Years ago

Funny Talking Hoops Recap

Talking Hoops Recap  July 25, 2006

Hosted By Paul Bell and Brett Maher

They spoke about the sale of the 36ers, Dome and Lightning, 36ers owner is Mal Hemmering (NBL Chairman) , Dome is owned by Eddie Groves (Brisbane Bullets Owner, ABC Learning centers owner), Lightning is owned by Vince Marino (father of Angela).

Maher said the players were informed of the new owners after training, and they were surprised as they hadn't heard that they were in the running, just heard the 3 which were in the media. Most of the players hadn't dealt with Mal Hemmering before, so it will be interesting to see what he does.

Bell said next week Andrew Bogut will be interviewed on Talking Hoops.

Alfred Called in: spoke about the fact that Hemmiring is NBL Chairmen, and mentioned potential conflict of interest, saying he may have been privy to extra information and the fact the public only knew of 3 bids and not this one. Maher said that everyone thought there was only 3 bids, and would be interested to see when there bid begun, and said he would imagine the new owners would have been privy to a lot information out side of the other bidders, said it would be a good question to ask the NBL. But did say he didn't know anything at all for sure. Alfred said he would have been asking questions of the NBL. Bell said he believed that Hemmering was standing down as NBL chairman to avoid conflict of interests, and Groves and Bruce Carter were also on the Board.

They all congratulated the new bidders.

Maher said from his point of view that Kevin Foley and co. would of probably just taken the best possible offer for the Tax payer.

Dana called in: Saying surely the government would of made the decision, so Hemmering may not have had any extra information, and the Government probably just took the best offer. Which has nothing to do with the NBL or Groves and Hemmering being on the NBL board. Maher and Bell said that it just now has to be ratified by the NBL and Club presidents. Dana spoke about remembering when Mal Hemmering used to be a referee and goes back along way in basketball, mentioned he has been involved for 40 years, and also being a successful business man and CEO would probably be a good thing for the club. Wished the MVP group good luck with what they decide to do. Started to talk about MVP sports being interested in a 2nd NBL club in Adelaide.

Bell and Maher spoke about the bid, said the winners were the ones with the most dollar value, combined $3.95 million and spoke about wondering what the price for the Dome was as that was what the debt was, and spoke about the 36ers, NBL license being worth $1million and then other things such as 36ers brand coming into it. Maher said he believed the NBL could go through a mini boom with new sponsors and teams coming in from Aisia and other exciting things like that.

Maher and Bell spoke about the potential MVP sports bid for a 2nd Adelaide NBL team. Bell said Ron Bassett and his original plan was to look into what it would take to run a 2nd NBL team in Adelaide, then the 36ers team went for sale so they turned there intention to that, and said that experience was invaluable, and since they didn't get the 36ers they will continue to explore this possibility. Said he was interested in peoples opinions on the 2nd team issue. Nothing is definite to happen, as a lot of things have to be addressed, such as NBL approval, being viable for Ron and any other investors. For a new team to be approved, they have to go through a NBL license fee of around $1 Million, have a business plan approved by the NBL, and get the ok, work out the season to join, a facility to use, etc. a lot of things they have done through the 36ers process and will now possibly be revisited with some extra market research. Said a 2nd team could potentially provide extra opportunity for SA basketballers to make the NBL.

Also need to have enough fans, corporate support. Maher said some potential hurdles would be 1 getting enough talent on the court to take fans interest, 2 the 36ers being established since 1983, with a lot of loyal fans not willing to leave, but also said there could be fans disenchanted with the 36ers and willing to support a new team. They spoke about Adelaide being a very well educated and passionate basketball state and with no FTA tv its hard to follow the 36ers away games, with a 2nd team there could be a NBL game in Adelaide every week and fans could get along to both.

Maher said in his opinion in the long run Adelaide would be only big enough for 1 team and it would end up being a survival of the fittest with who ever has the best players/coaches, support of sponsors, fans and grass roots links would end up surviving. Bell said to make a impact on the court you need 2 really good exciting imports, 2 marquee Aussie players and some good young talent, good coach, as well as marketing and getting out to grass roots basketball. Maher said as long as the standard of the teams doesn't drop the more teams the better, he would prefer less teams if talent was going to be diluted. Bell and Maher said if it gets to a stage with say 20 teams in the NBL they would probably look at doing a conference set up, like the NBA, and also rumours of new Asian teams possibly coming into the NBL, which they think would be great for getting sponsors on board and interesting to see about FTA tv if they would come on board. Spoke about potential for Adelaide basketball showdowns, and they said they would be huge games.

Bell Said that it isn't anything definite that its something they have researched and will continue to do so and said to his credit Ron Bassett had put lots of time, money and energy for the research and is passionate about basketball, and they also spoke about the team playing out of either, Dome, Entertainment Centre or even the smaller ETSA Park, using the Tigers as an example of playing out of a smaller 3500 seat venue and starting to make some good profits. They spoke about how the NBL guidelines of 5000 seat stadiums for new teams fits into this with the Tigers using a smaller venue and making a profit, and they said if justified the 5000 seat guideline shouldn't matter. Maher said it could be a good guage seeing the 2 Melbourne teams to compare with potentially 2 Adelaide teams. Said they work on a different structure, Tigers less seats but higher prices, Dragons using bigger stadium, Vodafone arena looking to have cheaper prices. Said that the Dragons have hit the ground running with Marketing etc. and said it will be interesting to see how they go. Said that many sports are heading down the path of all teams with private ownership, with now all teams privalty owned in the NBL.

Dusty Rychart Interview: Recently arrived in Brisbane, the Bullets have just had a fitness day on Monday, first training day tomorrow, the fitness test was things like suicides and jump and agility tests, and team building days with coaches, players and office staff. Maher asked about injuries and spoke about Stephen Black who may miss the NBL season with injury, had surgery on Monday, and is out until atleast November. Bell said Ebi Ere was rumoured to be coming in to replace Black, Dusty said he had heard that rumour but wasn't sure about it, they said that would be a good back court him and C.J. Spoke about C.J arriving, Dusty hopes he will help them win a couple of Championships, spoke about Dusty finding a place said it's a bit more expensive than what it was in Adelaide, Maher asked what Dusty had been doing in the off season, returned to Mineapolis on vacation, had surgery on a sports hernia and began working out with ex nba player Trent Tucker and some other ex college team mates.
Bell asked about Dusty's vertical jump test, he said he told them that was definalty not his strong point. Spoke about some of the team building exercises they did at the Bullets, games to use communication and problem solving. Maher asked how many staff were at the Bullets, they have a Operations Manager, General Manager (Jeff Vangronigin), Marketing Director and then the coaching staff, said the Operations Manager does all the reception like stuff. Bell said due to the size of ABC Learning Centers all activities probably absorbed in that. Spoke about Groves buying the Dome, joked the Bullets could be relocated. Spoke about the Team, said they should be ok, aslong as everyone stays healthy, with Bradtke also having a slight injury, and whether they will all gel as a team.

Phil Smyth Interview: Asked about his thoughts of the new owners, said that its exciting times with Mal's expertise of sports and basketball, and with Groves buying the stadium it looks real positive. Smyth said he doesn't think it will affect the on court team much at all, and Mal is prepared to do what it takes to get the 36ers back to being the number 1 team in the league, and also getting the sponsors and crowds back into the 36ers. Mal hasn't met the players yet, but will sit down with them all in the near future. Asked about Groves buying the stadium, Smyth said he would be fantastic, as he is passionate about basketball, and when he puts some money into the stadium it should be the best in the country. Asked about Mals other interests, said he would resign from NBL board, and wants to put all his focus into solely the 36ers, and move them forward. Maher joked about more money for players, and Smyth joked he wanted to sign Maher to a 10 year contract. Asked about the potential of a 2nd NBL team in Adelaide, Smyth said good healthy competition, would be good and said 10 years ago it was looked at, and he doesn't see it as a bad thing, and it would be interesting to see if the team could sustain 2 successful teams.

Bell and Maher spoke about the 36ers possibly working with Adelaide United Soccer team, Maher said it would be good for cross promotion and avoiding clashes with the other sports, and with owning the stadium you have the flexibility to schedule games when you want, said in the past the NBL has taken advantage of this fact. Said AFL reigns surpreme and other sports working together such as soccer and basketball working together could help them compete with things such as AFL. Said the dome could be used for other things such as indoor soccer as apart of the cross promotion.

A caller asked if there was a connection with the Dome and 36ers ownership, said technically due to Groves owning the bullets he cant be a owner of the 36ers, but they have to play at the Dome this season, and they imagine the team will continue playing out of the Dome in the future, just needs a dressing up with the sound system, wheel chair access, score board and possibly things like big screen for replays etc.

Chris Lucas Interview: Asked about the new owner of the Lightning Vince Marino, Lucas looks forward to catching up with him. Asked about venue for the lightning, Wayville or Dome, said it would be Marino's decision. The team enjoys Wayville, but it is upto the owners at the end of the day. Said its best to play and train at the same venue. Generates better atmosphere in Wayville for the Lightning not drawing the crows the 36ers do, and also with playing at Wayville means they are true supporters of the girls team. Asked if he knew about the bidding process, he knew there was interest in the team which was good. Asked about Angela Marino, who has signed for a starting spot with Perth, and Adeliades back court is pretty full with players like Phillips, Lindsay, Radford. Said they are still in the fitness program of there pre season training. They are still looking to complete the roster, need a big player, looking to replace, Summerton, Scrren and Wiley, and Cherrie Smith and Carla Boyd having injuries. Said Screen is heading to Europe with Neil Mottram. He said it is terefic for Summerton to have a contract in Europe and Phillips playing in the WNBA. Asked about Womens ABA, said he thinks its been a good competition, and getting better every year, and with 5 players in the AIS, and its important to keep developing the young girls in SA. Asked about his aspirations, isn't looking at mens basketball, enjoys the lightning, and also assistant coaching opportunities with national teams. Asked about Boyds injury, had cartlige removed, hoping early Septemeber return, not wanting to push her return. Said it was great to have Boyd back. Boyd aparantly invited him to catch up for coffee and asked if there was a spot in the team which Lucas said absolutely and is happy to have her involved. Asked about having people such as Moffa coming involved with the lightning at parctises etc, he said he thought it would be fantastic if it would happen.

Bell and Maher said it would be great to see Boyd back and having several bidders willing to put money into it, said it will be interesting to see having lost many key players such as Summerton and Willey. Said sometimes you have to try and get players who are likely to get the players who are likely to stay with the club long term.

Steve called in: asked Bell about with the bidding process, was it purely about the price or basketball related, Bell said he believed the people hired in this process were looking at best possible outcome for the tax payer. Asked if MVP sports would consider getting involved with Mal Hemmerings group, Bell said Mal is believed to think having a 2nd team would be a good thing, and it could give the Dome more business.

Bell asked Maher about Nick Horvath regarding the 2nd import spot, Maher said he believed Horvath had signed with a NBA out clause, but didn't believe he would make the NBA, so should be playing for the 36ers. Said most players have NBA out clause, and teams prefer that to European Outclauses. Said he is a good guy to have in the 4 or 5 spot, being 6'10 and around NBA standard. Maher said he gets told and asked for some feed back about possible recruits, and wasn't sure how much this was considered by the coaches.

Boty Nagy Interview: Advertiser has double page spread on basketball tomorrow, with lots of coverage of the sale. Boty said he didn't have a problem with any of the other 3 bidders, MVP, Lewis, Peregrine, said basketball would be in safe hands with any of them, and said is thrilled with Hemmerings involvement with his business and Sport experience. He said he was intrigued with Groves buying the Dome and to find out his plans regarding the Dome. Mentioned the Adelaide Basketball Club, also being ABC, like the ABC learning centres. Spoke about the Marinos owning the Lightning saying he has spoke to them and they are very excited, he believes is wins all round.

Bell said Groves is in Europe and they will try and get him on Talking Hoops in the near future.

Boty spokje about the Boomers v New Zealand, said they are no longer easy beats, and we need to realize this as they have beaten us in the past such as 2001, and being to recent Olympics and World Champs, and said that 1 reason the Boomers lost was because he thinks they took New Zealand lightly. Boty said that he thinks some of Goorjians teams have been rubbish, Maher spoke about how in 2001 he was the only Olympian left on that team and didn't have players such as Bogut and Anstey, Smith, Mackinnon and others on the team, which are there now. Boty said he doesn't like how Goorjian coaches, he said his style may win but costs you fans, used examples of teams like the magic and titans folding, and likened it to flooding in footy that fans don't want to see it, and doesn't believe it will work in Interntaional basketball, and said the system is wrong and plays favourites with college coaches, Maher said Goorjians system suits younger players, and said they may need to rethink this as many senior players have retired from the boomers due to this, and they should work on team things not flog the players fitness wise.

Boty agreed saying they should pick the best team of players available. Boty said he picked a team of players including guys like Maher, Mcdonald and Cattalini, who probably would play if Goorjian didn't flog them so much fitness wise, and believes his team would flog the current Boomers. Maher said Goorjians philosophy is they are not as talented so they try and win on fitness. Boty said he thinks Goorj is bullet proof as guys like Smyth and Stacker probably wouldn't do the job at the moment, and he believes not treating the World Champs seriously and using a young team for the Olympics is crap. Maher said one major factor of him retiring from the boomers was the flogging of the boomers camp, he doesn't think he could get through them. Boty said they should just pick the best 12, and not flog them, and go with all youngers, said Basketball Australia should spend there money on things like Nielsens insurance, not bringing guys like Dunlap in. Some of the guys on Botys team D-Mac, Maher, Cattalini, Nielsen, he would of found a way to pay it and put him in the team.

They asked Boty about the Brett Maher book he is writing said it is taking a bit longer than expected as he Is taking his time as Maher is held in such high regard.

Great show look forward to next weeks!!

Topic #8033 | Report this topic

Years ago

thanks for the recap jonno gold as usual

Reply #89831 | Report this post

Years ago

Love the interesting comments about the Boomers and coaching styles. Says it all really...

Reply #89840 | Report this post

Years ago

John, gold mate....
Boti's team vs Brian's team...
can we get that one on free to air?

Reply #89847 | Report this post

Does anyone happen to have a recording of the program?

Reply #89848 | Report this post

Years ago

Thanks Jonno. I havnt been able to catch the show for a few weeks now, so really appreciate it.

Reply #89870 | Report this post

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