Last year

WNBL Round 9

Wed 6:30 - Perth vs Canberra

Fri 5:00 - Sydney vs Townsville

Sat 5:00 - Melbourne vs Bendigo
Sat 7:00 - Adelaide vs Southside

Sun 7:00 - Townsville vs Perth

All times local.

Topic #51680 | Report this topic

Last year

Would be great to see the Caps take it to the Lynx tonight, could turn it in to a good old fashioned shoot out if they're on.

Reply #933035 | Report this post

Last year

Caps a little too on for my liking!

Reply #933055 | Report this post

Last year

hahaha, I bet! Great game so far!

Reply #933056 | Report this post

Last year

hopefully McDonald's injury isn't as bad as they're thinking it is. The league needs her on the court!

Reply #933061 | Report this post

Last year

What's the word on it?

Fun crowd. Between the Melbourne, Sharp & Clark connections there's no shortage of caps support in the building.

Reply #933062 | Report this post

Last year

they said it's her knee & that it is looking serious

Reply #933063 | Report this post

Last year

Atwell is unconscious!! 7 of her last 8 3's! Making a case for Brazil, surely

Reply #933067 | Report this post

Last year

Bloody good win, Lynx.

Though that could be a season-killing injury :'(

Reply #933068 | Report this post

Last year

The Veal coaching performance the last 4 mins of the 2nd quarter, including Melbourne then picking up her 4th foul, and then the poor time out. That was the game done there.

Have to wonder if she knows how to game coach at all, ditto for the Brisbane Bullets coach.

WNBL game far superior to the NBL game.

Reply #933070 | Report this post

Last year

Melbourne's 4th was interesting. At the time I thought it was only her 3rd, and so did both Melbourne & Veal as they both remonstrated pretty vigorously with the refs & score bench when the "4" paddle went up. So assuming it was correct it caught everyone by surprise.

Caps played pretty well I thought. Bonus for them not having to deal with McDonald of course, but for the most part I liked the way they went about it. When your floor leader is 21yo of course there are going to be some ups & downs but I feel like they're on the right track given how lacking they are in inside presence.

Reply #933071 | Report this post

Last year

I was at the game and thought she only had 3 as well. Was surprised to see the 4 paddle come up

Reply #933072 | Report this post

Last year

Watching the broadcast now. Was that with a minute left in the second? Commentary said she had three, but there seemed to be quite a bit of debate with the score bench at the time.

The incessant use of the baseline angles on replays is bizarre.

Reply #933073 | Report this post

Last year

Awesome game, I thought she had 3 too. Not on Veal to know that anyway, that's on the AC’s.

Reply #933074 | Report this post

Last year

After looking at the live stats, it was definitely her fourth. She picked up her second and third within ten seconds at around three minutes left in the second.

Reply #933075 | Report this post

Cosmo Spacely  
Last year

Mcdonald <=======> Heal ????

Reply #933076 | Report this post

Last year

That idea makes quite a lot of sense.

And yet ...
Do not want.

Reply #933080 | Report this post

Last year

Yikes! Is that the only bridge that hasn't been burned?

Reply #933085 | Report this post

Last year

Actually no, that bridge is also burned.
Remember, Heal bailed on her 2 year deal with the Lynx after 1 year.

Reply #933091 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Import PG > Heal

Reply #933093 | Report this post

Last year

Did not know that Luuuc, toxic. If Canada & McDonald are anything to go by, that's true Weedy

Reply #933096 | Report this post

Cosmo Spacely  
Last year

Madgen a non starter again vs TSV. Has to be a real doubt for Opals tour in February. Probably good for Rocci or Reid .

Reply #933181 | Report this post

Last year

Was that an offensive foul on Richards (even though Reid was clearly inside the no charge zone) because she passed it instead of shooting it? As in if she shot it, it would've been a block?

Reply #933185 | Report this post

Last year

If Reid was in the charge circle, then it wasn't a charge. However, that doesn't make it a blocking foul as she was within her cylinder.

Reply #933186 | Report this post

Last year

She was definitely in the no charge zone and they called an offensive foul. Richards passed it so I wondered if that was why. A similar thing happened in a game last round, might've been Rocci, passed it & they called a charge even though the D was inside the halo

Reply #933187 | Report this post

Last year

The FIBA rules refer to an 'airborne' offensive player, so if it's a drive and dish without becoming airborne (as opposed to jumping as if to shoot and then passing once airborne) then maybe the no-charge zone doesn't apply?

Reply #933188 | Report this post

Last year

That seems to be the case DMc

Reply #933189 | Report this post

Wang whipper  
Last year

Montesano's commentary was inept as usual.

Reply #933191 | Report this post

finals 995  
Last year

How many times did she use the expression 'early doors'. If it was more than 7, it's a PB!

Gutsy win. Swain out for the entire season, Madgen there in spirit only, Emma Clarke very strong game. Sets up an interesting clash with the Lynx for the faltering Fire.

Reply #933193 | Report this post

Tired Weevil  
Last year

Thank god they had Larissa Anderson doing the guest commentary to make it listenable. Montesano actually had an ok-ish night the other week which gave me some hope but she was back to being insufferable tonight.

Reply #933194 | Report this post

Last year

Sets up an interesting clash with the Lynx for the faltering Fire.

Hopefully they've got one more falter in them!
Flames now on a 3 game winning streak and the battle is on between 5 teams for 4 playoff spots.

Lynx now in equal 1st place and yet I'm pretty concerned that we're going to be the ones to miss out, given we now have mostly road games left on the schedule and potentially no more McDonald.

Reply #933195 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Wide open comp now with all the injuries.

Reply #933196 | Report this post

Last year

Nice timing - the Lynx just posted an Aari update, which is about as good as we could have hoped

Aari suffered a knee injury in our game vs UC Capitals on Wednesday.
Scans revealed she suffered a mild tear, and we expect her back on the court in early February.
Aari is the ultimate professional. She has begun rehab and continues to support her teammates before they hit the road to Townsville.
We wish Aari a speedy recovery and can't wait to welcome her back!

Reply #933198 | Report this post

James Harvey fan  
Last year

Aari has got to be the most fun player in the league tl watch - I was worried she was done for the season.

Reply #933201 | Report this post

finals 995  
Last year

That's great news for all parties (player,team,League,fans).

Reply #933207 | Report this post

Last year

did the storms affect Townsville much ?

Reply #933211 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

McDonald not back till early Feb, not sure that's good news...

8 missed games + fiba break.
Only 2 regular season games after that.

Probably need to win 6 of the 10 to make finals.

Reply #933212 | Report this post

Last year

Bendigo have to be regretting the Ruth Davis for Meg McKay exchange this year! Davis has been an absolute liability on both ends of the floor this year...

Reply #933228 | Report this post

Last year

I don't know how any team didn't give McKay a contract - even outside of Bendigo. Agree with you SamCro. She is definitely a good back-up big in this ieague.

Reply #933229 | Report this post

Last year

I know that other teams, including Townsville tried to sign McKay, who is enjoying life in Bendigo... but no offer from Bendigo. They put all their faith in KG and an impressive but ageing Kelly Wilson and a range of others from elsewhere. Seriously lacking size (apart from Froling who has been great today) and Meg would lap up that spot.

Reply #933231 | Report this post

Last year

Very nice win by the Spirit. Blew their lead & got it back again late.
Boomers underwhelming.

Reply #933232 | Report this post

Last year

It seems like a lot of funds are in the hands of older players who are unlikely to finish a season.... KG, Madgen who has hardly played, George who has been out of form etc…. I know teams focussed on youth are struggling, but wonder about the balance of youth and potential vs experience and players carrying injuries and focussed on next season overseas somewhere… tough balance

Reply #933233 | Report this post

Last year

It seems like a lot of funds are in the hands of older players who are unlikely to finish a season.... KG, Madgen who has hardly played, George who has been out of form etc…. I know teams focussed on youth are struggling, but wonder about the balance of youth and potential vs experience and players carrying injuries and focussed on next season overseas somewhere… tough balance

Reply #933234 | Report this post

Last year

If anyone out there can understand KK's substitution patterns, please inform the rest of us. I’m definitely in the camp of Alabakov replacing KK next season...

Reply #933235 | Report this post

Last year

I don't think teams are "focused on youth" by choice. It is usually forced upon them by budget. (I can't imagine many teams would choose not to have a couple of Opals on their roster if given the choice!)

Bendigo lowballing McKay is odd though I agree.
Madgen, who is perennially injured, is still a player most teams would want to have on their roster. The question is how much do you derate her salary based on the number of games she realistically likely to be available for.
Very hard to judge which players are or aren't overpaid without knowing their salaries of course. Maybe some people do ... I don't.
(Not that anyone in this league is actually overpaid. Some are just less underpaid than others)

Reply #933236 | Report this post

Last year

Agree with all of the comments about payments, one of the reasons that players elect not to sit at the end of a bench and await their chances is that they simply can't afford to live on the base salary. Watching Southside v Lightning.... Huge contrast in ages etc. I am all for LJ playing as long as she likes. Working harder than ever, does such a lot for the game etc, but Mitchell, Ernst? You’d like to think there are younger players who could develop using those minutes.

Reply #933238 | Report this post

Last year

Luuuc - Bendigo didn't lowball McKay, there was no offer made at all to McKay. KK wanted to go in a different direction with Ruth Davis, Kelsey Griffin & Alicia Froling as his preferred Bigs. In hindsight I’d preferred McKay over Davis, Davis doesn’t look interested & has a subpar work rate as well.

Reply #933241 | Report this post

Last year

Adelaide struggling. Wrong decision by KK. Maybe change needed, but yes McKay should be on a team.

Reply #933249 | Report this post

Last year

Turner was awesome til foul trouble - was answering Flyers height advantage. When Turner had to come off Adelaide hardly got a D or O board. Bourne was very good against taller players. Willoughby very good. Ernst shot well for flyers. LJ has still got it. Borlase and Puoch both different styles of game and both will be great players - so a very Penny Taylor style of game with Borlase. Both teams with some tired shots in the last quarter. Adelaide just didn't have the match up height when Turner off to challenge in the paint. Good crowd, some talented players on the court - didn't feel like a 25 point difference.

Reply #933252 | Report this post

Last year

Turner with some highlight reel moves in the first half. Scored and got back in trans to block a shot - so quick.

Reply #933254 | Report this post

Last year

I'd pump the brakes on the Borlase comparison with Penny Taylor, Taylor was always able to shoot the 3 ball, Borlase isn’t very consistent from that range at all. Taylor was also a very good defender & at times Borlase dials in her efforts at the defensive end...

Reply #933257 | Report this post

Last year

I thought it definitely felt like a 25 point game, particularly the second half. Coach didn't try anything new.

Reply #933259 | Report this post

Last year

Tough day at the office for lightning when Flyers go 10/15 from 3. Willoughby had her best game of the season though, maybe she'll get going now

Reply #933269 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Mckay was taking a year off...

Next season should be better, lots of college players to choose from.
Need to move on a few coaches though…

Reply #933273 | Report this post

Last year

Who's on your list to go Weedy? And, who are your potential replacements?

Reply #933280 | Report this post

Last year

If Mark Alabakov gets a coaching gig, does that mean he no longer commentates? If that's the case, he gets my vote.... There is a difference between commentating to support the entertainment value and constantly wanting to critique coaching decisions and provide super technical details. He just doesn’t make it fun.

Reply #933322 | Report this post

Last year

I think Alabakov is definitely one of the better commentators around, would take him over Chizik, Graf & Cole!

Reply #933327 | Report this post

Last year

Each to their own I guess. I find him to be one of the few insightful callers we get.

Lynx doing well to hang in this one so far.

Reply #933328 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

Alabakov deserves his shot over kereama.
Chambers been around way too long, time to move on.
Would not surprise me if veal goes elsewhere, Goriss gets his gig back.
Hurst, Lucas could be gone, maybe, maybe not.
Molloy, I don't get it... how he got the flames job and remains the nz coach, I don’t understand.

Seebohm, Petrik are safe.

Reply #933330 | Report this post

Last year

I don't agree that Veal will leave, she’s loved at Caps & has set up a young roster that are at least partly there to work with her. Chambers has a good record, I don’t see Flyers moving her on, too young to retire, so unless she’s looking for a new adventure she’ll still be in teal.

Agree on Lucas & Molloy. KK can go. I’d like to see Harrower in a HC rôle somewhere & does Anderson deserve a 2nd crack? Also what happened to Flynn? Don’t see Alabakov as a WNBL HC. Agree that if Gorriss wants to, he walks into any open HC role.

Reply #933338 | Report this post

Last year

Lynx are doing awesome to stay within reach here

Reply #933339 | Report this post

Last year

My point about Alabakov is that if it was a coaching clinic, he'd be my pick... but to attract and retain new viewers, needs a very different style of commentary. I actually like Graf in that role and when KG retires (surely soon), she would be ideal. Did a great job at World Champs last year.

Up and coming coaches?? Would they come from NBL1 ranks or elsewhere?

Reply #933342 | Report this post

Last year

Agree CoachGirl, Graf is the best KG was/is great too. Out of the players, Cole does a good job, I like her in the NBL commentary too, much better than the other tokens

Reply #933343 | Report this post

Last year

We're getting well and truly Sami'd in this 2nd half.

Reply #933344 | Report this post

Last year

Molloy, I don't get it... how he got the flames job and remains the nz coach, I don't understand.

It's one of life's great mysteries.

Reply #933346 | Report this post

Last year

Weedy your homework
on Alabakov and why chambers dropped him.

Reply #933348 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last year

What's that got to do with the Bendigo job?

Reply #933350 | Report this post

Last year

For someone who played with the Lynx for the last 5 years I don't understand how the Lynx players were so slow to react to Whitcomb especially at the 3 point line & constantly allowed Whitcomb just to walk into some rhythm 3 pointers wide open! I assumed the Lynx players would know Whitcomb’s offensive tendencies better than anyone but you wouldn’t have picked it on tonight’s defensive efforts against Whitcomb...

Reply #933353 | Report this post

Last year

Whitcomb is special tho. The Lynx coaches should know better than anyone how to guard her but of the players, only Atwell, Ciabba, Forster & Clinch-Hoycard are returning players right?

Reply #933354 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Re: Alabakov, I don't think there's any issue with his insight but he does come across like video game commentary a lot of the time, where it's just detached phrases.

Reply #933507 | Report this post

Earlier this year

Talks way too much. I don't need the entire play by play explained to me.

Reply #933508 | Report this post

Tired Weevil  
Earlier this year

Alabakov >>>>>>>>>>> Montesano and whoever was commentating tonight (not Rocci, the other woman).

Reply #933555 | Report this post

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