about Cambage, and focus on those who have true talent and morals and don't need their ego stroked at every turn.

Reply #891907 | Report this post

Years ago

why is it that so many only identify with the side of their genetic heritage that gives them victim status?.

Reply #891910 | Report this post

Dog 55  
Years ago

My point Shotblocker, allowing a race or group of people to use a word deemed by that group to be offensive becomes a nightmare when deciding just what % of blood makes them part of that group so they become "eligible" to use the word. If the word drops out of the lexicon altogether then the problem is solved. Many words in all languages have become "extinct" at least in terms of everyday use. If no child ever hears an offensive word then they cannot learn it.

Reply #891914 | Report this post

Years ago

Dog 55

My point Shotblocker, allowing a race or group of people to use a word deemed by that group to be offensive becomes a nightmare when deciding just what % of blood makes them part of that group so they become "eligible" to use the word. If the word drops out of the lexicon altogether then the problem is solved. Many words in all languages have become "extinct" at least in terms of everyday use. If no child ever hears an offensive word then they cannot learn it.

completely agree with you

Reply #891920 | Report this post

ME (he/kangaroo)  
Years ago

Who can or cant use the word I think is all a bit ridiculous. Let's face it, she wasn't saying it as a compliment. It's a racial slur and she was saying it to that effect. And as such she doesn't get to preach to the rest of us about racism.

Reply #891925 | Report this post

Years ago

The simple point is members of the Nigerian team found that, and other things that were said, offensive and that means they're not acceptable. The rest of the discussion is just a distraction.

Reply #891926 | Report this post

Years ago

Liz Cambage called Nigerian players "monkeys" during a vicious five minute Las Vegas meltdown that led to the basketball superstar walking out on her Australian Opals teammates ahead of the 2021 Tokyo Olympics.


Reply #892901 | Report this post

Billy Bob  
Years ago

It's good that this has all come out in the open.
Genuinely interested in Liz’s spin on this one.

Reply #892902 | Report this post

Years ago

For anyone interested in the paywalled article, there's a Twitter thread of it here:


It's all very unsurprising, but good to see this stuff finally on the record rather than just word of mouth.

Reply #892903 | Report this post

Years ago

Such a toxic and unlikeable person. Thought she was above everyone else. Good riddance.

Reply #892904 | Report this post

ME (he/kangaroo)  
Years ago

The article didn't have any surprises but I agree, it's good that there is a written account of what actually happened here. Liz doesn't continue to get to hide behind the courtesy of other people, who were staying silent only so she could maintain her own good name. Opals, Nigerian players have said 'we've had enough' and now, hopefully, Liz reputation will wear this. Of course in America they'll somehow make her the victim of a racist media attack or some other such nonsense. But the is the US media and the current social climate for you.

The main takeaway, for me, is the want to blame mental illness for 'quitting' the team. All too often people jump to the mental hardship excuse and we give them a free pass. There were people giving her sympathy for it. The last thing Liz Cambage deserves from anyone is sympathy. The article is an account of someone who bends people to her whim under fear of being labelled racist while being a massive racist and hypocrite herself. Not to at all take away from real and genuine accounts of racism, but there are plenty of Liz Cambages, Liv Simmons and Jussie Smollets out there using it to their advantage at every turn.

Another thought I have when reading it is that she probably never actually wanted to play at this year's Olympics. There seems to be an undertone of sabotage to her actions. She had a bee in her bonnet before the campaign with the whole 'nation doesnt represent me' garbage and she pushed it along every step of the way with forcing the team to wear the skin tight uniforms, not turning up to practice, late for zoom calls. It's almost as though she was testing her privilege on that team and seeing how much she could get away with.

Either way I am glad she wont be an Opal ever again. It's a privilege she doesnt deserve.

Reply #892905 | Report this post

Years ago

Its a childish argument whether you should or shouldn't be able to say the N word. It's not up to white people to argue or decide what is racist nor proper or fair for black people.

For instance the word W@g can be deemed offensive also to some people who carry the ethnicity it’s associated to but yet they can call themselves that.

Its one word out of trillions you cant say to a particular race of people, get over it. It’s not like you need it. It just goes to show that some people are so wrapped up in fairness and equality and see it as their born right that they are willing to fight to say a word they don’t even need in their

"Oh why do they get to say it but we don’t?" It’s childish

Reply #892942 | Report this post

Years ago

Cambage is just a terribly disappointing human being

But you do have to wonder how much the enabling for years contributed to her failure to grow up

But whatever, it's over and she's gone from the Opals forever.

On the positive side, check out Ezi Magbegor's WNBA stats this season- leading WNBA in blocked shots, and 3rd leading scorer, 2nd leading rebounder on her team (Seattle) who's 4-3

Reply #892944 | Report this post

Years ago

Liz is childish, she needs to grow up. Not surprised hearing those's comments out of her mouth. Glad the Opals and Liz have parted ways.

Reply #892946 | Report this post

Sure BA and all the previous coaches/administrators pandered to her needs, but where were her parents over the past 20 years? If my kids carried on like her over the past years, I would be having a word with them and pulling them back into line.

Reply #892947 | Report this post

ME (he/kangaroo)  
Years ago

"Its a childish argument whether you should or shouldn't be able to say the N word. It's not up to white people to argue or decide what is racist nor proper or fair for black people."

I am not sure what you're arguing here. Are you saying we have no right to judge her actions?

"But you do have to wonder how much the enabling for years contributed to her failure to grow up"

A whole lot. Her male equivalent is Ben Simmons. They're unusually talented for Australian basketball so they got the silver spoon treatment. It's caused entitlement issues and brittle egos for both.


So Liz has posted a rebuttal.

""The incident that took place during the pre-Olympic scrimmage with the Nigerian team was handled privately, almost a year ago," Cambage saidon.

“I am very disappointed and hurt by the events and accusations that have unfolded in the Australian media. The recount of what took place is inaccurate and misleading.

“I did not use the racial slur towards the Nigerian team that has been circulating. After I unintentionally fouled a Nigerian player on court I was then physically assaulted by this player on the sideline of my bench."
“I was hit in the face and pushed to the ground but I walked away. Prior to the game I asked to sit out because I was was concerned about my mental and physical health, which I have addressed publicly.

“We did not have professional referees to manage and prioritise both teams' safety during this highly physical scrimmage.

“This is not an excuse or justification to the events that unfolded or my actions, however, I feel that a full picture of the environment that led to this outcome must be shared.

“I have taken responsibility and accountability for my involvement in what occurred. I genuinely apologised to the Nigerian team and once again, am sorry that these events are being rehashed.

“I truly hope that I can move forward from this incident and apply actionable effort to be my best self. Thank you, Liz xx”


She basically denies she did anything wrong, denies all accountability, gives a very fake 'apology for her actions' (which if we were to believe her words, were all completely innocent and not worthy of apology), plays the mental health card, and scurries off "hoping not to rehash this episode". No, sorry Liz. Not this time. You don't get to play the victim or cry racism anymore.

Reply #892972 | Report this post

Dog 55  
Years ago

I had trouble stopping laughing after reading "after I unintentionally fouled.." Seriously Liz, that elbow was unintentional? Living on her own planet.

Reply #892984 | Report this post

ME (he/kangaroo)  
Years ago

Yeah, and her new teammates allegedly 'have her back'. There are Nigerian girls on the team that are saying whatever needed to be said what said before the season and cleared up as far as they are concerned. How they'd treat the same comments and behaviour if the player were white is another question. One player even inferred there was an 'agenda' to the articles coming out. And well, there is - the Opals and many of the Nigerian players have flat out had enough, and so has the entire Australian basketball community. Her new team may want to bring her in and give her the treatment she claims the Opals never did but I expect they'll soon learn all about Liz Cambage just as Australians have.

Reply #892987 | Report this post

Dog 55  
Years ago

LA just doing what too many other teams/coaches have done and enabling/excusing her behaviour. LA and the US in general can have her, stay there for the rest of your life Liz.

Reply #892996 | Report this post

ME (he/kangaroo)  
Years ago

Theres a fair divide between US and American sentiment on the issue. Most Australians that I've seen think Liz is an absolute cut snake and want little to do with her. A lot of Americans think the Opals are "salty" and that Liz didnt intentionally hit the Nigerian player, and that somehow her reaction with racial slurs and so forth were justified because, 'hey, she's half Nigerian herself!' The Americans obviously are coming late to the party, and arent taking into consideration everything that led to the fight, all of the race baiting she does on social media (which for Americans, is their favourite current past time), and basically the ways she's purposely put most Australians noses out of joint. The behaviour of an entitled sportsperson is celebrated in America. It's all part of the "entertainment" for them. Players can be massive, unthinkable hypocrites yet they'll still get public support as long as they're parroting the popular talking points, regardless of the substance of the person and how true they even are to their statements. While Australians can be said to have a toxic 'tall poppy syndrome', Americans venerate fame and overlook the actions of famous people to the point of insanity. As far as they're concerned, Liz can do no wrong because she's the right colour, she says the right political lines and she is good at basketball. She's a useful idiot as are her fans. I am very, very, VERY sure had she'd been a white, blonde hair, blue eyed girl saying and doing the exact same things the American narrative would be the exact opposite of what it is. But they can have Liz now.

Reply #893006 | Report this post

Years ago

Your experience with American opinions about Cambage is clearly *very* different to mine.

Reply #893007 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Throwing elbows again...
Ejected and then lost her mind.

Reply #940525 | Report this post

Last year


Liz is terribly unlucky. Everywhere she goes on the planet she seems to land in a place where the officials just don't know how to ref her.

Reply #940526 | Report this post

Last year

Far out the second one was bad. Could have done some real damage.

Reply #940529 | Report this post

Last year

What a cow.

Reply #940617 | Report this post

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