Last year

SEM @ Adelaide, Oct 19

Adelaide get to build some momentum here with a home game against the Pheonix.

Topic #51498 | Report this topic

Last year

That would be Phoenix

Reply #928548 | Report this post

Last year

thanks seb, had a few too many beers last night watching the Dutch win the cricket

Reply #928551 | Report this post

Last year

Im really interested to see what CJ's rotation looks like tonight with DJ coming in and after Flowers great game against the Hawks.

Can the 36ers get two on the trot? Think it should be a good game but I think Phoenix win 1-10.

Reply #928619 | Report this post

Last year

Is DJ definitely playing tonight?

Reply #928620 | Report this post

Last year

Just saw via Olgun that he's received clearance from the wizards actually.

Reply #928621 | Report this post

Last year

DJ was interviewed yesterday and said he hoped to play tonight, but wouldn't confirm it. I'm guessing he will, they may just be trying to throw SEM off a bit and not let them know until the last minute if he's going to be out there.

Reply #928622 | Report this post

Last year

Sixers at home against a reasonably equal opponent, should be a close game. Ayre out as well though sauce is back but will be rusty. Too close to call, maybe home court gets it done. Sixers by two

Reply #928633 | Report this post

Last year

36ers need to play all-or-nothing and hope they can get both wins.

3-4 puts them in an ok position, assuming they aren't able to keep the run going atleast they’d be 3-5.

If they are 2-5 and then 2-6 that’s a biggggg hole.

Reply #928648 | Report this post

Last year

Might be a bit too early for DJV to play tonight and with Alan Williams returning SEM deserve to be favourites. I would love to see the Sixers start to turn it around though but think Perth on Saturday presumably with DJV playing is probably more gettable.

SEM by 6

Reply #928653 | Report this post

Last year

To keep the fans invested expect home cooking to help 36s get the win. Expecting Big Sauce to get in early foul trouble and Creek to get smashed.
If not SEM to close it out

Reply #928654 | Report this post

Last year

KET the previous games are not a big hole because context comes into play. Teams still have to go to Perth and Sydney as well as play at home against United. If the teams trying to get the last two finals spots beat those teams then it is a hole but likely they go 0-3 or 1-2. Tonight is the important game

Reply #928658 | Report this post

Last year

Cummings defence is absolutely woeful and sixers are milking it too!

Reply #928665 | Report this post

Last year

Evens at 1/4, not lot D being played DJV 11 points at the 1/2. Sixes probably deserved a lead.

Reply #928666 | Report this post

Last year

Does DJ think he is Steff? Disgraceful

Reply #928667 | Report this post

Last year

SEM doing better than I thought, DJV 14 points but minus 10.

Reply #928668 | Report this post

Last year

14 points, how many he missed? What a greedy prick

Reply #928669 | Report this post

Last year

When Sixers slow down their pace, they also slow down their scoring.

Where was the coaching during that scoreless period? "Give it to DJ and get out of his way"?

Reply #928670 | Report this post

Last year

Oh Dear not quite what 36s were hoping for. Does CJ have an answer. Commentator "Humphries has only had 1 shot, needs to get more active. Say what I guess there might be a reason

Reply #928671 | Report this post

Last year

never seen anything like it. Just needs Benny Hill music these sh1t

Reply #928672 | Report this post

Last year

Players that played NBL and AFL > watching 36ers getting smacked for commentators

Reply #928674 | Report this post

Last year

Cummings defence may not be great, but lets be honest, MaCarron aint coming in and giving the sixers anything other than dribbling the ball down the court, pointing everywhere and then standing back. Another big loss for Adelaide tonight, CJ will be under enormous pressure!

Reply #928675 | Report this post

Last year

DJ still taking pot shots under pressure. comical

Reply #928676 | Report this post

Last year

Logue was talking about CJ under pressure to win and win now, ie. he wouldn't necessarily survive the season itself.

This match looks like the one that could see a new coach next week...

Reply #928677 | Report this post

Last year

This refuse to defend anyone on the 3pt line strategy is working wonders to tank for the top draft pick.

Oh wait.

Reply #928678 | Report this post

Last year

Maybe the players know that CJ is out with a loss, bit come back now though.

Reply #928679 | Report this post

Last year

Time for change, they are dreadful.

Reply #928680 | Report this post

Last year

First and third quarter were equal.

Reply #928681 | Report this post

Last year

Every soft foul is being called when driving to the hoop. WTF did coaches not pick up on this for whole 2nd quarter.

Why don't we defend the 3

Cummings and Creek torching us

Reply #928682 | Report this post

Last year

Cook for Doolitte

Reply #928683 | Report this post

Last year

Why the hell is Smith-Milner playing so much!! Humphries only has 3 fouls. Play the man!!

Reply #928684 | Report this post

Last year

hs the flop, he is a sook too

Reply #928685 | Report this post

Last year

Get him off!!

Reply #928686 | Report this post

Last year

"KET the previous games are not a big hole because context comes into play"

Your argument is no good. You can't lose to 5 teams your first 6 games and put that argument forward.

Adelaide will soon be in a position where they’d need to win games at a ratio close to what the top side delivers just to make 6th spot.

It’s a big gaping hole.

Reply #928687 | Report this post

Last year

Worst 17 point game I have ever seen, bar none. And to leave him out there for the final minutes was a disgrace. Time for some big changes

Reply #928688 | Report this post

Uncle Dre  
Last year

Forget CJ. Owner should come under the most scrutiny. Club has been crap since he stated

Reply #928689 | Report this post

Last year

It's ok Adelaide fans. Wollongong and Brisbane are as equally meek and pathetic as your team.

Reply #928690 | Report this post

Last year

Brisbane smacked us what u on about.

Yes, 36ers are clearly bottom 2.

That game was god awful, it was a training drill. There's absolutely zero team work.

It’s really really gross to watch.

Reply #928691 | Report this post

Last year

LOL look at the 36ers when the refs are not cheating for them

Reply #928692 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Last year

This has been a long time coming but I truly think it's time for CJ to step down.

Adelaide are just stuck in playing this nothing style, and just keep doing the same thing over and over and over again.

They play with this weird stagnancy and hesitation, and to be honest, I think they're lucky to get the crowds they've been getting, because I do not enjoy watching them at all. If you think the opposite, I am glad, but that is just how it feels for me personally.

They often look completely lost, and are caught in between playing fast and trying to control the tempo. Does anyone even know what style they are trying to play after three seasons?

Adelaide have slightly improved this year, but it doesn't make any difference, because they are just stuck being a completely nothing team. I just can't see how they beat anyone?

And CJ just doesn't coach like his job is on the line. There just seems to be this delusion from lots of people that things will eventually fall into place, but I just can't see what else CJ can do. I don't think it will get any better or worse, but that's the issue because Adelaide will just remain in this nothing kind of phase.

I do feel for CJ, but for me the time has come to step down or be replaced. CJ hasn't worked out as a coach this first time around, and Adelaide are not talent deprived enough to excuse basic things they can't do.

Time for CJ to go is my feeling.

Reply #928693 | Report this post

Last year

what happened to home cooking FFS?

Reply #928694 | Report this post

Last year

never seen anything like it. Just needs Benny Hill music these sh1t

Reply #928695 | Report this post

Last year

DVJ plays for DVJ, not certain what everyone expected, minus 15. Sixers done, just not deep enough. Who to blame, who knows, though hard to blame the owner when he's throwing his money inn.

SEM brought in some good offence Cummins, and Kenyon and Moller certainly play quality D. Gak being good as well, I’ve underestimated them, could maybe get to a play inn. Sauce better than Cook as well at both ends.

Reply #928696 | Report this post

Last year

Who replaces cj, Gleeson said he's doing nothing till next June, who is available.

Reply #928697 | Report this post

Last year

Are any of the Sixers tired when the game ends? Too many get played, and too many of those play at half speed. Even MM, who plays a lot of minutes, just dribbles the air out of the ball up the court and buddy runs backwards.

Goodbye, CJ. I think it's been a learning curve for everyone associated with the Sixers.

Reply #928698 | Report this post

Last year

The fact DJ specifically mentioned getting into the Boomers squad as his motivation for coming back to the NBL tells you all you need to know.

Has never been a good teammate, just hasn't had the green light behind other great players like Cooks, Adams, Jarrell Martin etc.

Wouldn't be surprised if 6/17 becomes the norm for him this season, if not worse. Gonna get ugly real quickly.

Reply #928699 | Report this post

Last year

He was awful. They have no hope with him putting up bombs to enhance his own value. Keeping a kid out of a game. Move him on

Reply #928700 | Report this post

Last year

Coach plays too many and does not trust the main group enough
Tbh I feel if they bring in Ninnis as coach & bring back Daniel Johnson to compliment what they have then they will be much better overall.

Reply #928701 | Report this post

Last year

There has been talk of 36ers looking at getting Daniel Johnson back in, any thoughts?

Reply #928702 | Report this post

Last year

Was Humphries injured or sick? Also can someone alert me next time we actually run a play or someone makes a cut.

Reply #928703 | Report this post

Last year

By the way

The NBL commentary has been so excessively discussion based, it's more like listening to a podcast to fall to sleep.

Sometimes they deviate so off-game it becomes apparent they’ve stopped paying attention/any semblance of care to the actual game.

Can they please balance it so that they’re actually commentating the game properly to reflect and slightly add to the flow, momentum and excitement of the game?

Reply #928708 | Report this post

Last year

Creek said he loves playing in Adelaide and he's very happy where he is but he’d like to go back there.

Reply #928712 | Report this post

Last year

Hooley is a trash commentator with an annoying voice, before we even get to constant deviations about "pieces".

Reply #928715 | Report this post

Last year

Agreed Hooley isn't fit for purpose as a broadcaster. Even being in the booth as an ex-player is bizarre considering his claim to fame is hitting one buzzer beater in college who then proceeded to play professionally for two seconds in the NBL (as an injury replacement) yet we're now supposed to listen to him on a weekly basis as some sort of authority? Get fucked, he doesn't tick either box in terms of being a polished presenter or credentialed player. He won't get another media job once the current regime is gone and is the poster child for shit LK boy's club signings.

I've been muting for years now but it pains me to read the consistent comments on here this season on how NBL Media have jumped the shark by activating full off-topic mode. Idiots. What's next?

Reply #928717 | Report this post


Reply #928718 | Report this post

Last year

^^^^This also

Reply #928719 | Report this post

Last year

When you have a new player come in mid season, you normally always start them from the pine. Let your first 5 get the ball moving, then bring them in after a couple of minutes. You let their performance give them the keys to the starting five, not hype, not a few training session good fortunes. That didn't happen, so you had players coming on that were either just cut from number 5 through to 8 in the rotation later in the game and then expected to fix the massive deficit.

Despite guards in disarray, bigs were dreadful. Only desire for the ball and hard work was from Wylie.

Reply #928720 | Report this post

Last year

All a bit harsh on Hooley, he isn't great but certainly not the worst, he does ramble on a bit though you are right.
I thought Kell did well as well, nbl website telling us DJV was good, those around here certainly don’t agree.
PW, while I do agree with certain elements you say about both cats and LK, there is no league without them, there money has been the saviour and let’s be honest most sports are boys clubs, starting with the afl, biggest boys club off all.

Reply #928721 | Report this post

Last year

Went to the game and that was super frustrating to watch. Rotations just seem bizarre, haphazard and constant. Like they spent a portion of the 3rd quarter when they're down by 15 trotting out a lineup of Kell, Cadee, Dech, Wiley and Smith-Milner like that's going to get you back into the game. The fact they let Smith-Milner shoot 2 or 3 three's a game is amazing considering you watch him in the warm-up do nothing but clank iron 30 times in a row when attempting them. Then starts the 4th down by 11 and starts Humphries on the bench cause he's got 3 fouls! FFS put him in, if he picks up a quick 1 then bench him, but at least go 3-4 minutes, try and go on a quick 6-8 point run, get it close again and give yourself a chance of winning the game! Then you can spell him 2-3 minutes and put him back out there for the final 4-5 minutes.

The offence is just a mess too, the bigs constantly go to the same spot and then look like they're arguing on who should be there, the offence just seems to be a very simple PG brings it up, Wiley/Humpries/Smith-Milner set a screen, if they can't get anything from that they kick it to the corner, try the same thing, or move it back to the top of the 3 point line and try again. Just super predictable stuff. In a way DJ is perfect cause he's just like "stuff it" and jacking up some 3's that might go in.

Then on the D end they constantly failed to close out on 3 point shooters and just let them get shots off uncontested, players have no desire to rebound, one point a ball bounced between 3 36ers players and they all just starred at it expecting someone else to get it. Wiley and Flowers seem to be the only 2 who have any appetite for trying to get physical and rebound the ball. Then when Flowers does that and tries to start a fast break he has to stop cause he's at one end of the court with no support any nearly everyone else is just jogging to catch up. I don't think I've seen Kell III get out of a job yet this year.

Reply #928723 | Report this post

Last year

"nbl website telling us DJV was good" WTF, was awful.

Reply #928725 | Report this post

Last year

Someone said here before the season that Larry told the commentators that if anyone calls play by play, they will be out of a job. Which was exactly what we got last night. And it was absolute crap. Drivel upon drivel upon drivel. It sounded at times like they weren't even watching the game. I hate muting because I like hearing the crowd noise during the game, but geez they are making it hard with the way they are calling these games this season.

Reply #928726 | Report this post

Last year

Agree, get on the phone to Jeff Van Gundy

Reply #928727 | Report this post

Last year

^ agree anon
All I could hear was ramble ramble ramble.....
It's not viewer friendly, it detracts from the game and, thus one gets me too, it was incessant. They did not stop for a second.

Reply #928728 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Last year

MaxM & Tomdelonge2, but it's not like he was walking into this flawless system that runs like a well oiled machine. On the contrary, he probably was the only player capable of bailing them out by creating his own shot, or by his ability to hit from long range. There's no point saying that because DJ was aggressive in his first game, that now the sixers are doomed for the res of the season. If anything, he might have been the difference between them losing by considerably more. Adelaide are not any worse off by having him there, but I until coaching changes, nothing else will change for the better. And there is nothing selfish about further aspirations anyway. It was a very typical first game for a hyped player on a new team.

Reply #928730 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Last year

If and who Adelaide sign as an import or local is irrelevant unless there is coaching change either through CJ or someone new.

Reply #928731 | Report this post

Last year

No argument from me on that one, Master Chief. CJ and his cohort give me no confidence about making the right decisions during the game.

Sixers would probably score more and have a lot more fun if they just played end-to-end jungle ball.

Reply #928732 | Report this post

Last year

DJV biggest problem was that he was minus 15, as lots of sides are finding, you have to play D. As I said previously I've underestimated Phoenix, but Kelly looks like he has brought in a defensive mind set in the last few games and a few players to suit.

Reply #928733 | Report this post

Last year

The NBL website is sanitised to death, so you can never believe anything that's published there. Olgun and the commentators are close behind. All fluff pieces to support and sell the product.

Reply #928734 | Report this post

Last year

I remember last week's Adelaide vs Perth game, commentators were John Casey, Trev Gleeson, Damian Martin.

Felt like I was watching a different league. So much better. Then have to listen to Damon Lowery who for me is the worst offender

Reply #928736 | Report this post

Interesting watching the DJV debut last night. I have always had the opinion that he was over rated but his extreme self confidence allowed him to on occasion have high scoring games. Many share that view. Others have the opinion that he is a Boomers quality player and potential NBL star. After the first quarter he appeared the be the latter. From there on he was just chucking stuff up regardless.

So the jury is still out. It will be a test of ability and character for him in Adelaide but by season's end we should have a much clearer idea of where he sits than we had during his time Qt the kings.

Reply #928738 | Report this post

Last year

For me DJ has shown glimpses of being an elite scorer, but he is not an elite shooter - lots of contested jumpers and long distance 3 point attempts last night. I've said he might be a fringe Boomer prospect because outside of Patty we lack scorers and I still think there's a possibility he could be that guy some day.

Reply #928740 | Report this post

Last year

He would want to get better looks than last night, he slaughtered them

Reply #928742 | Report this post

Last year

Please, Goulding is so far in front of DJV it's not funny and I don’t care how old he is or if goorg doesn’t play him.

Reply #928743 | Report this post

Last year

PW, while I do agree with certain elements you say about both cats and LK, there is no league without them, there money has been the saviour and let's be honest most sports are boys clubs, starting with the afl, biggest boys club off all.

I can't argue with your point since it is a case of "be careful what you wish for" when in the past we all yearned for a saviour while the league was run by the likes of Rymarz, Rick Burton and BA featuring KK.

However it is super frustrating when the BS spin worsens with each new season since the LK takeover.

Reply #928744 | Report this post

Last year

It felt like in the 1st quarter we ran a few more set plays to get DJ some open looks. After that it went back to just the usual mess and both Kell and DJ just jacked up some 3's because it was the only option they could generate.

Reply #928745 | Report this post

Last year

"nbl website telling us DJV was good" WTF, was awful.

I rest my case.

Reply #928746 | Report this post

Last year

PW, as I said, I agree with you, but compared to the afl spin machine and the nrl it's still minimal. It’s the way of the world now in all aspects of reporting and it’s absolute BS.

Reply #928747 | Report this post

Last year

One of the issues is I have no idea what CJ stands for. Says he wants players doing well to play. Then Flowers has a good patch last game and doesn't get rewarded next game and sits on bench. Last season we had good minutes from Marshall and he looked good. This season he's parked behind Cadee, McCarron and Dech. Marshall was good enough to replace imports last season, but now this season with more experience is parked to the bench. Same thing with Galloway. To me CJ doesn't practice what he preaches. Seems he is scared to do things differently in case they lose, but that is exactly what is happening. Plays too many players and rotates way to much from week to week.
Every season the structure of the team seems all over the place, weird rotations and no reward for doing or playing well, yet CJ continually plays those that are average (Dech).A good coach knows how to build a group on the court or field. All sports are the same. You have ground rules, if players can't do it, you park them. I see the Sixers with a good core of Kell, Wiley, Humphries. Now also DJV. Some good young guys Marshall, Flowers and Galloway. Some experience with McCarron. Cadee Smith Milner as backup. Dech as emergency use only. Run a rotation of 7-8 players only and see what happens. Sixers have looked good with Marshall, Flowers, Galloway on court with the core 3, especially defensively. Marshall was good enough to play when a DP and replace injured Clark, but can't get on court now, Makes no sense. Should be all about getting minutes in those young guys early in the season and build something.

Reply #928748 | Report this post

Last year

"Please, Goulding is so far in front of DJV it's not funny and I don't care how old he is or if goorg doesn’t play him."

Right now for sure. Goulding deserves to be in the squad over DJV. DJ's window opens up following the Olympics - I don't consider him a lock or even necessarily on the fringes, but he could get there.

Reply #928751 | Report this post

Last year

I thought DJV did well early on in directing players where to run and when to cut, swap, set screens etc.

Don't know if that was him being at a higher level than the others or whether it's damning on the rest of team / lack of structure.

He then went away from this and started chucking up contested prayers.

My biggest beef was Humphries sitting so long, getting torched by their PG at will and no reaction by the coaches or players in 2nd quarter when it was clear the refs were calling every foul on defence when SEM attacked the rim. 36ers made no adjustment for the whole term and just dawdled around 3 point line and threw up a lazy 3. Out points were a real struggle but SEM scored at will with minimal resistance.

Why did it take a while quarter for us to start attacking the rim, atleast it put pressure on, drew fouls and evened game up a lot. Unfortunately damage was done.

Players look disinterested, a long way back from here

Reply #928770 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Splinky, are you from Perth? Have you ever been on the IRC?

Reply #939145 | Report this post

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