Two years ago

Adelaide 36ers sign import Robert Franks to two year deal

Topic #50151 | Report this topic

Two years ago

Adelaide have done very well this offseason.
Be nice to see what CJ can do with a team he has selected.

Congratulations Sixers.

Reply #893563 | Report this post

Two years ago

Would be interesting to know if Adelaide paid overs, or Brisbane just being cheapskate misers as usual.

Reply #893565 | Report this post

Two years ago

Huge and obviously means DJ will be the centre.


Reply #893567 | Report this post

Two years ago

Bairstow over Hodgson everyday.
You're also missing an import, potentially Munford.

Reply #893568 | Report this post

Two years ago

Dont look now but the 36ers are putting together a solid team for the next season! Picking up not 1 solid import but 2 solid imports who are proven in this league. Kudos to them, as a 36ers fan alot to be positive about!

Reply #893569 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

K.Galloway is a PF/C

Import or Local SG

PG... Dufelmeier or local or Ns
C… Sotto, Humphries or Bairstow


G-dp ?
SF Marshall-dp
C-dp Olbrich maybe

Reply #893570 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

It's looking like Humphries goes to bullets, Phoenix or united and Bairstow possibly Tassie.
Sotto likely back to 36ers.

Reply #893571 | Report this post

Two years ago

I'm assuming Bairstow won't be back for (a) financial reasons and (b) now a hell of a lot less opportunity to showcase himself. I intentionally left out Munford/a third import because it hasn't happened yet and frankly with the haul of Franks & Cleveland it would be understandable if we didn't sign a third one. If anything Munford would probably be over kill. Galloway is not a C he's a 6-7/6-8 SF.

Reply #893572 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

Kyrin Galloway is a 6'8 PF/C

Jaylin Galloway, his brother is a SF/G

Reply #893573 | Report this post

Two years ago

He's a 6-7/6-8 SF/PF that in our lineup will probably play at SF due to Harris' lack of mobility. Harris is an undersized PF, Galloway has the athleticism to go down to SF.

Reply #893574 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

The man has never played sf in his life, he plays as a c for Mackay in nbl1 and played mostly at c for nz last season. The only pf trait he has is the 3 ball, he can't defend guards on the perimeter in the nor can he handle the ball at the required level as a sf.

Reply #893575 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

Every site lists him as either a pf or pf/c.
The nbl lists him simply as a forward.

Reply #893576 | Report this post

Two years ago

Stop it with the centre stuff he's not listed as a centre anywhere and played PF for the Breakers last season. Wetzell & Loe were their centres.

Reply #893577 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

Loe hardly played mate, try again. Galloway filled in as c when Loe was out. Timmins on rare occasion also filled in.

Reply #893578 | Report this post

Two years ago

He's a PF but he was played out of position by Shamir behind Wetzell and in front of Loe at times. It never worked out well.
Not enough size to bang with the big bodies in this league.

Play him at the 4 and he's fine.

Reply #893579 | Report this post

Two years ago

Exactly he filled in at times due to injuries, Galloway is not under any circumstances a centre.

Reply #893580 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

You don't think he will split time with possibly Sotto as the backup c to Johnson?

Reply #893581 | Report this post

Two years ago

I'd have Dech on the floor before Drmic, Dech’s stroke is a lot more reliable and defense wins games

Reply #893582 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Two years ago

Zodiac, Adelaide still need to use their third import spot to sign a combo guard. I don't really think that's overkill. You would expect that Munford would be the next announcement so I think they intend to make sure they use it. I don't think they can truly compete without adding another import.

Reply #893583 | Report this post

Two years ago

Just because you are the size of a small forward doesn't mean you can play there, as pointed out, small have to be able to defend quickly more agile players, Galloway ain’t doing that.

Another good get by Sixers, they are now looking strong, some nice Australian pieces as well, Dech and Mccaron, Johnson for certain. Johnson at the five is a much better prospect for Adelaide.

Reply #893584 | Report this post

Two years ago

I rate Dech as a better player than Drmic but Dech just got a nice 3 year deal to keep him happy, Drmic was a starter at the Bullets and walked out on the last year of his deal to come back here presumably for a starting spot. I also think Drmic is more of a threat on the perimeter than Dech.

What I saw of Munford he was more of a scorer and I think that would be over kill on this team, the offence is taken care of now with Franks, DJ, Cleveland and the rest.

Reply #893585 | Report this post

Two years ago

I don't want to start rumours, but big Luis Scola was on a flight this morning from Adelaide to Melbourne.

Mysterious signing at ripe old age of 42?

Reply #893586 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

He has already retired.
Possible that he's looking for ideas as he travels around to different leagues as the ceo of an Italian club.

Reply #893587 | Report this post

ME (he/kangaroo)  
Two years ago

Overkill? What Adelaide dont want to be "too" good? This team needs a distributor to help McCarron or this is going to go nowhere again.

"I don't want to start rumours, but big Luis Scola was on a flight this morning from Adelaide to Melbourne.

Mysterious signing at ripe old age of 42?"

Scola proved at the Olympics he can still go. If he's willing to play, teams should be willing to talk to him.

Reply #893588 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Two years ago

You'd think Bairstow would be getting some interest? If he goes down again, Adelaide can always look to the NBL1 for just a solid big man looking for an opportunity,but I think he would round it out nicely.

Still need a reserve 1 and 5?

Reply #893590 | Report this post

Two years ago

Why would Bairstow re-sign with us though? He would be expecting a pay rise of the no doubt make good contract he had last season and with Franks signing there would now be a lot less minutes available to him too.

Re: Munford/third import situation, it's quiet possibly they have no intention of signing a third import and the leaking of his negotiations with us may have been to put pressure on Franks to sign, Cleveland was already said to be in the bag at the time.

If a third import happens great I just wouldn't be expecting one. Franks & Cleveland would both likely be getting increases on what they were on last season now that they're 'proven' in the NBL perhaps offset a touch by both getting two year deals. I'm just not sure how much more money would be left after this considering DJ & McCarron would both be on good money already.

Reply #893591 | Report this post

Two years ago

Bairstow's body still let him down last season. Not sure there’s a huge market for him to get an upgrade. Stays in Adelaide were he was our best big, knows the system, the coach and doesn’t have to do the heavy lifting.
Still need a combo guard.
Gone is IH and one of the most expensive contracts in the nbl. I’d bet Dusty was also well paid last year.

Reply #893592 | Report this post

Two years ago

I know Bairstow's body did somewhat let him down again last season but I don't think he would be willingly to slip into minimal role/contributor territory just yet. He needs to try and make bank and squeeze as much as he can out of what's left in his career. I doubt Hannahs was that well paid he was likely playing for peanuts in the G-League before he came here.

Reply #893594 | Report this post

Two years ago

A few NBL teams were after Dusty. He'd have been well paid. Not saying he’d have been on the money Franks/Cleveland would be on but thinking as a whole Dusty/Withers and IH is probably more than the 2 new imports. What’s to say MM and DJ weren’t front loaded?

Reply #893595 | Report this post

Two years ago

Nice pickups by the 36ers.

Reply #893596 | Report this post

Two years ago

Probably the 36ers offered him more money and he said yeah, you beauty sign me up.

Reply #893597 | Report this post

Two years ago

Beat me to it NP. 36ers would have freed up a lot of cash releasing IH and Dusty.

They seem to have just spent it much more wisely this time. 2 year deals may have made deal more attractive aswell.

I like what they are building, need a top guard though to compete with other big clubs who are very strong in that position

Reply #893599 | Report this post

Two years ago

A lot of cash re: Humphries agreed.

He signed a 2 year deal mutual option on the second year, the first year was said to be for $400k. When he came back again last season the Sixers announced it as he had re-signed to a one year deal when given what happened with the no third import last season it was likely just the second year option picked up, likely for around $400k again, and getting two announcements out of the one deal.

So glad we've now been able to move on from the JVG noose that was around our necks.

Reply #893600 | Report this post

Two years ago

It took Sydney a few seasons to get over the JVG era. Adelaide on the way up.

Reply #893604 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Two years ago

Humphries wasn't a bad signing though, it just didn't work out. But we all saw how dominant he could be. JVG also got us McCarron.

I think he needs to use his ability to negotiate with big name players with the coach and not think of himself as an NBA style GM, because he can seem to pull of decent signings, but just doesn't see the big picture. NbL clubs don't need that kind of GM to run things. Just someone to assist the coach in recruiting the team.

Reply #893605 | Report this post

Two years ago

I disagree there were question marks over Humphries ticker back when he played for the Kings, signing him is one thing giving him a 2 year deal for superstar money both years another thing entirely. The second year was a mutual option which given what we got out of IH in Year 1 never should've been picked up.

People forget IH only had a good start to Year 1 (about 12 games) and that's it that's all we really got out of him and even then he wasn't dominant. It was a disastrous signing for the club. Yes, JVG also lumped us with 3 years of McCarron too another bad signing.

You can see how clearly a good GM can make a difference the Kings were a basketcase under JVG with all his bad decisions since the NBA guy took over they haven't looked back.

Reply #893607 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Two years ago

Zodiac, it turned out that way yes, but I don't remember many people complaining when they pulled it off. It was a fairly considerable signing at the time.

I have to disagree on McCarron.

I have no interest in defending JVG, I just think that he tries to do good in the wrong way. But I honesty don't know.

Reply #893608 | Report this post

Two years ago

My point was Year 1 of IH was understandable, doubling down on the mistake for Year 2 wasn't though.

I judge JVG across the journey running the Tigers, Bullets, Sixers, Kings and Sixers 2.0 and have seen him as nothing more than a reasonably well connected snake oil salesman. He always looks out for himself and his mates first at the expense of what's best for the club he's working for at the time.

Reply #893610 | Report this post

Two years ago

From what I have heard JVG overspent on average imports with the Sixers, he was on big money (expected to deliver a championship), he promised big things as he always does and stuck his nose in everything, his recruiting was hilariously bad. Only decent thing he did was get Giddey and the Sixers compo from OKC.

He is toxic to any team. Clearing him, Humphries, Withers and Hannahs salary has freed up alot of cash it seems.



IN: (so far)

Munford (likely)

They have pretty much done a full 360 recruitment wise.

I just would like to see Isaac White added for some bench shooting.

Reply #893614 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Two years ago

Kings, no doubt. But they're also prepared to spend more and be more aggressive apparently.

Reply #893616 | Report this post

ME (he/kangaroo)  
Two years ago

"Why would Bairstow re-sign with us though? He would be expecting a pay rise of the no doubt make good contract he had last season and with Franks signing there would now be a lot less minutes available to him too."

Why would he expect a pay rise? The guy succumbed to the very thing that lowered his market value in the first place - injury. If anything Adelaide would be throwing him a lifeline.

"If a third import happens great I just wouldn't be expecting one. Franks & Cleveland would both likely be getting increases on what they were on last season now that they're 'proven' in the NBL perhaps offset a touch by both getting two year deals. I'm just not sure how much more money would be left after this considering DJ & McCarron would both be on good money already."

I think we can all agree teams are spending more than the 1.5 million salary cap. I am not sure what prevents Adelaide from doing so. They've dropped some dead weight and obviously added Humphries salary to their pot for imports. I don't see why a third import couldn't be expected.


For Adelaide's next trick, they should pull a Mumford, Macahdo or Ware out of their hat. All would have descending prices and have shown they can produce in this league in the right situation. Machado's value has dropped and he can ball. He is also a great distributor which is what the team actually needs. A cheap Aussie big man in the form of maybe Bairstow or Hodgson who can hold the fort down defensively. And then there's the X factor of the Next Star situation which could mean anything for any team

Reply #893618 | Report this post

Two years ago

big question are the 36ers now top 4 team or just missing finals?

Reply #893622 | Report this post

Two years ago

Sixers def have potential for top 4 but still need to get a couple of pieces right.
Going to be fun to watch Franks & Cleveland on the same team.

Reply #893628 | Report this post

Two years ago

Bairstow isn't getting a raise, type of guy id expect to see in Perth (when Gleeson was there) as Wagstaff's eventual replacement...

Reply #893637 | Report this post

Two years ago

He'd be waiting another season then as Wildcats just announced Wagstaff going around again NBL23

Reply #893638 | Report this post

Two years ago

Perth turning into the next Brisbane, only spend money on one or two players, the rest absolute budget.

Reply #893639 | Report this post

Two years ago

Bairstow to Tassie to replace McIntosh and play with his brother?

Reply #893640 | Report this post

Two years ago

Recycling Wagstaff sounds like a club rewarding him for his loyalty, but not one looking to make the finals.

He was looking like he was past it for the last two seasons.

Reply #893641 | Report this post

Two years ago

Still unsure what the nbl will do for their finals structure. Top-5 may be messy because it makes it uneven.

I hope the nbl bring back the NBL Cup at the start of the season but please make it home and away so then our fans can attend the games. Only reason 2021 Cup was in Melbourne was because of the silly pandemic.

Just have 9 of the 28 regular season as NBL Cup games. Best winner of the 9 games played wins the midseason tournament, it's so easy and simple to do.

Otherwise if they wanted to make it even then just bring back the 36 game season, but squish 2-3 games per round into 21 to 22 rounds. The only issue with 36 game season is court availability.

Reply #893643 | Report this post

Two years ago

JVG got us McCarron when Melb upgraded him for Dellie. I don't think Melb missed having McCarron at all.

Reply #893691 | Report this post

Two years ago

Melbourne went from champs to beaten semi-finalist. Of course McCarron wasn't the only factor, but you could hardly say they didn't miss him, especially given how they were outworked by Tassie in the playoffs.

Reply #893701 | Report this post

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