Years ago
Boomers vs Argentina
Pre-Olympic Exhibition Game 1: Boomers vs Argentina
1.30pm AEST on ESPN
(USA-Nigeria is on atm on ESPN2)
Years ago
Pre-Olympic Exhibition Game 1: Boomers vs Argentina
1.30pm AEST on ESPN
(USA-Nigeria is on atm on ESPN2)
Years ago
Nigeria hanging around , down 6 in the 3rd.
Super long and athletic
Crazy rules by fiba to allow this for only African countries.
Nigerian women are pissed too, 8/12 on roster for next year WC are american
So now BA should be able to get both Mitchell n Whitcomb for the opals, fiba has no argument.
Foreign-born players with bloodline connection with the country they want to represent must prove their legal nationality through a passport obtained before turning age 16. Players who obtained their passport afterwards can still play but they would be considered as "naturalized" players by FIBA rather than as a local. FIBA allows one naturalized player to be on the roster of a national team per game.
Has the rule changed?
Years ago
USA B really giving Team USA a run for their money.
Years ago
At least this result will shed a lot of light on how ridiculous FIBA are being.
Taking nothing away from Nigeria, but how many of them were born in the USA?
I think most, I think 9 of em have never been there.
If US don't hit their 3s they will struggle this Olympics. Like in Rio where the Boomers lost because one player went off at the 3pt line.
Years ago
So these cheaters are in our Olympic group and Team USA will be motivated in their next warmup game which is against us. Awesome.
Years ago
I don't blame Nigeria too much for taking a mile if they're allowed to.
It's like like Bogut said. We all know where FIBA's headquarters is.
Years ago
A lot of tears in keyboards today gentlemen. Cheer up.
Years ago
I love Bryce cotton but anyone putting him on the boomers over Thybulle is daft, at best Bryce is the patty of the B team we put out for qualifiers when NBA guys aren't available
Sobey is looking well out of depth trying to bring the ball up
Bench going better than starters. Kay looks a lot heavier, no Reath or Goulding yet
Years ago
Not shooting great but Thybulle has been fantastic.
If Sobey plays minutes then we might as well not go to Tokyo!
Years ago
See Ingles is continuing his international shooting form.
Also we need more shooting in that second unit.
Years ago
Very impressed with Thybulle. Reminds me of a younger Exum - I hope those two can get some chemistry going to carve up defences.
Dante looking good. Can get to his spots with ease and great size for a perimeter defender
Sobey no thanks,
Thyabully looks great
Exum will be fine needs good game time to get fitter
Landale good
Goulding like Sobey only in desperation
Reath not show a lot
Normal gang looks fine the Deladova might be better off bench
Years ago
Have not looked but i assume Fiba website would have something.
Years ago
Nobody looks particularly good except Thybulle and Exumon penetration. I'm still worried about the regression in Delly and Baynes' shooting. This is where in-form players like Landale and Goulding will be important to pick up their shooting slack. I'm not confident with Sobey at point.
I don't feel like we are playing well at all, but only down 2 with Scola on fire.
Years ago
ARG with the half-court buzzer beating heave which goes in, naturally.
Simmons, maker needed
I think cooks could been used more than Sobey.
Years ago
Not bad to be down by 5 considering goorj has thrown some whack lineups and some absolute spud play from our guys and Argentina have shot it decently.
Years ago
Big depth looking somewhat shite out there, Kay did nothing and reath was decent in limited time. A small lineup with ingles and Thybulle out there will have to be an option and maybe throw in mills and exum with baynes, landale or reath could do some damage. Otherwise what else are too early reactions for!
P.s. delly looking like nbl quality out there and surprised no green and a lack of goulding
told you the fewer nbl players, the more chance this team will medal. sobey, kay and goulding should never have been picked, they are simply not good enough.
Years ago
Yeah, front court a worry, which we knew going in.
Hope Baynes can find some form.
Landale didn't do a lot.
Early days I know.
Years ago
His remodelled shooting style is miserable shooting in the 20's from 3 abs in the 30’s from the field his last 2 NBA Seasons.
can we swap kay, goulding and sobey for Thon, giddey and Daniels ?
Years ago
I thought Delly would've reverted to his old shooting style by now.
Years ago
At this point I would say Sunday Dech is better than Delly
Years ago
Poor United stuck with Delly he looks so bad
Very slow offence and a lot of bad switching or no switching on defence.
Years ago
Brock Motum is the guy that should be on this roster
Years ago
Green should be in over Sobey. Looking ok in camp should get you a spot in the team.
Years ago
And I think Delly is really only there because Exum hasn't been able to stay healthy. We aren’t medaling
I really hope they are just experimenting with playing badly to play mind games w the opposition teams?
Years ago
Delly is still a good floor manager I don't think Exum can run an offence
Years ago
In an interview with Delly, he was asked about the differences in coaching philosophy between Lemanis and Goorj. He stressed at the moment they are "keeping it simple".
If Goorjian doesn't continue running Lemanis's system, it's a big mistake.
Years ago
Link to Delly interview about that.
Exum and THYBULLE the best players for Australia in this match. I remember some morons here want sobey and goulding to be picked ahead them. LMAO.
Years ago
Stats link
Agree re. muppets
Years ago
Is it too late to get some American centre to naturalise for us? Just pick a random one from the G League it'll be better than baynes and landale
Kay , Baynes looking to slow and not athletic enough. Exum and Exum should start.
no excuse for these shitty nbl players, they have just finished their nbl season!
Years ago
They just said baynes was born in NZ to NZ parents and moved to QLD when he was 3. Why can we have he and thybulle? If cotton got naturalised in time we couldn't have he and Thybulle so why can we have Baynes and Thybulle? Is it just a rule for naturalised Americans?
Years ago
TB you need to have been naturalised before the age of 16 to play for your adopted country. Unless you're an American wanting to play for Nigeria.
Please kick sobey and Kay out of this team, they are losing matches for us
Years ago
So you can only have one naturalised player, who did so after the age of 16, in your squad.
Years ago
The rule is (was?) only restricted the number of players who obtained their citizenship after age 16.
Years ago
Cheers, so obviously Thybulle was naturalised after age 16.
Years ago
What's with the Kay hate? He's done some good stuff today.
We need scorers for 2024
And some jerks here wanted goulding to be picked ahead of Thybulle.
As much as I love Thybulle and he's been great today if he’s our leading scorer then we aren’t winning a medal.
@rjd that comment was also said in relation to the fact that they have a short amount of preparation not so much as sheer coaching
Kay's looking overweight, it’s still a warm up not all lost though I would certainly change the starting 5.
Years ago
MT trying to burst the ball on that last perimeter swat. Awesome.
Boomers haven't had too many standouts but have the lead. Hopefully that's a good sign.
Kay's been good no idea where the criticism is coming from. Main rotation players should. E:
Thybulle needs to be getting close to 30 mins off the bench that’s for the sure
Years ago
It's an exhibition game, and the first one. Probably wouldn't be reading to much into this. They still need to get used to playing together in game situations.
Thybulle has been great, mills and Ingles will find their range and Delly is a floor general not a scorer.
Years ago
We're up by nearly double digits now so it looks like we'll be medaling after all.
Years ago
"And some jerks here wanted goulding to be picked ahead of Thybulle"
Who said that? The anon posts above about NBL players and Goulding over Thybulle seem like it's coming from the same person, who I guess also come from the same person that pushed for Adel last WC.
Told you Giddey should have been picked ahead of sobey, Gorj has stuffed up at least 3 of his selections
Years ago
It's exciting to see Thybulle's game transitioning to FIBA play. Are defensive specialists typically more effective in FIBA than NBA?
Years ago
Our ten point lead evaporated way too quickly.
Years ago
A lot of Delly slander in this thread. But as soon as he gets subbed out, Argentina go on a 12-0 run.... But he has been a steady hand in this offense… These exhibition games are only going to be good for the boomers. It is generally a new team. With a few core players… and a new Head Coach… Let the boys build during the next few warm up games. Stop being so quick to write them off.
twenty four
Years ago
TB, Thybulle grew up here. We don't have any imports on the squad, basically.
We're looking old. Hopefully Goorj goes with plenty of Thybulle and Exum during the Olympics. Would also be good if we could hit some shots...
Years ago
Would have been nice to have a proper ball handler coming off the bench.....
Years ago
Agree that Delly is our only competent point guard at the moment, despite his shooting woes.
We would have lost badly without thybulle today
Years ago
Twenty-four yes I know he grew up here but we still couldn't have him and a naturalised Cotton.
twenty four
Years ago
TB, he's a dual citizen and was one before age 16, so doesn't count as naturalised. I'm 95% sure.
Years ago
Yeah, this story about Thybulle taking up a naturalised spot seems odd to me. I thought he obtained citizenship before age 16, but it's tough to find confirmation of this.
Years ago
Thybulle was born in the US to non-Australian parents so had to be naturalised to become an Aussie.
Years ago
Goorj salute to Lemanis with the London Olympics play!!
Perthworld, THYBULLE has an Aussie passport, he's not an import
Years ago
"Why's Mills inbounding????"
Exactly my thoughts.
Oh, that's why!
Years ago
"Goorj salute to Lemanis with the London Olympics play!!"
Sorry Brett Brown. That was yours.
Years ago
Years ago
Thybulle only obtained citizenship after the age of 16 by virtue of having grown up here. He only got it in 2020, hence he used up the slot for an over 16 naturalised player.
twenty four
Years ago
Pretty promising that we could look so bad in the first half and still get the win. Would be nice to see some Reath during these games, his size could be pretty handy if we go with Ingles at the 4.
Also, for a guy who was only picked because he's an NBA player and wouldn't be anything special in the NBL, Exum looked pretty good once he found his groove.
We all love Thybulle but at this rate we're gonna massively jinx him so let’s calm down a tad please lol
Years ago
Thanks Perthworld, but is that really a thing? Citizenship offered while not living in Australia just because he grew up in Australia?
Scrap sobeys minutes and get more goulding and granted it's warmup games but would like to see how green is out there and reath did well in his limited minutes. Delly and Kay weren’t anything special but that’s there job out there and considering our lack of big depth that explains Kay and delly can still run the show however I suspect if exum can get going then I wouldn’t be surprised if he gets more minutes. Wouldn’t at all be surprised if more point patty and ingles minutes too
All in all it's a pretty good warm up game, Mills got dribble less, most players after a slow start were what we expected. Thyabulle, Exum great. Reath not much time, didn’t look great though. Baynes only true big which could hurt.
Years ago
Delly can't throw a pea in the ocean but he played much better in the 2nd half . Thyble is a revelation
twenty four
Years ago
perthworld, do you have a source for that? Everything I've read seems to suggest that he became a citizen when his family was here.
Kay and sobey are big liabilities for the team.
Can we change 2 new players please
Years ago
rjdngood question as that scenario doesn't sound right but it has never been made 100% clear exactly when Thybulle received his citizenship so if Cotton wasn't injured would he be on the squad or is the over 16 slot officially taken?
Years ago
Patty!!!! What a flag bearer!
Impressed with Thybulle and Exum tonight.
We would have lost without Matisse Thybulle today !!!!!!!
Also josh green should take all of Sobey's minutes! What is f***ing Goorj thinking.
Years ago
twenty four - various accounts say different things re: timeline but it would make more sense that he received it while living here.
See above comment in regards to the over 16 slot. Perhaps it simply hasn't been used since Cotton is injured?
twenty four
Years ago
After some googling, it was mentioned in a 2019 article - unrelated to any Boomers stuff - that he was a dual citizen. I'm assuming that means he got it as a kid.
Giddey was with the team on the sidelines. It's not too late for a swap.
Years ago
Patty Mills hitting that three point shot is a great omen for Australia. Everyone knew he was getting the ball yet no one could actually stop him.
As for the game as a whole, well, it wasn't good. It's not the kind of performance you'd want to dish up against Team USA on Tuesday, that's for sure. And it's not the kind of performance you'd want to follow up by carolling on about gold medals.
But if we are fair, Australia played poorly yet still beat the 2019 silver medallists who are coming in at a similar point in preparation - and we arguably played more poorly than they did. Our main guys shot at around 30 percent for the game and we were more rescued by Thybulle's play than we were Patty's last second shot.
We've played this poorly in warm up games before, losing to Canada by 20 in 2019 before going on to make drastic improvements just a week later to beat Team USA in Melbourne. The way we played isn't (necessarily) a concern as far as medal prospects stand - for now.
What I did see though was a lack of penetration and activity inside. We seemed inable to penetrate and we did seem undersized. I think Reath earned himself more minutes than he got out there. I think line ups with three of Kay, Reath, Baynes and Landale may need to be looked at when coming against the Spains and France type teams of the world.
Anyway, with warm up games we never have the full story. They could walk away from that game because they ran through certain sets they wanted to run or they tried X or Y thing. Chances are the Boomers we saw today and the ones we see at the Olympics are a totally different beast.
Well... I hope...
It would be cruel to drop someone out of the squad now. But it has happened in the Winter Olympics with the US hockey team.
Anyone know if you can bet on the USA not winning gold without picking a team to win it?
It is even more cruel to let players eho are not good enough to play for the national team, making them the liabilities, villains of this team.
Now you know why sobey and Kay will never make the NBA, they simply suck.
Years ago
Anyone know if you can bet on the USA not winning gold without picking a team to win it?
Years ago
Kay didnt suck at the world cup. I think it's unfair to take the first game a team has played together in two years while throwing in new players into the mix and say someone sucks because they didnt excel in the situation.
Years ago
I'm sure Goorj knows to not give a away too much in warm-up games, so I'm hoping the disjointed offense was a sign of that.
Master Chief
Years ago
I think we'll miss Bogut more than we know. Shame we couldn't get one more tilt out of him.
I don't think we have the offensive flow or firepower so may have to rely on a defensive grind it out style coupled with some streaky shooting to get by the stronger nations maybe? I think Cotton would help this but i feel like Exum is going to have to be the X Factor type off the bench.
I thought Argentina looked the more organised side but only an exhibition game.
Thybulle is such a bonus!
twenty four
Years ago
"I think line ups with three of Kay, Reath, Baynes and Landale may need to be looked at when coming against the Spains and France type teams of the world."
Years ago
I think it's early to judge our offensive abilities. It's early to judge anything.
Ingles 1
Mills 2
Thybulle 3
Cooks 4
Landale 5
Cut Sobey
Think cooks would be like patty, much better at fiba level.
Kay plays much better defensively than Cooks, Bogut is the big loss, we are very weak in the five spot.
Reath only played one end in his four minutes, still hopefully gets more time to see if he can contribute. A season at Illawarra under Goorj will be exactly what is required.
Years ago
Not giving up on Sobey or anyone else yet. He had a poor game and looked nervous and low on confidence. As it is just the first exhibition game so there is no reason he can't play his way into some form in the next few outings. Depends how Goorj feels about giving him minutes.
Reath had 4 pts, 3 rbds and then was taken off and not see again.
Years ago
Thanks for stats Luuuc.
Shows me that there's good news ahead. Our shooting %'s: Field goals @ 38%, 3-pointers @ 32%. We ARE better than that.
Thybulle a revelation. Who knew that his offence was going to be that useful, 15pts @ 67% and 3 from 3 x 3's?
Folks, we may have got ourselves Cotton's offence and Thybulle's defence in Thybulle.
Delly bashers note. No points (not good!) but 6 rebounds, 4 assists and 2 steals (that's pretty good).
Not saying "here comes Gold", or any other colour but it's still a good scalp and a good sign that we can perform with this group.
Unfortunately, I agree that Goulding and Sobey were way below par and (my) expectations. I expect to see Cooks and Green in a subsequent game or 2.
*I notice that we have 14 names on the stats. 11 players got court-time. How many can we actually nominate and are all 14 still eligible (as in our actual Olympic's team)? For eg, are teams allowed emergency/injury replacements?
Years ago
"Reath had 4 pts, 3 rbds and then was taken off and not see again." ... and that was in just 4 and a half mins.
I wonder if Gurujian kept Reath up-his-sleeve, not to give too much away.
Years ago
We beat the World Cup silver medallists in a pretty poor game while they're also at that same point in their preparations, and we did it while playing awfully, so let's put that in perspective there. Way too early to talk about medals at this stage but also way too early to completely throw those hopes away.
Years ago
I'd like to see more of Goulding. His scoring punch is required. His perimeter shooting threat is also required. Right now we have just two players that can hit the 3 reliably, and one has a history of going missing for the Boomers. Thybulle was 3/3 from 3. Promising, but we can't expect him to be such a threat consistently. We aren't going far if we are a sub-33% team like today, and frankly, I don't see us doing much better than that reliably.
Delly is the only floor general out there, so if he can't shoot, we just need to accept it and take all the other ways he contributes that make those around him better. Exum played well, but he doesn't lift up other players the way Delly does. Forget about Sobey at this level. I would love to see Giddey at this level, but his handle probably isn't there yet.
We miss Bogut, for sure. He has a history of impacting the team massively in terms of chemistry. Landale is there as a stretch 4/5, He was 1/4 from 3 in this game, but I trust his ability to fill that role.
Years ago
I hate to say it, but Lemanis might be the one we miss most. I'm hoping Goorj is saving the real playbook for later.
It's not Giddey handle but likely his defense and shooting the most.
I'm expecting Giddey to get some minutes in one the US games.
Cooks is needed for sure, a versatile 4/3 who can handle the ball, push in transition, rebound, defend multiple guys 2s, 3s n 4s. He's also an athlete, not flat footed like Kay.
If Sobey doesn’t turn up within 3 games, I’d be adding cooks.
Years ago
Just so we are clear though, we were here before the 2016 Olympics watching the warm ups saying the same thing. And before the 2019 world cup. We're following a pretty well established trend. In 2016 we played a warm up game against Lithuania and we got smashed by about 30. It looked like there were all these insurmountable holes in our game. I remember watching that and thinking we'd be luvky to get out of our group. The first game of the 2016 Olympics we beat France by 20.
Then there were the games we played against Canada in 2019. They were frankly terrible. I remember thinking "oh shit, we'd better get it together quick or we're not going anywhere this year!" Obviously we finished that as one of the top teams in the tournament.
I am not sure if it's a specifically Australian thing, but there does seem like some gamesmanship is played before these tournaments. They try things out and hide most of what they'll be doing. Of course there is no excuse for poor shooting but the fact remains that this has all followed a trend and I am sure the Boomers we saw today wont be the ones who line up in Tokyo.
Tbf we do have more prep time against multiple opposition.
Surely if someone is not contributing after 5 internationals, it's time to cut ya losses.
Years ago
A lot of our 15 didnt get a look today and I think they will if height or shooting presents itself as a real issue. Could we see a situation where Nick kay and Nathan Sobey are knocked out for Cooks and Motum for both length and shooting?
Gouding, sobey and Kay should never have been picked in the first place. EVERY time they played against high level opponent they get exposed. THEY ARE Simply Not good enough for international competition. In an ideal world, Thon, Giddey, Simmons should have taken their spots
Years ago
Kay was one of our best players at the World Cup, and Thon Maker has never achieved anything at any level.
You are an idiot.
Agree with 929
Kobe is comparing Kay with Thon which is laughable.
Goorj wanted maker and he chose not to come instead helping out his cous and working on his own skills. He would have likely stayed in landale s position or his backup.
In fiba he only played 2 games avg 11 and 8 in 21 mins. 1 game with the bs fight against phillipines and the other in the loss to Japan in Japan against hachimura and fazekas frontcourt. He had 13 pts, 12 rbds in 25 mins.
Kobe it's you who’s the idiot here. Kay was not better than delly, mills, ingles, baynes, landale or bogut. If by one of our best then do you mean 7th best player? Because that’s not what most have in mind when you say one of our best. Maker has been apart of 2 nba playoff rotations, and earned way more than Kay so I’d say he’s achieved a decent amount.
Years ago
NBA does not equal achieved a decent amount. How did NBA player Deng Adel do this year in the NBL....the defence rests
Maker is a bust, he's got more splinters than minutes anywhere.
The simple fact is Brian chose maker and he didnt turn up.
Kay is a hustler and is a different player to maker.
They both have flaws.
929 there is no way Giddey is being picked ahead of Goulding this year with BG at the helm. You need to be able to defend on the ball with BG
Sebastian,Adel was never an nba rotation player, bloke was in the g league and got some call ups, it'd be like calling sam short an nbl player when in reality he hasn’t really gotten any significant burn, but by sheer playing a minute or two every now and then he gets called an nbl player. Don’t listen to the fools in the media who try to hype him up. Maker was in actual nba teams for about 5 years and was apart of rotations, 2 playoff ones mind you. Just because he hasn’t represented Australia at a major tournament doesn’t mean he hasn’t achieved a decent amount when getting to the nba in itself is a major achievement and being part of rotations is even more of one, throw in the blokes career earnings I’d say would be a considered an achievement for him as he’s been pulling in some big bucks. Winning nbl rookie of the year means fuck all.
Thon is a nba bust, but so what. 99% nba busts are better than kay and sobey.
Exum is considered a bust in the NBA, but he is one of our best players in this match against argentina, ( along with Mills and Thybulle )
Years ago
Agree with 929So responding to a post saying Maker should have played instead of Kay by comparing Kay and Maker is "laughable"?
Kobe is comparing Kay with Thon which is laughable.
Maker has done nothing, he's another Adel. Media hype.
Kobe you're the idiot who thinks one of our best means 7th best and thinks maker hasn’t achieved anything at any level when the fact is he’s played in the nba 5 more years than kay. Not to mention pulled in a whole lot more coin. If any of us got that type of coin it’d be considered an achievement, not to mention actually getting to play. What else to expect from someone who doesn’t follow the nba but then tries to comment on it. Not even saying who’s better or anything but to say maker hasn’t achieved anything is simply brain dead
Just because Santamaria, homicide, gaze or whoever else in the media or on commentary say nba player, doesn’t actually mean they got to play meaningful minutes in the nba (adel), so that’s your fault for trying to compare maker and adel because you simply take their word for it and not actually do any research.
Years ago
So what you're saying is that the Olympics won't feature basketball games, they'll just add up the salaries of the teams and give the medals to those who have made the most money?
I never mentioned Adel.
Years ago
Judging by the comments above we all want Sobey to break an ankle or something that keeps him out of the Olympics but doesn't impact his preseason too heavily OR we can show him footage of how he kicked arse in an NBA X NBL game and perhaps get the spark off the bench that he would have been selected for.
Way to go Boomers, very pleased that you can grow some confidence from this result
Adel comment wasn't so much to you it was to the other spuds Kobe.
But what you’re saying is maker hasn’t achieved anything at any level is flat out wrong. Not saying he’s better than Kay, but to get to the nba, be there for 5 years and actually play in playoff games, is certainly achievement and being a millionaire to go along with that is certainly an achievement. If you think that’s not an achievement then what the hell has Kay done besides play at lower levels, get less money, and make an Olympic and WC side, both which maker pulled out of. Again it’s not talent is the issue here it’s the statement of hasn’t achieved anything when he clearly has. If you had simply said something like 'Kay should be in the team because he’s better imo’ then fine, but to put your foot down on saying he hasn’t achieved anything is ludicrous. If you don’t follow the nba then please don’t comment about it and stick to your nbl and continue to have a winge over Fraschilla not rating it higher. You’d rather keep your mouth shut and people think you’re stupid instead of opening it and then people know.
Proud, I agree that people are overreacting a tad to the first exhibition game, but how does showing sobey footage of a meaningless preseason game like 2-3 years ago contribute to him finding not just a spark for him but a spark for the team.
Years ago
#940 The amount of money Thon made is irrelevant to whether he has achieved anything. There are plenty of guys who have signed big $$$ deals in the NBA that were bums.
Years ago
Not only is the amount irrelevant but this anon doesn't seem to understand Thon as a first-round pick had a guaranteed 3 year deal with options for a further two years. Of course he at times he got playing time with the Bucks they wanted to try and get something out of their investment.
A truer indicator of his value outside the hype of being drafted was when the Bucks gave up on him and traded him to Detroit. The Pistons picked up his 4th year but declined to pick up his 5th year of his rookie contract.
Tail between his legs with no other NBA interest four years in he had to accept a lowly training camp invite from the Cavs, made the team but only lasted 8 games before being cut with no other NBA team willing to throw him a lifeline this season.
I'm not trying to put shit on him but his NBA career over is now you could make the argument he was never NBA caliber to begin with but all it takes is for one team to take a punt on you and you can be set for life. Good on Thon and his advisers the guy never has to work again.
twenty four
Years ago
Kobe, any chance you could cool it with the language and insults? It seems like every second post of yours includes something childish.
Basically, stop being an idiot.
Thon beat up on school kids that got him a first round draft pick, his age has been disputed for ever, he's seven foot and done nothing, no matter how many chance he’s had. It always helps going first round, it keeps you employed for a while. He said he didn’t want to be there anyway, hasn’t played in months and you are still bitching.
Come back to me at end next season after his stellar nba season with how good he is and then I might take notice. I’m not holding my breath.
Clearly some of you have gotten caught up in the talent aspect. It doesn't matter what you think of him as a player, the matter here is achievement. To say he hasn’t achieved anything is simply wrong, when getting to the nba is an achievement in itself because it is a far superior league to the nbl, which some of you can’t seem to grasp as mentioned winning nbl rookie of the year means nothing. You may think he’s shit and fine think so that’s your opinion but you’re outright wrong if you think he hasn’t achieved something, I would love for any information you nbl spuds to name the amount of aussies who’ve been apart of nba playoff rotations because he’s certainly been apart of more then a lot of other aussies who’ve played professionally. If you can’t grasp that the nba is superior to the nbl so therefore simply getting there is an achievement then you’re daft.
Classic clueless nbl fans thinking making the best league in the world isn't an achievement you actual duds. Considering how a bunch of you muppets didn’t think Thybulle should be in the team and now are in love with him shows how much you all know about basketball
Years ago
The only people who didn't select Thybulle were those that picked Cotton instead, assuming he obtained citizenship.
As I said, let's see how he goes this coming season, until then what he has achieved is a massive pay packet and a very good agent.
Years ago
@ anon #954, my point is that Sobey scored 23 points against NBA calibre guys and we have to put up with commentators bang on about CG43 and the swagger that he has and all that crap, so I'm questioning how Sobey can look so inept at international level and have comments like we get above when we know that he has the pedigree along with Goulding to at worst be helpful on this team... if Sobey isn't going to bring the confidence and be an asset off the bench then I'd rather bring in Giddey who atleast brings court vision and someone that won't over dribble the ball... but he isn't the answer for a spark off the bench
Years ago
New team, new situation, higher stakes. That is why Sobey looked scared out there. Some of these guys will take time to adjust. International basketball simply is a level above NBL and it takes guys a minute to get used to. Some go on to thrive in it and others do not.
If Sobey gets the minutes in the warm ups I think we'll see a different Nathan Sobey by the end of it. And that goes for all players who looked undercooked out there.
Yes rjd and now those same people are frothing over him but we're very quick to judge when they’ve never seen him before and #019 and as I said he’s done something that very few professional basketball players from Australia have done so that is an achievement.
A few hours ago
New team, new situation, higher stakes, Yeah, but exum and thybulle still excelled.
The same can't be said about sobey and Kay.
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