Last year

Adel at Perth, Nov 4

Massive game for Perth. Will the army turn up

Topic #51550 | Report this topic

Last year

Big game, the team will probably be a bit nervous and will the fans stay over the 10k mark. for the crowd to "turn up" cant be an 3-18 start like last weekend.

There has been a lot of commentary in the media, podcasts, tv spots and so on around the cats and their performance - but probably fair to say if they go 0-2 this weekend then its probably drawing a line through them for finals action this season.

Hopefully Rillie has made some adjustments that will improve rebounding, defence and the offence.

Reply #929742 | Report this post

Last year

From Wildcats training videos, looks like Hyrum Harris has been training with the starters and Jordan Usher with the bench unit.

Which suggests Rillie has made a change there.

Reply #929743 | Report this post

Last year

Hoping for Cotton to go off like never before but also prepared for a scrappy win. I do believe they can turn things around but a loss due to lazy rebounding and/or late clock prayer heave offense will be a nail in the coffin to this season at which point just cut Rillies mic in the presser.

Reply #929745 | Report this post

Last year

I like the idea of Hyrum starting. I'd also go back to Cotton and Corey Webster as the starting back court which worked well for them last season.

Reply #929747 | Report this post

Last year

I could see Perth beginning to turn things around against us over there, although we have won 3 of our last 4 games.

Wildcats by 5

Reply #929749 | Report this post

Last year

Head says Sixers.
Heart says Sixers.

Will Hutchy keep flying in?

Reply #929751 | Report this post

Last year

Adelaide by 1 on a DJ buzzer beater

Reply #929752 | Report this post

Last year

Usher might be better off the bench, just do his thing, Hyram H starting is going to b efficient but Wiley is in good form. Only one Webster at a time would be smart as well. Humphries is the key, he plays like he has recently sixers will be hard to stop, Pinder has scored well but defensively hasn't been great and against Humphries and Wiley will need to be exceptional on the boards. Doolittle might help. Cotton’s influence against DJV could also be a major key.

Got no idea, just think cats are due, Perth by three.

Reply #929754 | Report this post

"Hoping for Cotton to go off like never before"

Just going off like before should be enough. Shooting percentage this year is putrid.

Reply #929755 | Report this post

Last year

Gleeson saying rebounding comes down to effort, partly right, technique and team boxing out practice and practice gets good rebounding teams.

Reply #929783 | Report this post

Last year

The nbl is getting hard to watch. its all about the umpiring

Reply #929784 | Report this post

Diop Kick  
Last year

Harris has been good, that's about it

Reply #929785 | Report this post

Last year

Humphries on a different level, now he should be in Paris

Reply #929786 | Report this post

Last year

Doolittle been good defensively, Kell is a hard mark.

Reply #929787 | Report this post

Last year

Bryce still can't buy a bucket. Crazy shooting slump by his standards.

Reply #929788 | Report this post

Last year

"Gleeson saying rebounding comes down to effort, partly right, technique and team boxing out practice and practice gets good rebounding teams."

Individual and team defence is just as important. If you get caught in rotations it opens up offensive rebounding lanes for the oppo.

Reply #929789 | Report this post

Last year

JR being a douche to the ump.

Reply #929790 | Report this post

Last year

Pinder misses a bunny and Sixers go down and hit the three.

Reply #929792 | Report this post

Diop Kick  
Last year

Yeah I haven't hated Doolittle, some of the playmaking is just ugly, like that alley oop pass to Bryce

Reply #929793 | Report this post

Last year

hope the army all leave at half time, this is pathetic

Reply #929794 | Report this post

Last year

What was the tldr on the Trev scuttleback again? Am I correct to think that he is def not going to entertain coaching offers until next July-ish?

Reply #929795 | Report this post

Last year

He's back.

Reply #929796 | Report this post

Diop Kick  
Last year

Usher playing hard defense looks so much better

Reply #929797 | Report this post

Last year

Harris is really doing the hard work, you can't win without these sort players

Reply #929798 | Report this post

Last year

Flowers should be given Sunday's minutes. Every shot is cringe.

Reply #929799 | Report this post

Last year

Wiley massive loss for Sixers. Game over.

Reply #929800 | Report this post

Last year

Humphries should be getting a touch every possession, infuriating to watch.

Reply #929801 | Report this post

Last year

Dejan Vasiljevic is a pathetic defender and over weight...

Reply #929802 | Report this post

Last year

lol at 36ers taking so long to get the much much much needed import big.

Reply #929803 | Report this post

Last year

Rillie lets Adelaide go on a 12 point run before calling a timeout.

My theory is looking strong: Rillie avoids calling timeouts because he literally doesn't know what to say.

Reply #929804 | Report this post

Last year

Any Sixers know what a box out is? 15 offensive boards to half time by Perth!!!

DJ has been very passive for some reason. He has to demand the ball on this team, or they're back to McCarron and Dech handling the ball and jacking up bad shots.

Don't know why Cadee is standing on the wing with Dech initiating the offence either.

Reply #929805 | Report this post

Last year

Well well well, great game off runs, Harris very good for cats. Cats got this, Cotton is back.

Reply #929806 | Report this post

Last year

deplorable from perth, they have lost the plot

Reply #929807 | Report this post

Last year

as bad as you will see. coach has to go

Reply #929808 | Report this post

Last year

It was 71-51 just earlier, right?

Reply #929809 | Report this post

Last year

Dolittle indeed....

Reply #929810 | Report this post

Diop Kick  
Last year

Love Martin and Gleeson commentary

Reply #929811 | Report this post

Diop Kick  
Last year

Rillie looks and sounds like a meth addict

Reply #929812 | Report this post

Last year

Not loving Maley's schoolgirl sideline commentary.

Reply #929813 | Report this post

Last year

Yes Martin and Gleeson fantastic. I'm not certain Riley is to blame for some dumb moves by players on the floor.

Reply #929814 | Report this post

Last year

Absolute bunch of morons

Reply #929815 | Report this post

Last year

Neither side play defence to win a championship

Reply #929816 | Report this post

Last year

Rillie finally brings Hyrum back on after being on the receiving end of a 26-4 run. Hardly seen the last ten minutes after being integral in the first half

Reply #929817 | Report this post

Last year


Reply #929818 | Report this post

Last year

Gamekiller that shot from DJ.

Reply #929819 | Report this post

Last year

Sack. Doolittle.

Reply #929820 | Report this post

Last year

Both Websters on the court and we give up a 15 point lead. The Websters should not be on the court, let alone on it together. I called this last week only to be told how good Corey was because he won a champoionship in the Eygyt league lol.

Not sure why moron rillie left both of them on together for so long.

T Webster -8
C Webster =16 in 8 minutes!!!

Reply #929821 | Report this post

Last year

2 very ordinary sides

Reply #929822 | Report this post

Last year

It wasn't pretty but we just needed to win. Now gotta build from here.

Reply #929823 | Report this post

Last year

Agree on Websters, not worth 2 bob

Reply #929824 | Report this post

Last year

CJ just can't help himself on subbing in guys who aren't up to it and playing them big minutes. Smith-Milner getting 21 minutes is just laughable.

Reply #929825 | Report this post

Last year

Smith-Milner was good for the sixers. Usher was better defensively but almost tried to lose the game with his hero ball in the last quarter. Wildcats fortunate DJ out heroed usher tonight

Reply #929826 | Report this post

Last year

Milner was very good, did you watch the game, with Wiley being out all second half he also had to play. DJV was not good tonight, it hurt them. Kell was excellent.

Reply #929827 | Report this post

Last year

Must be frustrating for Humphries as he just doesnt get enough of the ball on offence. Guy also works his butt off

Reply #929828 | Report this post

Diop Kick  
Last year

I think Marto was right with ushers record first game being a curse. He's better as an energetic defensive player who doesn’t force shots.

Reply #929829 | Report this post

Last year

Should we sack Rillie and Danny Mills?

Reply #929830 | Report this post

Last year

DJV did a Sobey tonight. CJ should have benched him - Sixers don't need hero ball.

Reply #929831 | Report this post

Last year

Yeah, Smith-Milner played well. Had to play big minutes with Wiley out the entire second half. Anyone work out what happened with Wiley?

Nice to see Starling get an opportunity tonight too. He showed he can have an impact if he cuts out the defensive mistakes.

The defensive adjustment CJ made during the Sixers big run did a great job of neutralising the Cotton pick and roll juggernaut and that allowed the Sixers to get back into it with some quick transition offence.

Sixers look a lot better when they have two of DJ, Cadee and Kell on the floor, because they can all shoot and it opens up the floor. Whenever McCarron and Dech are on together, the offence just goes nowhere. At times, Perth had all 5 guys with a foot in the paint early on!

Reply #929832 | Report this post

Last year

What happened to Wiley in second half?

Reply #929833 | Report this post

Last year

I assume sick.

Reply #929834 | Report this post

Last year

Ordinary game, but Cotton finally getting his mojo back made it all better.

Keanu really needs to chill with the early fouls.

Reply #929835 | Report this post

Last year

Should we sack everyone after a handful of games?

Reply #929836 | Report this post

Last year

Redemption, so tasty BC taking over like he can pretty to watch.

Flowers doesnt even get a sniff is he on limited minutes or being punished?

Reply #929837 | Report this post

Last year

Should we sack everyone after a handful of games?

SEG are too cheap to do anything about it but really I don't mind the holding pattern if it means Gleeson 2024.

Reply #929839 | Report this post

Last year

Henshall quickly turning into Travers 2.0

A couple more DNP's and expect the kid to look elsewhere. Yes he has a two year contract but it means little. Rillie sat there after week four saying the kid was the future of the franchise, yet he's had more DNP's than minutes since then.

Perth's incredibly bad history of looking after WA talent yet again raises it's ugly head

Reply #929840 | Report this post

Last year

DJV was just a terrible pick up for this side. They needed an organizer and creater. They bought a chucker. 35% shooting so far! Give him back to the g league and ask for your money back

Reply #929842 | Report this post

Last year

Reducing Corey's minutes made a big difference for the Cats.

Reply #929847 | Report this post

Last year

3-6 means 36ers need to go high-risk high-reward.

Enough wasting time, grab that import big.

Kell & Cadee is your PG rotation
DJ & Flowers is your SG rotation
Galloway, MM, Dech is your SF rotation
Wiley, backup import is your PF rotation
Humphries/TSM is your C rotation

Use Galloway for his shooting and athleticism as a difference maker. Use flowers more because AT WING he can shoot and be athletic and a spark plug.

Less Dech and MM because they stifle the offence too much.

Go tall, go aggressive, move the ball fast.

Reply #929848 | Report this post

Last year

I like your thinking, KET.

But who's your fall-back option if DJV is chucking up rubbish? MM or Dech, or a development player?

Reply #929849 | Report this post

Last year

I think if DJV takes bad shots and misses them, there's no alternative rotation for the 36ers to be competitive. They’re just not talented enough.

If Melbourne United had Goulding taking bad shots and needed to be hauled off, they’d be fine and able to cover.

36ers need DJV to hit (good) shots and Humphries to get lots of opportunities to have a chance of winning. They also need a backup import big if they want a chance of winning consistently, or have a chance to a in more than they lose going forward.

Three wins over 5 games was too small of a sample size to feel like it’s repeatable, and 3 wins in 6 games isn’t sufficient going forward.

So there’s a narrow path 36ers can take and it involves a lot of risk, but the alternative is to basically finish close to last.

Reply #929871 | Report this post

Last year

Just on 7 News a gastro outbreak has delayed the Sixers return to Adelaide so maybe that's why Wiley barely played?

Reply #929904 | Report this post

Last year

It's probably why we won.

Reply #929909 | Report this post

Big Fudge  
Last year

The win by the Cats only hides how bad the side is, Adelaide were terrible just jacking up 3 pointers from anywhere behind the arc.

Usher played better defence but its those terrible shot attempts that leave me scratching my head, a step back corner 3 completely out of the flow of the offence is not what the Cats need from their import.

Both Adelaide and Perth need to make some big changes, hopefully this is the last season of the Websters for Perth, along with Rillie, Mills...

Reply #929932 | Report this post

Last year

Gastro huh? Uncle Billys Northbridge strikes again!

Reply #929936 | Report this post

Last year

Only Wiley was delayed

Reply #929937 | Report this post

Last year

"Usher played better defence but its those terrible shot attempts that leave me scratching my head, a step back corner 3 completely out of the flow of the offence is not what the Cats need from their import."

Yeah, the commentators were saying they liked his aggression off the bench, but he was taking the same terrible shots that got him put on the bench in the first place, he just also played the most impressive defensive game he's had yet (which is not to say he stood out as great, just that he didn't stand out as terrible).

To be fair to Perth they looked really good, at least as good as Adelaide looked bad, but tonight is the real test.

Reply #929938 | Report this post

Last year

Gastro huh? Uncle Billys Northbridge strikes again!

I was thinking kebabs but good call.

Reply #929939 | Report this post

Last year

Usher against Goulding or Delly tonight might tell a story at both ends.

Reply #929940 | Report this post

Last year

With H. Harris starting, Doolittle slides to the 3 now, will have to guard one of Goulding/Ian Clark

Reply #929942 | Report this post

Big Fudge  
Last year

"Yeah, the commentators were saying they liked his aggression off the bench, but he was taking the same terrible shots that got him put on the bench in the first place, he just also played the most impressive defensive game he's had yet (which is not to say he stood out as great, just that he didn't stand out as terrible)."

The fact Usher was dancing around at the end of the game tells me this guy isnt really a team first kind of player, has the Tai Webster "look good first, win second" kind of approach. Its a shame because Usher is strong, he could be feasting at the free throw line if he really wanted to.

Reply #929943 | Report this post

Last year

He was dancing because he was ecstatic they won... watch the highlights or the full game and Usher probably celebrates the most of anyone when one of his team mates makes a good play.

Reply #929944 | Report this post

Pablo Escobar  
Last year

Smith-Milner and Galloway simply refuse to box out. Refuse. It's basic shit that obviously never gets mentioned as it happens every game. This ain't the NBA boys. When you give up 21 offensive rebounds you will lose, and fixing this one factor alone would result in a win.

Reply #929946 | Report this post

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