Denny Crane
Two years ago

Rockets v Woodville Coaches

Not sure if anybody saw it tonight, but at the end of the womens game there was a little bit of an altercation between the North coaching staff and the Woodville coaching staff.
Some pointing and abuse from both sides apparently, with the Woodville assistant pushing the North coach.
I wonder if there will be any ramifications for this for either side??

Topic #51065 | Report this topic

Two years ago

Was at the game and seen that coming the moment north coach called a timeout up 9 with 8 seconds to go. The Woodville coach was not happy.

Fair point. With all talk about sportsmanship and playing out the game, but then all the talk about point difference and playing out the clock, can you still get your feelings hurt with a late game timeout when the game is already won?

Reply #916382 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

Calling a timeout late in the game is called coaching, doesn't matter if you are in front or behind.

Reply #916383 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

The incident supposably started when the Woodville coach said something when shaking hands.

Reply #916384 | Report this post

Fun coolers  
Two years ago

All smart coaches know the split is vital in the central conference , both teams were 2-2 going into game , north made the time out call to advance and run a play for basham , Woodville coach clearly not happy with smart coaching from north , took it way too personal

Reply #916385 | Report this post

Two years ago

It's on film: both head coaches behaved like dickheads. If Glenn was upset by the late timeout then he must not be planning on making finals, or doesn't understand how the point differential works.

Reply #916386 | Report this post

Two years ago

Glenn's always been a loose unit.
But as for points differential, if it's late in the season and it could play a factor, then a timeout could be warranted. But at this stage just play out the win and worry about percentage later.

Reply #916389 | Report this post

Fun coolers  
Two years ago

Frisbee14 , there is no percentage it's all about head to head points

Worry about it later , there will be no later ,

Reply #916390 | Report this post

Two years ago

"Calling a timeout late in the game is called coaching, doesn't matter if you are in front or behind."

"All smart coaches know the split is vital in the central conference "

Correct! I can't stand those that follow the American way when the rules are different here and head to head points count.

Reply #916392 | Report this post

Two years ago

It's early in the season. Best time for practise is during a game. A coach with experience would understand this, call the timeout and go through the scenario. And it obviously worked as ruffling the coach would've been one of the tactics. Lets not forget the Woodville coach was at Rockets last season as an asst, so the coaches working each other over would've started early.

Reply #916393 | Report this post

Two years ago

I just used the term percentage as an expression. Here's an idea, why not win both games. If you're losing the second and finals are at stake, then worry about points differential. Or will hack a Shaq start in last quarter based on opposition ft percentage. No-one wants to watch timeouts in last minute when game is decided. Or will game be only played by starters in case the bench give up a few extra points?

Reply #916396 | Report this post

Two years ago

Anyone that has worked with the Rockets head coach knows this is a FU time-out, regardless of what is being said about the split.

End of the day two very passionate coaches. Great to see it in the league,

On the other note: hats off to Woodville for being in a position to win the game potentially. A very different Woodville team of the past and with their 2 starting guards out injured.

In the end, North's two lightning players and import made the difference.

Reply #916397 | Report this post

Two years ago

The fact Shaw has an NBL1 head coaching role says more about the league than any of this rubbish.

Reply #916402 | Report this post

Two years ago

I am amazed that we are still here condoning FU time outs.

Just don't do it.

Sure instruct your team to make correct decisions, but we don't need to delay the ending to games. If you want to run a play, do it at practice. If yo are up 9, it should be a tech foul or the refs/bench should ignore the timeout call.

Reply #916461 | Report this post

Fun coolers  
Two years ago

Really!!! , should be you really have never coached at this level, happens almost every close game at this level.

its called tactical coaching, its not an FU time out as explained in this thread, any coach who takes it that way is clueless.

Reply #916465 | Report this post

Two years ago

9 points with 9 seconds to go is not a close game.

Reply #916470 | Report this post

Two years ago

Not only should you not be calling a timeout. You shouldn't need to even shoot the ball.

Fun coolers, you really might want to know what you are talking about.

Reply #916471 | Report this post

Two years ago

Thanks for posting Glen

Reply #916475 | Report this post

Two years ago

So going by this logic, every team, whether they are winning or losing, should call a timeout in the last minutes so they can set up a score because the coaches are thinking of point differential. Strange, haven't really ever seen that done before. Can some other examples of the last few rounds be highlighted.
In the final few rounds, if teams are contesting finals position and points differential will make the difference, it's totally acceptable. At this stage it's dirty pool.
Predominantly in the last 10 seconds coaches are saying no shot if the game is out of reach.

Reply #916478 | Report this post

Two years ago

Two examples that immediately came to mind from last round to contradict your last statement:

South Women take a last second shot vs Forestville, up by 7 with seconds left. Forestville bench are yelling out not to foul, which would potentially send South to the FT line. Clearly both teams were considering the margin.

Centrals Women take a last second shot vs Southern, down 14 with seconds left. Centrals would only be an outside chance for finals and they're nonetheless considering the margin.

If you need more, I'll keep going.

Do you know when you don't typically see these last-second shots and timeouts?

1. In the back end of the season when teams know the point spread and their likelihood of making finals.

2. When a team that realistically isn't making finals is involved, since that point spread won't matter.

Take a moral stance if you want. It doesn't change the competition rules or players/coaches making permissible and logical decisions.

BJ may have called his FU timeout under the guise of all this, and maybe Shaw knew it. Suck it up.

Reply #916481 | Report this post

Fun coolers  
Two years ago

Really !!

Yeah let's have north not shoot the ball and not take the chance to go from let’s say 6 up to 8 or 9 up

Then they play again when both teams are tied for 5th , Woodville win by 7 and take 5th spot from north and north miss the playoffs

I love your brilliant plan of
Not shooting the ball to try and stretch the Margin , your players would love your coaching style , just cost the club a playoff spot ,

I refer you to post above with examples

Don’t shoot the ball , stick to coaching social on Tuesday nights at golden grove recreation centre

Reply #916482 | Report this post

Two years ago

Fuck me, central's an outside chance for finals! I'm sure it's been drilled into them to consider point differential when they've won a couple of games in 5 years. Yeah, let's try to decrease the margin so when we battle it out after a winless season we might get the tiebreaker. Really plausible. Great example.
As for the Forestville South game it's a case of the game was out of reach so there was no reason to foul genius, the game was decided so why prolong it. Happens all the time, players asking coaches should we foul if there's a chance, if it was 3 points I bet you they would say foul. Or 4 points with 12 seconds.
Whatever floats your boat

Reply #916485 | Report this post

Two years ago

Frusbee99 you clearly do not understand the concept of a series and the points differential. It happened in the NBL all season, it was even publicised that imports got angry because they too were clueless at the reasoning. It appears just like you

Reply #916487 | Report this post

Two years ago

Frisbee both teams in the above examples took the shot. You can argue they shouldn't but it happened. It's because of the point spread.

Since you need more examples: check out West-South Men and West-Woodville Men from this season.

Or better yet, take the L and move onto your next gripe. Clueless.

Reply #916488 | Report this post

Two years ago

Clueless is someone who think Forestvilles bench was saying don't foul because of points differential.
If it's under 24 seconds and you're down by a few points, you foul hoping they miss and then you score. If the situation is hopeless, down 7 with 10 seconds and they get the rebound, the instruction is don't foul. Yes it may add to the differential if they make those foul shots, but it's been happening before this time break system and in other leagues.
Yes, they took the shots, good on them.
Let's just leave it there to agree to disagree.

Reply #916490 | Report this post

Two years ago

Fun Coolers,

They were up by 9 already. At least do your homework.

The conclusion of your argument is that each coach, in every game, should be calling timeouts in the last 10 seconds based on 'potential' point spread eventualities.

That is about as stupid as it gets.

Reply #916497 | Report this post

Fun coolers  
Two years ago

Depends on Margin whether they will be close at years end , north and Woodville were both 2-2 going into game, def time out worthy

Your argument is they should never call time out no matter what and should not shoot the ball ,

You are yet to find anyone on here that agrees with you

There is a clear reason for that , it's because you don’t understand the league or the rules or you are just a bad coach

There are multiple examples provided , but hey stick to your guns it’s providing us educated people with some real fun

Reply #916498 | Report this post

Two years ago

There are examples. Just not those above.

If you know the spread, then its worth it. If its late in the season, it is worth it. If the game is still in dispute, it is worth it. If the opposition is on a run and your team is struggling, it is worth it.

But it has nothing to do with potential point spread between teams who are 2-2 after 4 games. Especially, when it was clearly a FU timeout.

I'd be happy to compare resumes. Feel free to put your here.

Reply #916499 | Report this post

Fun coolers  
Two years ago

I'm just happy you have changed your thought pattern from earlier in the thread , we all appreciate your flexibility on this matter and can now move on

Reply #916502 | Report this post

Two years ago

That's hardly a resume.

Reply #916504 | Report this post

Two years ago

In round 4 you do not know where you will be round 12 when they play each other again. So the prudent thing is to play the game out and try and win by as much as possible to ensure you can cover the spread in the return match.

Reply #916508 | Report this post

Two years ago

Again Sebastian.

You are arguing that in all games, even 40 point blowouts, coaches should be calling timeouts with 8 seconds left. Which is ridiculous.

Reply #916538 | Report this post

Two years ago

This wasn't a 40 point game and it’s against an opponent who will be thereabouts. Maybe use a few brain cells

Reply #916542 | Report this post

Two years ago

That is all debatable.

All that time a waste for no change in result.

Reply #916543 | Report this post

Two years ago

You don't know the end result in round 4 so you control what you can. 8 or 9 points means you have only won each quarter by 2 points, that could change on an away game. Play till the siren. It’s how the final standings are decided. Don’t leave it up to the gods in round 12. Both clubs will be in finals mix. Injuries, form, anything could become a factor by round 12. North played the margin which they are entitled to do and quite frankly should under the competition format. The fact the Woodville coach didn’t like it is irrelevant when the final standings are allocated. If historically it was Central’s who lost by 60 every game then yes the time out is an FU. But that is not the case here.

Reply #916544 | Report this post

Two years ago

There was no change in result because they took away the possibility. Apacible turned it over in the bottom corner at the end of the Rockets bench. By advancing the ball you take away any chance of a turnover and score inbounding the ball deep in the back court. Spread stays the same because North exercised control over where the ball was inbounded. Glenn would do exactly the same thing if it was his possession. The only reason this is an issue is because he made it one at the post game ceremonial handshake. And if you watch the footage at the end of the game the North Coach immediately motions to the referees that he is advancing the ball. Glenn does not remonstrate when the time out is called at all. North try for a 3 point shot in the corner on the inbound to misses game is over. Then there is the tanty at the handshake. Its all there on the stream go look for yourself.

Reply #916546 | Report this post

Two years ago

If the coach had taught his players to throw the ball in and assuming the other team weren't trying to win a game with 8 seconds left down 9, then there is no need to call timeout to advance the ball.

This way the game can end without wasting everyone's time. And the need for a FU timeout.

The coach doesn't need to 'signal' to advance the ball.

Reply #916550 | Report this post

Fun coolers  
Two years ago

Coach needs to indicate to the ref if they want it in the back court or advanced , they get asked after every time out inside the last 2 min

Reply #916553 | Report this post

Two years ago

Article 17.2.4

Reply #916559 | Report this post

Two years ago

Two grown men acting like fools. Anyone that knows BJ - he talks to his players like crap. He has screamed at them to the point where officials nearly had to intervene a number of times last season. He's already done it once this season. Don't understand how a club can allow that to happen.

Glen - he's getting a reputation of having a potty mouth and I'm sure when you make comments to other coaches - they are going to respond. How can you not realise that you are on video and you can be heard clear as day most times.

However - NBL1 - they are playing for sheep stations. I get % points count especially at the end of season and if 1 club beats 1 team by 1 or 2 more points - it could make a difference making it to finals. HOWEVER I believe both coaches acted very poorly and they both need to be spoken to very firmly by their clubs.

Reply #916571 | Report this post

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