Last year

Maher on 36ers: Our values don't align anymore

"OUR values don't align anymore." With those five words, Adelaide's most famous #5, Brett Maher tonight on TV succinctly summed up why the 36ers' longest serving and most iconic player severed all ties with the NBL club in the immediate aftermath of its decision to sack Sixers favourite son Scott Ninnis as head coach.
Oh my.

"In the meantime, life goes on, the 36ers preparing for a season where surely little short of the championship would suffice, and Maher and Ninnis expand their coaching services, adding yet a further high profile Sixers coaching sackee - former Boston Celtic Connor Henry - to their elite panel."


Was Joey Wright not available too? Is he still in Adelaide doing his own junior camps?

Topic #52255 | Report this topic

Master Chief  
Last year

Maybe he stayed? Was surprisingly very good about being cut the way he was.

Is that sarcasm from Boti though about anything less than a championship? I think Adelaide could be slightly underrated roster wise, but certainly not championship or bust level.

Reply #949090 | Report this post

Last year

Master Chief, it is not sarcasm, Boti is being a child by saying if they don't win a championship it was the wrong decision to let Ninnis go.

In other news it looks like the Sixers are going in the right direction by training Patterson but then deciding not to sign him. Finally doing some due diligence. Positive signs

Reply #949105 | Report this post

Big Ads  
Last year

Kevin Brooks was also extremely critical of Barbato, Weston and GK in an interview with the Run Home team on Triple M last Wednesday.

He was angry with how management have destroyed the culture he and others had worked so hard to built.

Reply #949106 | Report this post

Last year

Brett Maher walked away from some serious dollars being waved by NZ near the end of his career. He put club culture first. Then the blow-ins came and have torched the place.

Reply #949112 | Report this post

Last year

What are his values anyway? just upset his mate got fired.

Reply #949113 | Report this post

Last year

The old Simpsons meme springs to mind, why now, why not 5 years ago?
The rot set in a while ago, but as mentioned took the sacking of his mate to come out and say something.

Reply #949114 | Report this post

Uncle Dre  
Last year

The deterioration of values and arrival of owner Kelly were simultaneous

Reply #949116 | Report this post

Last year

I get being upset your mate got fired, but this whole publicity campaign from all these guys seems a little over the top in my opinion. Wells is much more credentialed, and I have a lot more confidence in his ability to get the most out of the talent on the team.

Reply #949117 | Report this post

Last year

I loved most of these guys as players but they're starting to sound like the bitter ex wives club, or maybe they always were? Always 2 sides to every story.

Reply #949118 | Report this post

Magpie Murray  
Last year

Maybe he has been part of the problem not not the solution.

I don't expect a Championship this season however finals is a must.

Reply #949120 | Report this post

Last year

One has to question 36ers management that's for sure

Reply #949189 | Report this post

Last year

"Wells is much more credentialed"

Not as a head coach he isn't.

Reply #949194 | Report this post

Roger Murdoch  
Last year

If we take Weston on face value he has sacked Ninnis for poor standards which means something but not sure what. He then hires a head coach with no process.
Doesn't really make sense.
Maher then severing ties with the club is more then just a bad look even taking into account they are good mates. I believe ties to former greats is important, not at any cost but this brings back bad memories like the Mitch Creek fiasco.
Weston is playing a high stakes game and is pot committed to if not a championship a quality finals run. I'm not sure creating a super high pressure environment as he has done is a recipe for success.
Time will tell

Reply #949196 | Report this post

Last year

Pro sport is high stakes.

Let's stop making out Ninnis was the saviour. He had the job and he didn’t meet expectations of management. Same will happen to Wells and the next one. It’s only a matter of time. Every pro coach wins or eventually gets moved on.

Reply #949204 | Report this post

Q Anon  
Last year

^ That is all well and good to say expect Scott was 11 days into his contract. Even if he wasn't meeting standards ( that didnt exist) it takes more than 11 days to manage someone either into line or sack them based on management expectations.

Scott had unified the team and more importantly the fan base for the first time since Joey was sacked. For the first time in a long time there was a sense of the club finally making a good decision, only for Weston and co to detonate that on baseless claims.

The 36ers will struggle this season based on the roster compiled. Lots of ifs and buts to come.

Reply #949205 | Report this post

Last year

Yes, Sixers will struggle with the roster complied, so keeping Ninnis gave them a fall guy but Imo the owner wants out, he needs success quickly and probably didn't think he’d achieve it under Ninnis. I’m hoping they have a reasonable season, it’s good for the nbl.

Reply #949206 | Report this post

Last year

Adelaide might be OK- if Humphries and Martin stay healthy and play 30 minutes a game each.

If there's injuries to those two, or DJ or Davis, they'll quickly fall down the table

Reply #949207 | Report this post

Last year

11 days? Can't be true. Completely illogical claim.

Reply #949210 | Report this post

Q Anon  
Last year

Scott started pre-season on August 1 he was sacked August 12th , thats 11 days.

Reply #949211 | Report this post

Last year

Geez this seems like yet another year 36ers losing the plot doesn't it.

I’m sure like clockwork the same people who get angry at criticism towards the constructed roster will again believe that everyone is wrong and the 36ers are finals bound for the 5th year in a row.

I guess even a broken clock is right twice a day!

My firm belief is to make the finals everything has to go right - your culture, your coach, your playing group balance, depth and top level talent.

Right now my view is the 36ers are at insufficient, unknown, insufficient (in the bigs department), insufficient (missing one more talented piece/bigs department depth), probably good enough (if Davis is the goods and the rest healthy it’s a lethal 4).

I’m most interested in, aside from health:
1) Are our guards sufficient defensively or will they cost us more points than they can produce?
2) What happens when Humphries or Martin are on the bench. Are we just going to be royally screwed?
3) Can Dech, Marshall and Mayern be maximised - sometimes Dech looked like he didn’t have a defined role and he was just out there to be out there. I get the feeling Mayern comes with the same equation to be solved. Marshall it’s time for him to stake his claim too. These guys on a Tasmania would be lethal and a pain in the ass to play against, that’s what we want to get out of them and would go a long way to solving the question of depth.

I still think the 36ers should be signing a third import rather than doing a wait and see. As I say every year, it’s pointless to go splash money when it’s too late on a third import. An extra 3/4 now that can come off the bench if they can’t afford a starter. Less disruption too.

Reply #949215 | Report this post

Q Anon  
Last year

The bench big is the clearing hole here. If Tohi was carving up the bench bigs then there are big problems ahead when facing decent back ups

Reply #949216 | Report this post

Last year

Scott started last season and was in the role for more than 11 days. Quit making stuff up for effect.

Reply #949229 | Report this post

Q Anon  
Last year

I assume you understand how contracts work.
His standards were deemed good enough in the back end of last season to warrant a 2 year contract , that contract started August 1.

Reply #949234 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Last year

I suspect there was an instruction from someone above to push the incompetence narrative in order to minimise payout maybe?

Reply #949235 | Report this post

Last year

It happens in the business world too, MC. They needed to meet a quota of redundancies in my case. Amazing how low they had to scrape to find their justifications.

Reply #949241 | Report this post

Q Anon  
Last year

Ive heard stories of fabricated performance reviews and counselling sessions

Reply #949245 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Last year

Not that it's an argument for a more positive image of the club. Quite the opposite. Not only did they mess Ninnis around, but also effectively defamed him in order to minimise their payout. I hope Ninnis got every cent.

Reply #949246 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Last year

Not that it's an argument for a more positive image of the club. Quite the opposite. Not only did they mess Ninnis around, but also effectively defamed him in order to minimise their payout. I hope Ninnis got every cent.

Reply #949247 | Report this post

Last year

I understand contracts. He signed in February was in USA in July. He had more than 11 days in the role. Quit whining and making things up because your buddy was treated harshly. He had the job and managed to screw it up.

Do you have understand hierarchy? Boss needs to be happy with your performance or you're out. Be grateful Weston had the courage to call it otherwise we’re in the same position by the mid-season again.

Reply #949252 | Report this post

Q Anon  
Last year

Scott is far from my buddy

Perhaps do some research into Weston and his record of management.

Reply #949254 | Report this post

Roger Murdoch  
Last year

Hey Massive

Weston from the get go was underming Ninnis by not giving him Kubank the assistant he wanted.
He then uses " Standards " as to why he got rid of him.
During the press conference he downplayed and even criticised his coaching of the team after he took over. The team was playing good quality entertaining basketball, hence the 2 year contract. He earned the contract and should of had Kubank as his assistant. You don't hire someone and then tell them how to do their job. Unless you want them to fail of course.

Reply #949255 | Report this post

Q Anon  
Last year

Massive in another thread "I like the messaging that's coming out of the 36ers. With patience and no doubt a trip to summer league the GM will get this done. That guy is a walking success at whatever he does (easy research shows this to be true)."

What tripe is this? How is Impression Healthcare going? How is the supposed scout for the Spurs going? Which Asian player did the Spurs recruit or even work out? Such a success he was a manager at Sturt before being fed the job at the 36ers to appease.

Massive is obviously very very close to Weston

Reply #949256 | Report this post

Last year

Weston has been a yes man spud since day dot in the sport. I see nothing that has changed in this space.

Reply #949257 | Report this post

Last year

Statements about Weston, Ninnis and you stand.

Let's circle back in 6 months and you can recheck my posts again if you want? ;-)

Reply #949260 | Report this post

Q Anon  
Last year

@Massive - so you are happy with your take that Weston is a "walking success at whatever he does?" LOL LOL LOL

Dont need to circle back , I know his CV , you probably do too LOL

Reply #949261 | Report this post

Last year

Fair chance Massive wrote Weston's CV

Reply #949270 | Report this post

Last year

Better than fair chance, that comment is the stupidest claim and the weakest come back anyone has ever made on Hoops.

Reply #949293 | Report this post

Last year

You haven't been around very long if you think that is the weakest comeback ever on Hoops lol

Reply #949295 | Report this post

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