Last year

36ers at Tassie, 2nd Dec

Is Adelaide any chance of upsetting the JJ's tonight?

Stating the obvious but, keeping the opposition under 20 points in the first quarter would be a positive!

Shortening the rotation to 8-9 max would also be helpful, and get Flowers in early to see if he can be an X factor.

John Casey had some strong words on Friday regarding the 36ers form, coaching and rotations - certainly thinks CJ’s time is almost up.

Topic #51625 | Report this topic

Last year

It's taken a while for Casey to state what everyone else knows. CK a good player but is not a good coach. Simple as that. He isn’t the one not making shots but they’re rubbish defense, rotations & style of play is all on him.
As for an upset, nothing is a certainty in the NBL

Reply #931623 | Report this post

Last year

This is embarrassing

Reply #931625 | Report this post

Last year

Oh my goodness me, surely CJ gone now

Reply #931626 | Report this post

Last year

CJ keeps is playing every game the same way, same lineups that don't produce anything. Kell, McCarron and DJ followed by Dech and Cadee. Commentators saying Sixers have lost 10 first halves in a row. Maybe they should just start a game with Marshall, Galloway and Flowers and see what happens rather than just doing same thing over and over again.

Reply #931627 | Report this post

Last year

Sixers laying a massive turd. Peeyew!

This round has perfectly demonstrated the divide between the legits and also-rans.





Everyone else

Reply #931628 | Report this post

Last year

If the coach won't try anything different when you are 4-8 and playing second game of a road then what is the point of the whole roster? Why get a next star if he doesn't play when your season is basically done. Flowers plays a good game and then rather than reward him he sits on the bench again in the next games. Why not play a younger developing player on a multi year contract. Basketball is so far behind some sports in the way they setup their teams. If this was an afl team, they would realise they won't win the championship and would be all about getting games into the future, not wasting mins on players like Dech or Cadee, etc. Not smart or good planning. At this point the fans at Adelaide will just groan next Saturday if we see this same starting lineup trotted out.

Reply #931629 | Report this post

Last year

Someone needs to be fired at the end of this round.

Reply #931630 | Report this post

Last year

Anyone else remember Kings fans pushing for Dejan to make the Boomers when he was with the Kings? I guess we can put that to bed now.

Reply #931631 | Report this post

Last year

And when they are down by 30 Sixers will probably only then make a lineup change. Be a bit late by then.

Reply #931632 | Report this post

Last year

Has the entire Adelaide team got Covid? The only logical reason they are playing so putrid.

Reply #931633 | Report this post

Last year

Had to take the dog out to take a dump, told the wife I was taking him out to do a 36er. Far out, what a stinking performance.

Reply #931634 | Report this post

Last year

The incessant music is giving me a headache, and I'm watching on TV.
It must extremely irritating at the stadium.

Reply #931635 | Report this post

Last year

Turned this one on with 3 mins left in the 3rd Q and... Yikes.

Reply #931636 | Report this post

Last year

Scoreline looking like a socials game when the top team with all the ex-Reps players goes up against the bottom team with one guy who can dribble with his left hand and a handful of guys who can't walk and chew gum.

Reply #931637 | Report this post

Last year

Just can't watch this anymore.

36ers are an NBL1 level team right now. They are truly awful, this is disgusting to watch.

Someone needs to ask CJ why he didn’t play Galloway until deep into the third quarter. What the hell are they doing? Playing Starling over him? Wtf?

Can someone send a please explain to the 36ers? They’ve built a clearly insufficient team for NBL level. Everyone knew it (but them?) from the very start of the season. Why should people pay NBL prices to see this team? They don’t even display competitive effort.

On a separate note unrelated to the 36ers, the umpiring is rubbish and that’s a blight on the NBL. It’s a similarly embarrassing effort tonight frankly. Repeated obvious incorrect calls is just amateur hour. Can they send an SOS to the NBA for assistance?!

Reply #931638 | Report this post

Last year

"Had to take the dog out to take a dump, told the wife I was taking him out to do a 36er."


Reply #931639 | Report this post

Last year

If I'm correct DJV was going to Sixers to get them in finals so they could beat Sydney and he’d stake his boomers case.
As I’ve previously said I’m a CJ fan, always liked the way he plays but it’s time to move on, it’s a professional business and while it would be nice to sack half the team as well, it’s a lot easier to get rid off the coach.

Reply #931640 | Report this post

Last year

Defence of the JJs fairly impressive ......keeping a NBL team under 60 points

Reply #931641 | Report this post

Silent Observer  
Last year

Slightly embarrassing.

Reply #931642 | Report this post

Last year

CJ's found out what many coaches do. He may be fine as an assistant, but he doesn't have what it takes to be the head guy, at least at NBL level. He's not the only one who needs to be blamed for this mess though, he's just a symptoms of larger issues at the club.

Reply #931643 | Report this post

Last year

New coach (sorry CJ) and re-sign Humphries, Vasiljevic, Galloway, Cadee, Marshall for next year.

C Humphries/
F Import/Galloway
F Import/Marshall
G Import/Cadee

Make that your 8 player rotation.

Fill the other 2 spots with specific roles: shooter, hard working big etc.

Reply #931644 | Report this post

Hermann 2  
Last year

No doubt no DJ has significantly stunted the offence..Dejan and Kell look out of shapes and MM might as be a Mand M for all the benefit he brings.. tine for massive re thinking at sixers. Always gunna bee a long season but after tonight it's long and painful.
More flowers only bright spark plug team has.

Reply #931645 | Report this post

Hermann 2  
Last year

Looking ahead. Have 4 winnable games in next 5 rounds or so at home always a positive. Will need refreshed approach but if wildcats have turned the tide so can sixers.. draw line in sand and get some fight in belly and less rotations. Play hsrd or sit your arse mantra. Start by shaking up first five..

Reply #931646 | Report this post

Last year

You're not winning a game in the next 6 rounds, what are you smoking?

Reply #931648 | Report this post

Hermann 2  
Last year

Sixers at home always tough. Hawks Cairns are w's
Can all hope .

Reply #931649 | Report this post

Last year

Hawks are away and you do not have the cattle for Cairns

Reply #931650 | Report this post

Uncle Dre  
Last year

Didn't think 6ers could be more embarrassing as a club. I was wrong. Need to coach, but if owner is involved in that AGAIN, won’t help.

Reply #931651 | Report this post

Last year

If i were CJ i'd swallow my pride & bring back the other DJ who is a 36er legend, 7 foot & can shoot 3's (who is available as of right now), & revolve the offence around him!

Reply #931654 | Report this post

Last year

DJV and CJ Bruton both reckon the loss is due to NBL scheduling and travel.............

Reply #931656 | Report this post

Last year

Yes Adelaide stunk it up, but for a professional, self proclaimed second best league in the world, the NBL fixturing leaves a bit to be desired. I am probably one of juniors biggest critics as a coach, but I think he has good cause to complain.

Reply #931657 | Report this post

Last year

DJ might not be available for a while with Moller going down, depending if SEM chase a winger or go with a big.

Reply #931659 | Report this post

Last year

DJ is hardly bothering the statisticians at SEM

Reply #931660 | Report this post

Last year

CJ always manages to deflect from the main issue why they lost - the coaching stinks, and so the players play accordingly

Reply #931661 | Report this post

Last year

Before the game it was ' this is what we signed for ' after the game different story.

Reply #931662 | Report this post

Last year

Why hasn't CJ been fired yet?

We're a joke club. Can't be bothered signing a third import. 59 point game, a 35 point loss. Trey Kell, I can't remember the last time a starting import had a scoreless game. Something should happen but won't.

Before the game it was ' this is what we signed for ' after the game different story.

Exactly, and the guy who said that, Kell, should be on the first flight home.

Reply #931663 | Report this post

Last year

Adelaide whinging about the travel and scheduling is rich. A day's break between games they had. Poor diddums.

Anyone remember the mid 90s when it was common to play back-to-backs, and both away games at that.

Reply #931666 | Report this post

Last year

Sure do, loved seeing a team could do the Doomsday Double aor Sunshine Swing.

There was also a Super Sunshine Swing, which the Vlahov-run Wildcats requested to save on travel costs, where they used to play a three game set in the space of a 74 hour period in Queensland.

No team in the current NBL can use it as a legitimate excuse, these modern day players are weak sauce.

Reply #931668 | Report this post

Last year

Sure do, loved seeing if a team could do the Doomsday Double or Sunshine Swing.*

Reply #931669 | Report this post

Last year

Fortunately I was out last night so did not see the game but myself and a few friends kept acoss the score. I sat through Thursday night's game and assume it was as bad or even worse to watch last night. Looking at the Stats this morning, what NBL team shoots Field Goals at 29.7% and 3 pointers at 18.2% and can win. Free throw % at 73.1% was reasonable. Also outrebounded 55 to 38 with the rest of the stats fairly close.

Checked out the comments on Facenook this morning and mnost people are saying the same thing - the rotations are ill thought out, the actual oncourt time allocated to players is completely out of wack to their productivity and there seems to be no thought at all to running any sort of systamatic offence. far to mkany times in defence the Breaker players were given open threes when the defender went behind the screener.

To quote Einstein "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."

Reply #931670 | Report this post

Last year





I wrote this in Friday's Perth game thread as well, it's been a very disappointing season in terms of competitiveness. Vickerman is absolutely laughing at the dearth of head coaching experience in the league right now.

Reply #931671 | Report this post

Last year

Not the best look to be complaining about scheduling after that performance, also might indicate that they were already making excuses before they played, which might have lead to that performance.

But, the best connection to Christchurch on a Wednesday that doesn't land at midnight or the next day is a 6am through Melbourne or a 6:20am through Sydney. From Christchurch to Hobart the only connections on a Friday leave at 6:05am or 6:10am (or 3:35am Adelaide time), with check-in time etc, they would've had to be at the airport 2am Adelaide time.

Reply #931673 | Report this post

Last year

Playing last nights game today (sunday) would have made more sense but if that really was the reason the 36ers better come out a bit better next round as they may be running out of excuses. DJ wants to play NBA where theres 82 games with many back to backs.

Can they turn it round like Rillie has as he was on the chopping block a month ago.

Can CJ coach??

Reply #931676 | Report this post

Last year

The scheduling for the NBL was poor that game vs JJ's should've been played today given the Christchurch game but we're making excuses for this record loss but what was the excuse for being down 20 at Qtr time in the NZ game? We had two weeks to prepare and get to Christchurch for that game. It's BS.

Reply #931686 | Report this post

Last year

"Code Sports has been told several 36ers have taken ill from the arduous trip..."

They're spreading out stories already.

Reply #931692 | Report this post

Last year

I feel like it's completely unrealistic to expect the 36ers to have a turnaround like Perth did this season due to the disparity in talent between the two teams. Perths main problem was their coaching earlier this year we can all agree with that, the 36ers is both lack of talent and coaching. Perth have a bunch of guys that are legitimate scoring options and tools to compete with the best teams. Our talent level pales in comparison to the likes of Melbourne, Sydney, Perth and Tassie (when healthy with Magnay back). But I also acknowledge Melbourne and Tassie have the 2 best coaches in the league. We’re fighting an uphill battle on all fronts sadly.

Reply #931705 | Report this post

Last year

From the NBL site:

Bruton said his team woke up at 4am to get to Christchurch and left New Zealand at 1am to return to Australia and travel to Hobart.

"My eyes were stinging. It was always going to be a tough task. Clearly the result and scoreline shows that," he said.

Vasiljevic described the scheduling as "poorly done" by the NBL, saying a lack of sleep had taken a toll on teammates.

"I played in college, I've played everywhere. This was probably the worst road trip I've had in a long time," he said.
Roth was sympathetic, but did note:
"If that is your job to play 30 minutes during the course of the day, that's a heck of a job."

Reply #931707 | Report this post

Last year

Eagle, I'd disagree with Sixers lacking talent.

At various times during CJ’s tenure, nearly everyone on that roster has shown that they belong in the NBL. However, under CJ, promising youngsters have spent too long on the bench so that their development was held back, and some of the old hands have definitely gone backwards.

Reply #931708 | Report this post

Last year

I think it's valid for there to be concurrent facts or criticisms.

1 - The fixturing was dumb and not ideal. It’s a valid criticism. Does it validate the 36ers playing so awfully? Ofcourse not. Even in a perfect environment 36ers lose this game.

2 - Umpiring is sub-par and teams need about 10 challenges each if they want the game to resemble half decent accuracy. Does it change the result? Nope.

3 - Tasmania are well coached and a great team, but would we wholly attribute that kind of sheer margin to Tassie playing well? I don’t think so, but as said above, Tasmania would have won no matter what, and probably at a decent margin anyway.

4 - Do the 36ers lack talent? Absolutely they do. It was obvious from the pre-season and it has played out that way too.

5 - Is the coaching good enough? Frankly, it’s not.

Reply #931714 | Report this post

Last year

It's easy in hindsight to say Sixers got limited talent but they would have a few very well payed players, both imports, Mccaron, Humphries, Dech are on good money. I thought Cadee was a good signing but hasn’t helped and two year contract. It’s time to play youth and see what they give

Reply #931716 | Report this post

Last year

"It's easy in hindsight to say Sixers got limited talent but they would have a few very well payed players, both imports, Mccaron, Humphries, Dech are on good money."

What's the hindsight aspect of this? We knew this going into the season.

Have they stuffed up their spending? Probably.
Is it limited talent still? Yes, absolutely.

Sounds like what you’re actually saying is they spent badly, some of that due to previous seasons and that’s why they have limited talent now.

Reply #931723 | Report this post

Last year

Damon Lowery hits the nail on the head:

Following the defeat, star wing DJ Vasiljevic and head coach CJ Bruton lamented a difficult travel schedule as a reason for Saturday's insipid performance, which Lowery is having none of.

"I couldn’t believe what I was actually hearing, I couldn’t believe two guys with a combined eight championships were going to a press conference after getting their arses handed to them, would say something like that and go at the NBL schedule," Lowery said on NBL Now.

“The NBL is not your fight, the fight was with the Tasmania JackJumpers, that’s who your fight was with and you wanted no part of it. You didn’t want a part of that fight before you even got there. I heard moanings and grumblings before the weekend even started.

“Before you know it, you’re down 20 and it got too hard, it got too hard for you. You had no resolve whatsoever.

“If you want to find somebody’s character, if you want to find what somebody is about, put them to the sword, then you’ll find out. We found out where the Adelaide 36ers’ heart is at, then they show up in the press conference and started that, I couldn’t believe it.

“There’s only one word to describe that attitude, and it is soft. There’s no other way to say it. That’s a soft attitude, and attitude reflects leadership. I don’t know who the hell the leader is in that team, but they need to have a hard look at themselves.

“I don’t care if they have to go to the moon and then go to Tasmania, where’s your fight? Where’s the heart?”

“Where do you go from here? I’m going to all those churches in Adelaide and I’m going to beg for forgiveness. 'I’m sorry for embarrassing myself and the club in that press conference, I wish I could take that back’,” Lowery continued.

“If I’m CJ you will not see one basketball at training, because basketball isn’t the problem. It’s their ticker so I’m going to attack their bodies in training.

“They’ve got one more chance to come out at home - their next game is at home – they’d better do some soul searching and resurrect some pride these people in Adelaide want to have in this team.”


Reply #931740 | Report this post

Last year

6ers are mentally soft & can't defend statue gnomes at present! Combine that with CJ’s mind boggling substitution patterns & it’s no wonder that another season has turned into a train wreck...

Reply #931741 | Report this post

Last year

NBL vs 36ers makes for an interesting week haha

Reply #931743 | Report this post

Last year

Great rant from Lowery.

Reply #931744 | Report this post

Last year

He pretty much summed up my thoughts on the whole thing when I heard CJ and DJ in that press conference.

Reply #931745 | Report this post

Last year

When you're 4-9 and haven’t made finals in yonks, you really don’t get to complain about externalities.

There is just zero focus in the organisation

Reply #931748 | Report this post

Q Anon  
Last year

I recall Darnell Mee standing over CJ Bruton who tried to flop on him to draw a foul

" Stand the F up pussy."

Reply #931749 | Report this post

Last year

Guys everything is solved, that now have a 36ers app naming rights partner!!!

Reply #931751 | Report this post

Last year


Reply #931752 | Report this post

Last year

There are club apps now? *groan*

Reply #931759 | Report this post

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