Basket 91
Two years ago
Jason Cadee signs with Adelaide 36ers
Jason Cadee to the Sixers. Presuming back up pg and replacing Drmic
Basket 91
Two years ago
Jason Cadee to the Sixers. Presuming back up pg and replacing Drmic
Two years ago
That oughta cheer up nervous Adelaide fans! ... right?
Two years ago
I would give Drmic 5 years before I gave Cadee 2. Below underwhelming.
Two years ago
Oh my I can't stand Cadee lol I suppose he gets hot once in a while.
Two years ago
Really thinking about this a bit more it's probably worth the gamble. He's not going to break the bank, he probably knows he's going to be the back up PG and he will help with spacing to some degree and will have 1 or 2 hot games a season.
Two years ago
Ewwwwwwwww and I'm not even a Sixers supporter.
Two years ago
Nice PG off the bench ,Sixers need a stud PG import if it wants to make the finals and a BIg man ,someone who can play defence and rebound now that Sotto and Johnson are out .
Two years ago
NBA teams were already wary of the 36ers. Now they'll really be shaking in their boots.
Two years ago
This is very uninspiring. Just recycling players.
Two years ago
Soto and Johnson out, they were never high rebounders.
I've been a critic of Cadee over the years, mainly for his very average defence, but I think this will be a reasonable signing if at budget. He’s clever, a good team man, a good person and that will all help the team.
Two years ago
Tbh, would rather Brisbane have kept Cadee over White or McDaniel.
He has previously been good/serviceable when coming off the bench to add scoring spark and provide some ball handling relief. Problem last season was that Brisbane were so shit they needed to start him, which exposed him against true starters of the league.
Hope he does well for you Adelaide folk in a suitable role. He's been an excellent member of the community here.
Basket 91
Two years ago
Cadee is fine in the right role he has won 6MOY before. As a third guard next to the right pieces good!
Two years ago
After last season, a team of workers working for each other with a few stars should be the way to go. Get an import 5 and 2 to go with Cleveland. Got be team first at both ends.
Two years ago
An inferior version of Tassie? That's a grind it out type style to overcome lack of talent.
I’m not confident that’s a CJ style.
I’d rather see 36ers build as a transition team still - that requires talent - they just need to not be so dumb as to have zero balance which saw them have no rim protection and no proper PG.
Two years ago
I think this is about clearing up some money. Adelaide need an impactful bigman and a real point guard. If they dont have both, theyre not doing anything next season. If they got Cadee on the cheap then I dont see it as a bad signing. He's been overrated since forever but he's not the worst budget point guard on the market.
Two years ago
I'd rather Cadee running the point than McCarron, but its hard to get excited about a 32 year old retread when we’ve let go of Pinder, McVeigh and now Drmic in recent years, as well as seemingly showing no interest in SA guys like White and Olbrich. I just hope ME is right and this is a budget signing that will free up money for high level imports at guard and centre.
Two years ago
What's happening with Franks, staying or going?
Ballin Fan
Two years ago
Jason Cadee will be 32 when the next NBL season starts.
His 3P% dropped from 37.4% in 21-22 to 28.4% in 22-23.
Unless Franks steps up in summer league, on his current form I would guess that no Euro teams are fighting for his signature, but you never know what some team might feel they need.
Two years ago
Hopefully Cadee is a budget signing but I kind of doubt that a bit. With his and his family's connections he always seems to land on his feet and the Sixers in recent years have struggled to recruit unless paying overs.
On Franks no idea but Liam did say recently the Sixers must've been a bit disappointed in his play last season. Liam doesn't talk out of school and no doubt the Sixers put that out there through him to let Franks know it wouldn't be such a bad thing if he didn't come back. He certainly didn't look happy at the Sixers last season either, his attitude and work ethic left a bit to be desired.
So with all that and the fact he almost walked out on his contract last year before the season started when he failed that physical with a team in Russia and they pulled their offer, I think it's probably unlikely Franks will be back despite being under contract.
Two years ago
You would think that a decision on Franks should be sorted out asap for both parties. Hard to put a team together if you don't know who’s in or out.
Two years ago
Sounds like Adelaide doesn't want DJ or Franks, had a sniff around Humphries but doesn’t want him now. Mathiang they’re unsure.
Also sounds like they don’t know what to do with the 5 spot (local) and scouring around and haven’t come up with anything.
Nothing about that is particularly confidence inducing.
C Aussie big/Aussie big
F Import?/Galloway
F Cleveland/Marshall
G McCarron/Dech
G Import/Cadee
+11th man.
Two years ago
I don't really think there is an Aussie big the Sixers can acquire who is good enough to get us to the playoffs. Sad state of affairs really. It’s going to have to be an import, which means Franks pretty much has to go, unless we want Cadee to be our lead guard (please no).
Two years ago
Yep agreed.
I'd have liked to see Adelaide go harder at Olbrich or Peatling, but clearly they don’t feel the want to over spend and chase harder than Hawks...
I guess they couldn’t offer the opportunity?
This is why I feel like partnering DJ with a defensive import is the best option to be a playoffs worthy side + even someone like Dane is fine as a backup.
Even having Humphries back would do the job.
I’m wondering what the 36ers thinking is, if only we were flies on the wall at 36ers arena…..
Two years ago
If Humphries or Mathaing isnt going to work out, then Adelaide should look at signing a younger guy like Keli Leaupepe, and have him and Galloway share the PF spot, a bit more like the path Cairns take, giving talented young guys some minutes.
If/When Franks leaves, sign a guy like Marcus Lee to hold down the C spot.
Two years ago
Franks is listed as staying unless nba contract comes along , reported by multiple outlets
Two years ago
The Olgun chatter is neither particularly want Franks to return next season
So we are working on the assumption they will organise something where he won't be here next season.
Q Anon
Two years ago
I made mention about a month ago Franks isnt coming back.
DJ is back in after reality of not being able to find a replacement for him and Sotto has become more obvious.
They have given up pursuing Clark as they need a 4 and 5
Two years ago
Surely they're not considering bringing DJ back again after all the leaks they weren't going to offer him another contract?
I must admit I assumed they would back track on that stance anyway just a lot later in the offseason, his face helps to sell tickets even if his presence means we remain a crap team.
Two years ago
The way JVG has more than likely set up contacts in previous years might still be biting on how their recruitment is going. Some long term contracts for players were over the top. They tried buying their way out last season with expensive imports, really only Cleveland worked. As Bevo knew followed by Gleeson, you need a strong local core first to be successful. This will be an interesting season for Sixers but imo cj probably on right track.
Two years ago
" Sotto has become more obvious.
They have given up pursuing Clark as they need a 4 and 5"
These both confuse me a little.
Do you mean Sotto has become more obvious that he's not returning?
Why would they go for Clark (are we talking the guard?) in the first place when they wanted a PG import?
I get the feeling 36ers have no idea what they want and no real plan.....
Big Ads
Two years ago
Is Loe sticking with the Breakers?
Similar skillset/role as DJ but younger and probably cheaper. Local too.
Two years ago
Cheap as a bench guy? Sure. Expected to be a starter? Absolutely not.
I'd rather just commit to giving Marshall minutes
Two years ago
I don't like CJ’s chances of reaching the semis this coming season with all the uncertainty around the roster.
I expect Gleeson to be coaching Sixers in 2024, which might be a reason to hold back some coin in 2023.
Two years ago
I'd be utterly shocked if Gleeson ended up in shitsville
Two years ago
I'm assuming the plan.
Oliver or similar/Galloway
Can’t be mad at that if they can pull it off.
Two years ago
Even in the absence of an NBA offer I couldn't imagine the Sixers would be able to offer Gleeson enough money to tolerate putting up with them.
The Sixers continue to just aimlessly stumble around like a zombie.
Two years ago
Oliver had one good season at Cairns, second season he took a lot nursing to get through, very temperamental, not certain why Adelaide would want him, be staying with Franks.
Basket 91
Two years ago
Wouldn't mind DJ back just not next to Franks. A defensive minded athletic 4 would be ideal. Something like this could be good:
Johnson/back up big
Harris as 11th man.
Back up bigs that could be good - Majok, Pineau
Two years ago
"DJ is back in after reality of not being able to find a replacement for him and Sotto has become more obvious."
Try reading it as "DJ is back in" because they haven't been able to find a replacement for him and Sotto. They're saying the reality is becoming more obvious, rather than Sotto becoming more obvious. And that the need for a 4/5 is strongest, rather than loading up on Clark.
Two years ago
Thanks, struggletown today even after a few coffees!
36ers seem like deer caught in headlights this off-season....
Perhaps Adelaide is a bit of a destination to avoid amongst free agents?
Two years ago
Read as "DJ is back in after it has become more obvious that they're unable to find a replacement for him and Sotto"
Two years ago
"DJ is back in after reality [of not being able to find a replacement for him and Sotto] has become more obvious."
"DJ is back in after reality [of not being able to find a replacement for him] and [Sotto has become more obvious]."
Weedy Slug
Two years ago
Mccarron - Cadee
Import - Dech
Cleveland - Marshall
Import or Local - Galloway
Import or Local - Mathiang
Local Options
PF Kay, Motum, Delany, MMaker
C Reath, TMaker, Acuil, Brandt
Two years ago
I expect Gleeson to be coaching Sixers in 2024
Two years ago
I can't see him getting another NBA gig, Europe is very tough to get into, Japan might be a possibility but for his volatility and track record of lack of respect, so I see his next position back here in Oz.
He’s not going to bump out an established coach such as Vickerman, so the options are either a short-tenure coach who’s done really poorly in their first year(s) or where the coach has been given a few seasons and been underwhelming.
He knows Adelaide from having coached against Sixers often enough, geographically it’s close enough to Perth to be attractive, and it’s been underwhelming enough to shape up as a bit of a challenge for him which I think he’d enjoy.
Two years ago
Let's say 36ers revisit the idea of DJ as it becomes apparent there’s not much available to them/international Aussies like Reath, Maker, Kay are out of reach.
And let’s say they go with someone like Dane as a backup.
Is something like this a top 4 team?
C DJ/Pineau
F Defensive Import/Galloway/Harris
F Cleveland/Marshall
G McCarron/Dech
G Import (Walton Jr type skill)/Cadee
Two years ago
That does not look like a top 4 team unless the imports carry them.
Two years ago
"Surely they're not considering bringing DJ back again after all the leaks they weren't going to offer him another contract?"
This is Adelaide we're talking about, and I think they would. And we need to be realistic about Johnson's prospects at the moment. He's not going to make mopre money elsewhere and is a good shot at retiring if not thrown the 36er bone.
"f Humphries or Mathaing isnt going to work out, then Adelaide should look at signing a younger guy like Keli Leaupepe, and have him and Galloway share the PF spot, a bit more like the path Cairns take, giving talented young guys some minutes."
I dont see why Adelaide cant be in the Next Star market. Are there no 6'10 American kids with some size and aggression who want to skip college?
Two years ago
Cadee is terrible choice as plays no defence. Why not choose a young player with real potential? who is giving advise on player selection or is this CJ picking old friends?
who will be the assistant coach now Downer gone?
Two years ago
ME, sadly there was a 6'10 South Aussie kid available but he ended up in Wollongong!
Maybe, yeah, Brisbane signed Isaac White and then we picked up their cast-off Cadee instead!
Things are going great down at Findon!
Two years ago
Cadee brings a lot of tangibles to the squad, not only on the court:
- team man
- veteran leadership
- can bring the ball up the court under pressure
- has speed
- can get hot, will keep defenses honest
- uses the ball pretty efficiently
- can run a play
He does lack defense but as long as he is coming off the bench I don't feel this will be much of an issue.
Beantown, do you think maybe Brisbane signed White because Cadee had already indicated he was off to Adelaide?
I don't understand all the hate for DJ either...if you get the import C/PF right then DJ is still serviceable.
Two years ago
It's not that DJ isn't serviceable in a role off the bench would be fine but he was supposedly unhappy about being removed from the starting lineup mid-season and the last thing we really need is him back, angling for a starting spot again when those days are behind him and the elephant in the room how horrendous he is defensively without the elite offensive skills anymore to paper over it.
We've been doing this dance with DJ starting for the last five years and where has it got us? Missed the playoffs every year since the 2018 GF when we still had guys like Creek, Sobey and Childress.
If DJ is willing to continue coming off the bench okay fine, but he can't start anymore not only because of his age/decline, he's 35 now ffs but because he screws up the composition of our starting lineups so badly due to his refusal to play defence.
Eric Griffin, Obi Kyei, Isaac Humphries, Cam Bairstow you name it over these last five years we've tried to pair him with a defensive big to try and mask his deficiencies at that end and it's gone pear shaped every time. At what point do we accept DJ is the issue and not every other big man on the planet?
If DJ absolutely has to come back because we've struck out on other options like Humphries and Mathiang then it has to be a bench role only and any of his usual pouting and sooking will mean he doesn't play at all. He's not in a position to dictate terms anymore.
Frankly I think it's crazy we're even considering bringing back DJ now that he's finally out of contract but his face will help sell tickets and get/keep sponsors so I can understand the admin doing a 180 on him but this news coupled with the Cadee signing doesn't bode well for the rest of our offseason.
Two years ago
Tornado, I don't mind Cadee as such. He can probably play a useful role for us. I’d just rather see White here in Adelaide. I’d prefer Cadee over McCarron as well, but we’re stuck with him for another season.
Two years ago
I get that DJ is not a good look from a defensive standpoint - and last season I maintained a defensive big was more critical than anything else instead of using the import slot for Clark.
But I don't blame DJ whatsoever for 36ers lack of success during his time here. He’s really not the problem.
The 36ers struggle when they don’t balance the roster. The 36ers struggle when they don’t give him the ball for long periods of time.
It’s a structural and coaching problem in my opinion.
Adelaide is a club where they aren’t savvy, the culture has been questioned, their decisions very questionable. There’s nothing particularly confidence-inducing about them as a club.
They obviously went for Olbrich, and if we are honest we don’t know the inside story but it definitely feels like they probably should have gone harder.
Same with White and same with retaining Drmic.
I don’t understand the roles each player is meant to play in Adelaide, I don’t think other people do either. It’s just not clear like the good sides in Sydney or NZ.
Two years ago
No one has any interest in Dj. Especially Perth. The cats have retry much decided to go young and more athletes upfront.
Two years ago
Heard that Cadee took less money with Adelaide than what Brisbane offered. Says a lot about Brisbane's current state.
Two years ago
Perhaps the Bullets only offered him one year as opposed to the 2 years the Sixers gave him?
Two years ago
No one has any interest in Dj. Especially Perth.
Ski 61
Two years ago
Lol crappy off-season from the Sixers so far jeez. I mean retaining Cleveland is a pretty big positive but apart from that it's all just so un-inspiring. Drimic was an exciting and good player for the team and to tell him to piss off was weird.
Unless they can find some really handy imports, which they haven't been able to do for a while (that haven't already been in the NBL) then they'll struggle again this year and CJ will be sacked.
Two years ago
5 teams were going after Cadee....
Whilst I agree uninspiring off-season so far, I don't think it could be said they necessarily told Drmic to piss off. It sounded like they wanted him back and but perhaps Drmic wanted more than 36ers had in the kitty.
If the 36ers tried to lowball, I’d be disappointed because I like Drmic.
I also agree, 36ers would need to nail imports and make top 4 or the drums will become too loud to ignore re coaching situation.
Two years ago
Cadee said a return to South Australia "just made a lot of sense".
“Honestly, it was the respect they gave me and the way they went about it through (coach) CJ (Bruton) and their CEO Nic (Barbato) and owner Grant (blocked) ... the way they treated the process, they were really adamant that they wanted me and they were aggressive in it,” Cadee told News Corp.
“The one constant through it all was Adelaide. The vision for what they're trying to do, I respect it and I feel like I can help.”
Two years ago
I'm going to guess the vision is uptempo transition basketball? Lets hope CJ can find a big man who defends the paint and secures rebounds! I guess we’re due for the second coming of Mark Davis, its been awhile! Does Derek Pardon have a more athletic brother?!
Two years ago
Pardon would be a great fit for us though he would be a great fit for a lot of teams. Every Breakers game I watched last season I was wishing he was on our team.
Two years ago
Going to Adelaide made sense to Cadee because it was one of the rare enterprises willing to pay him money to join.
Two years ago
Oh, I thought the Sixers were the only club willing to let Jason pay them to play.
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