Years ago

6ers-tigers game in melb ticket help

Hi i was wondering if anyone can help me out. I'm spending some time in melbourne over new years and thought i would catch the 6ers-tigers game. Just looking for some help from someone who has seen games over there. What is the best way to get there from the city and how do i get tickets, for example i think it only holds 3k so can i just get on walk up or do i need to buy from an outlet?

If anyone can help me out that would be much appreciated.

Topic #9140 | Report this topic

Years ago

Joshua - drop me an email, or contact via isaac.

So far this season you can get a walk up pretty easy, but for ease of entry and to guarantee a seat I'd pre-book, its the same price.

Reply #103362 | Report this post

Years ago

If you are in the City, you can get a tram to the Venue.

Reply #103366 | Report this post

Years ago

I forgot to add, or a taxi .

Reply #103367 | Report this post

Years ago

Taxi is less than $10.

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Years ago

Tram is free :)

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Years ago

Suggest the use of for directions and bearings.

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Years ago

Tram is only free if you are dodgy and don't pay the $2.70.

Tickets cost $27 for the boon dock seats.

Reply #103445 | Report this post

Years ago

$28.00 (+ booking fee) will get you a third row seat, back board end of the stadium (North for Away Teams bench end). IMO is the best value for money seat in the stadium. $51 for a side biew eeekkk.

As far as Trams go Route 55 will get you there.

Taxi probably cost you between $15-$25 depending on traffic, if you were going by taxi and the driver dosnt know where the State Netball and Hockey Centre is get him to take you to the Zoo it is right next door.

Reply #103463 | Report this post

Years ago

thanks DJ and all you guys, all the info has been great, where would i pre book? at the venue or venue-tix etc? thanks again.

Reply #103466 | Report this post

Years ago

Don't expect cabs in Melbourne to know where anything is. Last time I was there, twice in a day I had to get the driver's street directory out and direct him.

Reply #103503 | Report this post

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