Two years ago
DC Jerseys
Soooo... we going to talk about these uniforms or just ignore them?
Two years ago
Soooo... we going to talk about these uniforms or just ignore them?
Two years ago
The NBL ones...
Perth - Atom Smasher
Sydney - Superman
Tassie - Aquaman and Joker
Illawarra - Hawksomethingorother
NZ - Cyborg?
Adelaide - Robin?
Bris, Cairns, Melb, SEM - ??
Two years ago
Is there any reason for which comic/character assigned to each team?
Or is it just, here's the team uniform and plonk some characters into it?
Wish the 36ers would return to a yellow away jersey!
Damo 75
Two years ago
Better than Looney Tunes I guess - or maybe not...
Two years ago
Not directly a comment about these specific jerseys, but are we getting a little disinterested in all the different jersey variations available or am I just old and boring and missing the whole point of it? I don't know, it seems like our teams are playing in a different looking jersey every few weeks. I know it's a trend and the NBA are big on this. But I feel the novelty is totally lost now because it's so frequently done.
Progression is great, and I get that it's good for selling more jerseys, and gives a reason to mark up some one-off merchandise and all that, but sometimes I miss the familiarity of seeing my team wear just the one jersey throughout the season.
Two years ago
If it leads to teams keeping the same primary jersey design more consistently between seasons, I'm all for it.
a5ian nbl fan
Two years ago
Two years ago
Did Tasmanian indigenous folk complain again?
Two years ago
The official jersey range launch is on Wednesday.
Two years ago
There is a image/promotion on Adelaide 36ers Twitter account - Multiverse Round that has a pic of the jersey
Two years ago
MU = Batman. https://twitter.com/MelbUnited/status/1729277322052980765
Two years ago
So Adelaide is essentially Melbourne's sidekick
Two years ago
I'm shocked that three of the four characters people will actually have heard of ended up in Melbourne and Sydney.
Joker being Tassie is just bizarre. He wears Sydney colors and the Kings have proudly branded themselves as the league's villain; Tassie is the second-favorite team of basically everyone at this point.
Two years ago
These are the worst jerseys i've seen in a long time. Cairns and SEM particularly horrible.
Damo 75
Two years ago
At least when the NRL did Marvel jerseys they made them look like the actual character's suits. These just look cheap. I can see them being in the half price runout bin within a couple of weeks.
Two years ago
Some really poor decisions coming out of the NBL right now.
Two years ago
I'd still prefer to give my 5 year old son the teams primary 'normal' jersey rather than this. Which he already has.
It's unnecessary merchandise that nobody asked for.
Two years ago
These are terrible ... hope they're discounted quick, would be great Xmas stocking stuffers but I wouldn't pay more than $20 for them
Two years ago
These jerseys are horrific garbage. Not sorry.
Licencing partnerships can be cool. Looney Tunes was fine to an extent. But these, ugh.
Two years ago
It's just a straight up cash grab. Generic/templated designs with no real care or reason. Sad to see.
Two years ago
Surely no one is buying these?
Some really poor decisions coming out of the NBL right now.
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