Last year
U14 Court Time
Hi Team,
I wont say where I am for privacy reason.
I will preface and say I am a coach myself. My son plays Under 14s Div 1 as a top age athlete. He was a Div 1 bottom age athlete too. His role has regressed even more than last year under a new Head Coach.
I totally concede and I am aware as parents we think our children are better than they actually are.
My son was coming on the 2nd qtr at around the 5 min mark and also in the 4th at around the 5th min mark. He is getting anywhere between 6 to 8 minutes as frequently does not play in the 1st or 3rd. Upon returning from a recent tournament he said "am I really that bad dad?". He is not encouraged to attack and his role is mostly to rest the primary PG when he is tired which unfortunately is not very often as the primary PG is pretty fit.
I should note another kid was crying after receiving 3mins for one particular game, and essentially players from 6 - 10 not getting much court time either. The buy in from the bench guys is a very low at present.
I guess my coaching philosophy is a bit different to others as I am about development particularly during the regular season. I will always run my best players a more on average however I really make an effort to get kids on each qtr, even if it is just 2 mins per qtr.
He went 2 from 4 in his last game, boxed out, played hard defensive and so on. Admittedly he is yet to have a growth spurt however I just struggle to rationalize giving kids minimal court time (on the extreme end). I totally understand it is rep but at what point is it at the detriment of the kids? What is the point of training 3 hours per week, plus training in your own time, if you don't get game reps? I honestly believe players should be getting at least 20 - 25% of game time at the minimum for u12s and u14s. Perhaps at the u16s and u18s when kids have more resilience this can shift and change?
But I think personally I am not all about winning at the detriment of bringing 6 to 10 along the journey at least for youth basketball. If your a volunteer coach where we don't get paid in Australia nobody is going to be the next Phil Jackson and getting paid millions to retire early :)
Am I being unreasonable and being one of those annoying parents? I have requested for him to drop down to Div 2 however this can be denied as it can disrupt teams. I have noted that we would sadly walk from the season and look to train/develop and come back next year if this not possible.
Hopefully we made the right decision on his behalf as he has lost A LOT of confidence under this particular coach.
As a junior back in the day I played in the 3s for 12/14s and finally went Div 1 from 16s onward up until my 20s before having a short career in the VBL.
My tune used to be always play Div 1 so you can train with the best regardless of court time, but as a father and coach, I now see the argument to play down a division if it means you actually get some experience on the court. Of course you need to train hard and earn your minutes but I truly do believe there is a fine line.