Years ago
Perth vs Townsville, Fri Nov 6th
Damo obviously out.
Crocs now 2-0 vs Cats this season
And yet...
Wildcats $1.11, Crocs $6.70
Margin 11.5
Years ago
Damo obviously out.
Crocs now 2-0 vs Cats this season
And yet...
Wildcats $1.11, Crocs $6.70
Margin 11.5
Years ago
Bookies seem adament they'd find motivation to win one for Damo. I'm not so sure...
Nathan of Perth
Years ago
If Townsville has somehow replaced Adelaide as our bogey side, I will be pissed.
Years ago
Will Jawai play?
Will $Beal snap out of his 50cent daze?
Will the officials let them play or overcall the game?
Will Conklin be as aggressive?
Will Stiendl's legs recover in time after a long flight?
Will Jett play two decent games in a row?
Will the Croc's confidence remain or will the martin incident have some impact on players?
Will a fast start by either team be enough, doesn't seem it ever is?
Will the crowd turn ugly???
So many more questions over this game, can't wait...
Nathan of Perth
Years ago
Well I don't know about ugly, but I can't imagine that Conklin would be expecting standing ovations when he rocks up.
Jackson G
Years ago
Boos everytime he touches the ball will be the norm.
Jackson G
Years ago
In fact, they'd better leave him on the bench or at home to be safe.
Callisto 75
Years ago
Public enemy Number 1 Conklin over Homicide and Childress now.
Supernintendo Chalmers
Years ago
C'mon, I don't think Homicide's commentating is THAT bad...
Years ago
I really like Rucker, he is best I reckon that we have so far...
Thunder Jam
Years ago
I'd be worrying about having a crack and not looking like fool's getting belted by the wooden spooner's AGAIN!
Im taking Perth -11.5 on Friday. Double revenge and the Marto injury will surely have this Wildcats team pumped up. Crocs were happy to get first home win last night but watch the Cats come out firing. Very physical game.
I like Carfino aswell. Brings teh passion.
Will we find out about the suspension before tomorrow night?
Years ago
Would be disappointing in a way if Conklin was suspended for this game. I'm looking forward to hearing how loud he gets booed!
Got a ticket in the nosebleed section w00t
Gonna be a bloodbath
Years ago
I hope Shawn Dennis gets a boo as well for his unprofessional, unconcerned comments. Didn't he coach Damo? You'd think he'd have some empathy.
Hopefully Gleeson has calmed down and has his team focused on getting a much needed win as opposed to retribution for the martin incident. If i see Perth come out with a focus on evening things up with dirty play that will reflect poorly on Gleeson and i will be calling for his sacking.
If Perth want to play that kind of way then they belong as the most hated team in Aussie bball...
SD was defending his team against moronic comments made by Gleason, nothing to do with sympathy. Pathetic and sensitive. Cats have dished it out for years, now they want blood because someone retaliated and accidentally caused an injury. FML
Years ago
Even by troll standards that ^ was a pretty lame effort
Years ago
Oh. So you're saying that Conklin's actions were both intentional and accidental. Righto.
He retaliated to the Hire hack and Martin got his head in the day of it all on a follow through. Its not rocket science...
Yet the Cats fans who support a generally pretty rough team are calling for blood. Righto.
Years ago
Ahh, ok. My bad.
You used the word retaliated and I went ahead and assumed that you knew what it meant.
Yeah he retaliated to the double team and hack from Hire by getting annoyed at it. How many Peth posters are actual lawyers... object to every post.
Years ago
Any chance you could keep your drivel to one of the several threads already discussing the previous game/ incident/ injury?
Think Crocs get this one. No Martin, Crocs clearly have confidence against this team, and have shown they are willing to dive all over the place for a win. Crocs by 12 or so again.
Years ago
If Perth don't win this game their season is over. Next 3 games are all on the road. Hawks, Breakers and the 36ERS. That is a really hard task and you drop tonight, Perth could be 4-7 by the end of that horror schedule.
Why are Perth down to -6.5? Is there an injury apart from Martin? Give me the Wildcats in this game. Double revenge and the Martin injury as well. If Conklin plays, he will be harrasased every single possession but the crowd and Jawai/Knight. Lights out, Perth roll 80-64
Years ago
-7.5 on Centrebet. At -5 I'd bet on Perth, but there's obviously something to the Dennis-vs-Wildcats thing that helps Townsville, and Martin missing won't help it.
I imagine the direct odds are impacted by bets coming in, but would the line be also?
Years ago
Perth completely owned some pretty good Crocs teams when Gleeson and Woolpert were there, going 11-1 with a heap of blowouts in the three years prior to Dennis heading to Townsville.
Since then they are 6-4, with a number of close contests, despite the Crocs' budget being greatly reduced and the Wildcats spending more. Not quite a bogey team but certainly a match-up worth watching four times a year now.
Years ago
Jawai is the one to watch in this game.
He might be a little sore but he will be fresher than everybody else on court who all played 48 hours ago and had to take two flights- one of them 4-5 hours.
Ogilvy destroyed them last week around the hoop, and with Schenscher still out Jawai could do some damage. Jawai was just starting to get going- last week or two he's started to look impressive.
Despite the Crocs impressive record against the Cats, I expect a double digit win by Perth.
I bet Corey "Homocide" Dickface is reveling in all of this.
Years ago
Tribunal at 4.30pm EST. Seems really late re the game tonight.
Just an added point, the NBL receptionist had no idea about any tribunal, who, what or where.
had to push for her to check it...or that there is a game in Perth tonight. Apparently the NBL share the receptionist with 4 other companies and you should email not ask to speak to anyone.
Supernintendo Chalmers
Years ago
Shared corporate offices. I don't like them but apparently its all the rage!
Years ago
It's shared with all Slepoy and Kestelman's other companies, is it not?
another anon
Years ago
So both teams shared the same flight. Could get real interesting tonight.
Hang on someone actually called the NBL about the tribunal? Like a fan did?
Have Perth brought in anyone yet? Other teams were quick to find replacements when needed.
Nathan of Perth
Years ago
@another anon - You never know, they might have used the flight to hug it out and forgive everyone.
another anon
Years ago
Word is it was the coldest, quietest floss in history
Supernintendo Chalmers
Years ago
Damon's floss will be pretty quiet for a while too.
Cats fans, let's make tonight Conklin's Bad Perth Day
(Conker's Bad Fur Day)
Well, Conklin cleared to play, so bring it on and let's see the fireworks...
"Where is Matty Earp when you need him"
Too busy hitting three quarter court shots at the buzzer at the old PEC
Years ago
If the wildcats focus on evening the score physically, they will lose again. This game is about putting leather ball thru iron hoop and the team that's focused solely on that will get the win, I must say the crocs are looking good ATM!
Years ago
Game hasn't even started and I can feel the tension, wonder if it will be a fizzer, or a clinker???
Years ago
I could watch that footage of Homicide running around waving his jersey around after beating Perth all day... LOL
Years ago
Yep. That flashback of Homicide was hilarious. IMO the league is missing that personality among the imports - i think teams do so much DD on players these days and try so hard to avoid any of those real confident, interesting guys because they link that with character issues. We have a bunch of fairly moderate, conservative and too well behaved imports ;)
Years ago
Anyone want to play a drinking game? Shot everytime the commentators mention the elbow incident.
Years ago
Agree 100%. I don't get the haters of Homicide (as a player) TBH. Love players with some personality, and not the 'buddy ball' we see in the NBA today...
Years ago
Perth will get a double digit lead and the Crocs will comeback snapping
The Red Ferals ruining the game, for once I would prefer music.
Years ago
So much of Perth's success relies on Beal knocking down his threes.
Years ago
What s-house reffing in the last few games (& I don't go for any of the teams).
Redhage pushes off Kay who's running close beside him and gets the benefit of the foul.
A guy runs into Young setting a legit screen and then runs into him again when Young has regained his feet and Young gets called for offensive foul.
Knight gets chased down by Kay who runs in front of him and the ref imagines there's contact and gives the benefit of the foul.
Conklin loses his balance and a foul is called in his favour.
Beal attacks Djuric (?) who shoves him with the body and with arms overhanging instead of straight up and no foul is called.
In Melbourne vs Sydney, guys cross the key between the time the ref hands the ball to a foul shooter and the shot being released and yet there's no lane violation called. Twice!
Wtf am I going to tell the kids I coach when we see such rubbish refereeing in our country's best basketball? Go watch NBA if you want to keep faith in the officials? Accept that refs often make mistakes, so keep your cool when they do cos it will be the ref's fault not yours?
FFS!! Use the rule book, refs!
Years ago
The charge on Leon Henry is probably the worst call I've seen this game.
Roy Hobbs
Years ago
Why is it every game at Perth Arena turns into an ugly pile of crap?
The Perth hatin is in fashion here buwahhhhhhhhhhhh
Roy Hobbs
Years ago
I think we are all hating on the REFFING, not Perth right now
Years ago
What's with this terrible courtside camera they keep switching too.
Perth and the Crocs go like clock work. Perth races to a big lead to be mowed down.
Years ago
Worrying signs for Perth.
Only up 3 and shooting significantly better than TVL.
Years ago
Following the script so far... ugly basketball, Crocs staying right in it.
Years ago
LOL @ Conklin bagging out on the Perth crowd... love it.
Years ago
Perth's Season could very well be on the line in the second half!.
Victorian wildcat
Years ago
Same shit different day for the Wildcats, no cohesive offense, this is not a championship winning team in it's current form. Pretty simple with us at the moment throw a full court press at us and we struggle to inbound it, then we are throwing up absolute garbage.
@AngusH what did the court side interview say with him? I'm at the game but assuming ur talking about the half time interview he just did?
Years ago
@ anon: Conklin was asked if he had ever played in a venue as hostile as this one, and he said (to paraphrase) he's played in bigger, better venues in the ncaa tournament with bigger crowds, and that this place isn't even filled.
Years ago
Thanks, Roy. Amazing how some people can miss the point because of their own issues.
I give up. Just crap call after crap call on the grapple, shoving for position, twiggy touch stuff, and yet nothing in response to all the mouthing off.
Hard to respect the reffing when it's so inconsistent and inaccurate across games.
NBA League Pass is looking attractive again. At least I won't be throwing things at the TV.
Years ago
If the Crocs were more composed and stop the bonehead turnovers they can win it.
Jawai needs to be smarter.
Years ago
Ugly game.
Jawai unfairly sent packing with a soft 3rd foul.
Perth have tough times ahead if they can't get this one. Strap urselves in!
Years ago
Conklin when interviewed:
"I've played in front of 18,000 people, stadium was packed out. This stadium isn't."
Years ago
Thing about this season is that the standings (Melbourne aside) are such a trainwreck that really no team is out of the playoff picture at this point... still time to make it up, so not the end of the world for Perth if they lose tonight.
Haha thanks for filling me in! Hilarious, would prefer to play on this court with 10000+ fans than in the Cage with the 2000 fans they get watching their games! :')
Roy Hobbs
Years ago
Thats the thing with the reffing in the NBL, you either get 95-90 or this crap. There is basically zero middle ground.
Players take every single inch they can in this League. I get it, but they ruin the game with it.
Years ago
Perth are going to need more offence out of Kenny and guys like Wagstaff and Hire. To much reliance on Knight and Beal.
Years ago
Don't have any sympathy for Jawai. He needs to adjust in the same way that Vukona did a few seasons ago.
Ha Ha! Steindl just bounced off Jawai like a trampoline.
Years ago
Only took Perth a half of basketball to start playing their offense through Jawai.
Years ago
Jawai looks more aggressive. Kenny is a very good shooter when he dosent think.
Years ago
Crocs need to be getting Conklin the ball down low, not shooting long 2s.
Years ago
Perth Looking so much better this half
Jawai's been a big part of why
Years ago
Every Perth possession should be starting with a pass inside to Jawai.
Years ago
Jawai looking very confident, either making a move or with pin-point passes. Will he tire at the end though?
Years ago
Man Jawai can be so good when he looks to be aggressive
Victorian wildcat
Years ago
see what happens with quick ball movement, how we should play all the time.
Years ago
Big flop by Wagstaff there.
You could tell. First bump was bigger but he kept his feet. Second bump was minor but he somehow went flying a metre across the floor. He knew Conklin would bounce back with another bump so knew he'd just have to fall to the ground.
Years ago
"I predict a brawl!!"
Homicide getting a little carried away....
Years ago
lol... Homicide is 10x better than his first couple of games.
this would rate as one of the worst exhibitions of refereeing i"ve seen
Years ago
MACDUB, disagree. He might've been prepared for Conklin's second bump, but it was hard enough to knock someone down. Conklin too silly to see it coming.
Years ago
Maynard's body language doesn't look good does it?
Years ago
I said Perth needs more from Wagstaff, Kenny and co at the half. Once Perth gets a balanced offensive output they can be great.
Years ago
Steindl with the most extreme example of a 'shooter's bounce' I've seen.
Years ago
Not a big fan of Townsville's frantic double teaming of Jawai no matter where he gets the ball.
Years ago
Perth can thank their lucky stars they wont see the Crocs again this season
Years ago
This is probably the first season I can remember where I've seen Perth out-worked by an opponent multiple teams.
Years ago
Jawai was on a warning before grabbing the ball again then. Technically, it should have been a tech.
Kenny is the best player in the league in terms of whose the guy who best fulfills his role.
"Why is it every game at Perth Arena turns into an ugly pile of crap?"
Are the Perth rims still too tight? Would love if a stats nerd was able to dig up the FG% and 3pt% of teams at Perth Arena versus other venues.
Years ago
Has Kenny stepped up or what. He hit some huge buckets against the Hawks and the Breakers and tonight has been great. What a great pickup for Perth!
Years ago
Yep, that was Jawai's 2nd warning for delay of game.
Djeric with a big 3, but still going to take a miracle right now.
Years ago
Kenny is better than I expected him to be. Despite his reluctance to shoot, he's probably Perth's best 3pt shooter.
Years ago
How did the bench call for a sub then? Ridicolous! 2 seconds into the start of the play TVL denial defence and bench buzz to get a sub! Seriously.
Wow, how bad are Perth. Crocs should have never beaten them twice nor let them get within 8.
Years ago
Love their passion. Sydney should borrow some.
Years ago
Much better second half by both teams really. Perth got a better spread of scorers and that is what got them the in.
Someone tell Kenny mate you are a damn good shooter so don't hesitate and shoot it.
Years ago
Jett knows exactly what Homicide has been saying about him the past few weeks...
Years ago
Another interesting game in the league.
Mostly ugly but persistent stuff from Townsville. Jawai great for Perth and Kenny vital too.
The congested keyways make me wonder if this was what the NBA looked like before they extended the arc and adjusted rules for defenders? Just gets so scrappy.
Jawai huge influence second half creating shots for teammates. Thoughts on Gleeson bringing beal off the bench? Wake up call after hours poor game on wed or a sign of things to come to get more balance. Keep someone offensive creatively when jawai sits
Years ago
Best way to clear the key is to play like Melbourne and Illawarra have this year, with 4 shooters outside the arc.
Imagine that type of lineup with a passer like Jawai at the 5?
Kenny his best game tonight. A bit more attacking and it paid off although he probably still passed up a couple he shouldve shot. Gives hope the cats can hang in there whilst damo is out
Nathan of Perth
Years ago
7/9 3pt shooting for the Crocs from the 3qt buzzer beater. That's horrifying to be on the receiving end of.
Nathan of Perth
Years ago
I think most of all, I'm glad no one on the Perth team had a brain fade and tried to run through Conklin or anything stupid.
Had a giggle at Conklin's half-time comments. Sounded so defensive and angsty.
Years ago
Homicide asking Jett if Conklins hit was intentional just stupid questioning. What was he gonna say in reply! Ugly game went to script though Perth are so much mor interesting with Jawai on the floor. They will need to upgrade Prather to make a charge this season at this point. Not enough fire power offensively and with Martin out 3 months the easy shots will be harder to come by. Crocs held the close even though it was never really in doubt, but they will struggle against NZ and United with that particular lineup, especially if Jawai gets in any foul trouble.
Poor Crocs, like always when things tighten up more than not, it just shows they are one solid shooter down from being genuinely a threat.
Years ago
Nathan of Perth he was so awkward in that interview. Tried to come across not fussed, but Conklins head was so far out of that game...
So conklin had a go at the Size of the crowd? This coming from a Townsville player? Lol
Years ago
He was already so physched out I think he was just being as defensive as possible. Didn't not have a good game.... again.
Years ago
I enjoyed that win :)
Perth show glimpses of what they are capable of. Not sure I get Gleesons rotations though. Crocs have well exceeded my expectations this year.
I like what I'm seeing of Prather at the moment, if only he could shoot the 3 more consistently.
I don't think anyone from the Crocs is in a position to talk trash about Perths attendance. 10000 vs 500. Hilarious.
Years ago
So, Conklin when interviewed "Yes, I'm as big a dick as everyone thinks."
Guy needs to get over himself, he was a "deserving" MVP last year, clearly the best Forward in the league. This year he stinks like yesterday's turd.
Very intense and angry game from a crowd perspective.
Very disappointed with the NBL's approach to the whole Conklin issue. If the guy was cleared to play, then he plays, END of story.
Instead we get the security perimeter, and refs clearly under instruction to call a foul everytime a Wildcat farted.
I gotta say, Bull is normally tough (but professional) on the Cats, but he seemed to be going out of his way to even things up. Gave us several generous calls, whilst Beker was on a one-man Wildcat Witchhunt. Interesting that he didn't reappear after the break.
Beal must be recovering from something. He started on the bench and again played reduced minutes (especially surprising in the absence of Martin). But he played like he had a point to prove.
Prather is working his way into something good, just needs to lay off the show-boating.
I'm starting to think Knight is still carrying that injury. Battles hard all night, but by the end you can tell he's struggling. Great effort but not quite where he was prior to the injury.
Nathan of Perth
Years ago
"Interesting that he didn't reappear after the break."
Calf injury, according to the coverage.
Years ago
Foul count was 9-25 in Perth's favour. The refereeing was bad in general, sure, but still HEAVILY favoured the Wildcats, as per norm in that building.
Leon Henry's charge call was just plain stupid, and Wagstaff pushed a Croc out of bounds on a rebound situation in the 4th right in front of a ref, about 30 seconds after the against Jett for what should have been a no-call when Wagstaff got the defensive rebound in the dying minutes that led to penalty FTs.
I don't think the booing impact the crocs much at all tonight, but it definitely influence the refs.
Years ago
Geese. that foul count crocs v perth has to be dubious.
Nathan of Perth
Years ago
Why does the foul count have to be dubious? Mix of intentional fouling late, Wildcats trying *NOT* to foul late, and the fact Crocs were pretty happy to shoot from outside while we kept hammering on in the paint.
Sure, a little home cooking along the way but game style has a lot to do with foul count. Didn't help that one of the Croc's key bigs was playing with half his brain on the game and the other half sitting with Bob Boosalot up in Row 10.
Not sure if Beal is recovering from something- he played poorly on Wednesday, got dropped to the bench and then improved his performance tonight because he had a point to prove. He still played 30 mins (maybe a bit under average for him).
Knight could still well be recovering from that shoulder injury which flared up a couple of weeks ago.
Years ago
I thought Beal struggled again tonight, but not as badly as those refs!
Crocs had a horror shooting night but you've got to love their fight. Perth with really good contributions from Jawai, Knight, Kenny and Prather, and you could tell from early on they just weren't going to be out-hustled in this one.
Love how Conklin said he has played in bigger venues etc etc.....only to completely play crap and get put off by the crowd lol
Years ago
Crocs definitely struggled with big man depth tonight too, schensher out injured and Kay fouling out after 15 minutes, meant Conklin and young had to play big minutes.
Was great to see Djeric get hot late, he is such a streaky shooter and is the only croc other than steindl with that shooters mentality. IMo he's the guy who needs to step up to be that extra shooter the crocs desperately need.
If he gets 15 minutes a game off the bench he needs to be putting up 4-5 threes a game and hope he gets hot. The kid's still only 20 and has the tools to be one of the better Aussie shooting guards if he gets more consistent.
Supernintendo Chalmers
Years ago
Here's what shits me about Gleeson. In the final minute or so, he subbed Beal out to put Hire in to get a stop and rebounds. No problem with that.
But after the Crocs scored it took him a few seconds to signal to Beal to check back in for Hire. It was liked a panicked afterthought or that he hadn't thought about what to do next, when there still heaps of time remaining.
It's a perfectly good strategy to help close out a game but it seemed he didn't know how to execute it properly.
Years ago
"refs clearly under instruction to call a foul everytime a Wildcat farted."
Not sure if Dazz was at the same game I was at!
Years ago
So 10 blokes only farted nine times in a two-hour period? That's impressive control, it shows you why this organisation has made the playoffs 29 years in a row.
Years ago
@SC : He shuffled Hire and Beal back and forth for the final minute or 2. I counted atlas 3 exchanges. It was like something out of a NFL game. Hire in when Crocs were in offence and Beal in when Cats were(no doubt for his FT shooting).
At one point he subbed in Hire after Cats scored and then Crocs turned it over immediately so subbed Beal back in about 3 seconds later. Can't remember seeing that in an NBL game.
Years ago
If you believe that paul, you should seek some help.
2nd quarter was some of the worst basketball I've ever witnessed.
Atmosphere was crap too and lots of spare seats around me.
2nd quarter was some of the worst basketball I've ever witnessed.
Atmosphere was crap too and lots of spare seats around me.
Random observation - Perth home crowds seem to be well down on previous years. Lots of patches of empty seats visible in this game compared to what I am used to seeing.
Years ago
Thought last night was easily the biggest crowd of the year.
Quite a lot of the seats have "I'm available for membership!" pamphlets on them, so a lot of members have obviously left.
Years ago
Yes, the eye test tells me that membership is down, which Marvin pretty much already told us at the start of the season, so no surprises there.
Hopefully things can still build as the season progresses.
I was always curious how having every game televised live would affect attendance numbers. Maybe that factor has affect Perth more than most places. Foxtel costs the same here as anywhere else. Can't say the same about NBL tickets though.
Years ago
There was a clear emphasis to stamp "control" on the Cats early, as if they really feared the Cats would all start bashing Conklin. This was really evident from Beker early on. As I said, I think Bull actually went the other way, and Beker disappeared after half time anyway.
As for the subbing at the end, hardly Gleeson's fault. The authorities 20~30 years ago changed the definition of "deliberate foul" to allow this crap at the end of a game.
Attendance and Membership is clearly down.
Still a great crowd, and we can't be too whingey considering how other's are struggling.
The good news, is that if people want membership there are some good seats available.
Years ago
Personally I think the "clear emphasis" is nothing more than your own imagination. I saw no evidence of it.
4 fouls in the first quarter does not indicate any form of stamping control. Crocs got called for 6 btw. Maybe they're the ones who should be complaining.
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